What do you expect DMD DIRECTOR Kelly Coures want to spend the newly found  $1.4 million dollars of CDBG money on?

How do you think the Republican Presidential primary will turn out?

What is the thing you like most about Evansville?

Please tell us what you think about these things or share your thoughts on whatever you’re thinking about in our “Readers’ Forum”.

FOOTNOTE:  Todays  “Readers Poll” question is: Do you think that State Representative Gail Riecken should opening support any candidate  in the Democratic primary?


  1. Hopefully Trump’s wave of “poorly educated” voters will be defeated in November. Yesterday his scumbag supporters molested and pepper sprayed a 15 year old girl. Classy.

    • It’s frustrating when people comment on a subject when they have only seen a very small portion of the video.

      If you would have taken the time to educate yourself you would have know that this 15 year (who is actually 19) was in an older man’s face screaming and punched him in the face unprovoked. You would would have also known that the older gentleman never touched the girl and someone reached over his back and pepper sprayed her when she attacked him.

      In the future I suggest you spend a little extra time looking into a subject before you let your own agenda lead you down the wrong and embarrassed path.

      • Spin spin spin. Sounds like a lyin Trump press release. Apparently the cops disagree with you. They’re looking to arrest 2 of these teabaggers.

      • That “poorly educated” comment really got to you, didn’t it? The incident in question is just one of many that illustrate the ignorance of the typical Trump’s Chump. You know that Trump refers to his speeches as “shows”, don’t you?
        Btw, before you go crazy citing the educational credentials of some of the sellouts and opportunists who have endorsed him, please note that Trumps TYPICAL VOTER is a poorly educated white person.

      • Just a word to the unwise. The 15 year-old is 15. That is why she was referred to Juvenile Court. She hit the man in the face after accusing him of groping her. No evidence has been found yet that he did so. The police are still searching for the person who pepper sprayed the girl. The Trumpians in the crowd yelled things like “Get out of here you GD commie” and “You n****r-lover”.

        Allow me to quote an uninformed source. “In the future I suggest you spend a little extra time looking into a subject before you let your own agenda lead you down the wrong and embarrassed path.”

    • Compulsive liar,
      Someone who did not earn a paycheck until he was 40,
      or someone who built much of New York’s skyline?

      Tuff choices for the uneducated.

    • Trump thought she ‘needed to be punished’.

      The national Republicans are in disarray. They have lost the White House for another 8 years. They really can’t say much about Rump, his ‘positions’ are what they’ve always said and thought. He is a hog-headed piece of rich trash, stirring his whackō base to violence on women. They readily lap it up and are eager to act on his encouragements.

      • Trump should be ashamed of himsel, but he doesn’t have a conscience or any morals so he’ll never feel shame. A Trump presidency would be a worldwide disaster that would probably claim over 1 billion lives.

        • You’re completely unfounded speculation is amusing and pathetic at the sametime. I strongly suggest you ask a friend or neighbor to show you how to use Google. I promise it will be very beneficial to you and your cause I’m the long run.

      • I am glad the republicans are in disarray. I really see little difference between them and democrats I no longer identify as a republican. Even if Trump wins the republicans will have lost the White House. It might be just enough of a shake up to break this gridlock/chokehold we have.

        This incident reminds me of the woman who charged at Rand Paul’s car then cried foul when she was forcibly stopped. Seems to me that these Sander’s supporters need to stick to Sander’s rallies and stay away from Trump Rallies.

        • …and therein lies the heart of the problem for the GOP. I-E is a dedicated conservative Christian, and the Party’s values and his constituency’s values have diverged.
          I-E, you need a new Party. Sorry ole buddy.

          • Yes, I do need a new party. Not because my values have changed or because they are wrong, but because the GOP has vacated its values.

    • Only problem bob is then we get queen hillery. I can not decide if I want to jump out of the pot into the fire or out of the fire into the pot. And locally they are grooming missy mosby for mayor. enough to make a man want a drink.

    • 19 year old adult, she wasn’t groped, and she sucker punched an elderly man. She’s lucky all she received was pepper spray in the face. But then what else can we expect from a Bernie/Clinton supporter?

      • She was groped and assaulted and even if she wasn’t some coward who wasn’t even involved pepper spraying her is a scum bag way to handle it. But what else would you expect from a dirt bag racist “poorly educated” Trump supporter?

      • You’re a real piece of pond scum dutchman. If some weakling 15, yes she was 15, girl barely touched you you need to walk away and act like an adult you racist piece of trash. You can’t seriously be advocating vigilante beating of women? This ain’t 1950 anymore, loser.

        • Boy, 1.) I don’t support Trump, let alone that clown Clinton or moron Bernie. 2.) I don’t advocate violence against women, children, or men. 3.) She was 19, not 15 – you need to find some credible news sources instead of the Berkley Times. 4.) There is no evidence she was groped. 5.) She threw a sucker punch at an elderly demonstrator who had thrown his hands up in a classic “Hands up, don’t shoot” position. 6.) Someone other than the elderly demonstrator pepper sprayed her. Hooray, you got one correct!
          The police are looking for any evidence that she had been groped but so far there’s nothing to indicated that occurred.
          The police want to interview the pepper sprayer.
          The police are reviewing whether the 19 year old adult female should be charged with assault; I suspect that will depend on whether the elderly demonstrator eishes to press charges.
          You need to get to your doctor A.S.A.P. to have your meds evaluated.

        • 15 is old enough to know better, and time for a reality check. Pepper spray won’t kill you or scar you…. but it may deliver a message and save her life later, if she is capable of learning. If you wanna fight like a man be prepared to get a man woupin’.

  2. Neither party has a quality candidate running this year. So at this point you just need to vote for the person that has your interest while your driving to the polls.

    It takes very little effort to discredit every option we have this term but I don’t believe the Democrats have it in the bag just yet, there are alot of angry “silent majority” that could make or break every candidate.

    • False equivalency. Not surprising. The Democrats have two good candidates running this year, The highly qualified Hildebeast and Bernie Sanders. The Republicans have none, not even Kasich. They put up their recylced clown car and will now proceed to once again demonstrate their inability to win a national election. They might as well kiss their obstructionist Senate’s pink ass goodbye. I’m sure it was fun while it lasted.

      • …..everything Bandana just wrote here, delivered in his own bombastic style….well, you’d be hard-pressed to say a word of it is not true.

        A lot of the GOP Chamber of Commerce base is voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton for President. They don’t like her, but you have to have the most qualified person possible in the White House. It is a serious job and requires competency. There is little doubt that’s Clinton. (Even Robert Gates, a career military and intelligence man, prefers to work w/ Hillary.)
        And the Senate GOP candidates, they are all worried sick so many Republicans, who would normally, dutifully vote in the election, but REFUSE to vote for Trump……they’re not gonna vote at all. Won’t vote this time. The GOP Senate candidates need their votes to win at the finish line. If they don’t vote because they won’t vote for Trump, those GOP Senate guys are gonna lose a lot of seats.

        • I don’t have a bit of trouble saying what Banana says isn’t true. Just going on past posts, Don.

          • …unbiased pragmatic analysis….says Hillary will be trusted by more voters than any of the others. It doesn’t matter what you or me or anyone else thinks of any of the candidates. More voters will trust Hillary to occupy the office than anyone else.
            It’s a ridiculous year.

        • No it’s easy. It’s not true and purely speculation from a liberal with his fingers crossed that Hillary doesn’t get indicted by a Grand Jury before the election. Again, it takes very little research to discredit every single candidate in either party. You just need to decide what you’re willing to ignore to prove your point and Support your position. I believe that’s why Bernie has any following at all, he is definitely the lessor of the two evils.

          • …this hope that “Hillary will be indicted” is a perfect example of how desperate those who oppose her candidacy have become. Better described as “behind by three runs in the bottom of the ninth and your hope is tied to swinging for the grand slam.”
            It has become that desperate – “hope for an indictment.”

          • Bernie trounces all three Republicans in the national polls. Hillary only beats Trump and ties the worst option offered by the GOP, Ted Cruz.

          • For Justsayin – I have a question for you; General Petraeus lied to the FBI, and GAVE classified information to his mistress that contained top secret code words, identities of covert officers, and war strategy and intelligence capabilities.

            Now don’t get me wrong, I know the power of what got him to do that since I’ve been married 3 times myself.

            But my question is, since Petraeus has not and will not spend one night in jail ever for what he did, what penalty do you think Hillary should shoulder if indicted?


      • I guess we will just agree to disagree. I know this is a strong left leaning page so I really don’t expect anyone to really be completely honest about their candidates. I however do really have a party so my political beliefs are less biased, this applies to local and national politics.

        Hillary entire political career is shadowed by her shady politics and Bernie’s political career has been less than stellar or productive. But we can’t forgot the Republicans, they are only embarrassing themselves and their party by not sticking to the issues. I want to hear more about how they are going to get a handle on illegal immigration and how they are going to deal with the criminals that are already here, I want to hear about what they are going to do to make sure that we don’t experience what Paris, Brussels and Pakistan have experienced at the hands of Radical Muslim Extremists, I want to know what their plans are to get government out of the private sector to allow businesses to grow again, I want to know that they are going to do to to get people off published assistance programs, cut government spending and allow every American take more of their pay check home.

        But I think that’s what everyone wants right?

      • The local opening of the Bernie Sanders office last night was amazing. They had a crowd over twice as big as they expected. Enthusiasm was over the top. I think this is Sanders country!

        • I know!! With a loyal following of almost 200 people he is surely guaranteed the nomination.

          • He has a loyal following thousands locally. For every one person who showed up, there are many who didn’t. If the primary turnout is as low as it usually is, and the enthused volunteers do a good job, he will win. You don’t seem to understand much about the nuts and bolts of politics.

          • LKB, I like that you are supporting Sanders, but the democrats won’t give you a chance. Even if they did, put the man who never earned a paycheck until he was 40 against the man who has actually created good private sector jobs and change New York’s skyline, Trump will win.

          • Well, LKB, I think most of us understand the nuts and bolts of the political game. Leftwinger Clinton will whoop Socialist Bermie in the primaries and then Facist Trump and his minions will bootstomp Baggage Bearing Clinton in the General Election.
            For the prettiest outlook for the U.S. in the future.
            When will the the major political parties in this country come to tbe conclusion they need to offer us some viable candidates instead of those who offer proven-to-fail government policies and political stategies and reactionary rhetoric?

  3. How bad is it for the far right? This bad:
    Rush Limbaugh spends three hours everyday (two if you count commercials) giving his opinion.
    But he is so scared he is about to lose half of his audience (Cruz people, OR Trump people), that
    yesterday, he swore off “giving my opinion anymore” cause so many people are complaining.
    THAT is payback.
    (And proof he stands for nothing, except being an obese, married four times
    w/ no children drug addict with a microphone.)

  4. IS IT TRUE that Nick Hermann, Josh Claybourn,and their pals have become the “Young Lions” of local government? It is true that Hermann refuses to investigate or prosecute complaints brought by citizens against public officials.

    Things don’t look good for Evansville, even when the Young Lions finally chase the Old Bulls out.The Young Lions are just our “Brat Pack” who will take over the places of our current “Rat Pack.” Remember Nick campaigning against “Let ’em go Levco”? He may become known as “Let ’em go Nicky-O.”

    • If Pence is reelected, we won’t get any help from the state either. Who will ever put a stop to the corruption?

      • Ah, that explains why he has time to write books and blog for the Evansville Courier & Pravda.

  5. If you’re voting for Trump, you’re a bona fide moron or a proud racist or probably both. You’re not even worth arguing with. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac full of nothing but bumper sticker slogans. Ask him for specifics and he dodges the question and changes the subject. “Look, I’m rich, okay? People love me. I make the best deals. Fantastic deals. We’re gonna make America great (white) again.” Once again in summation, if you’re voting for trump, you are a “poorly educated” sucker of the highest order.

    • Aww, poor English Bob. He has nothing to bring to the table but insults. That is a sign of a couple of things, your lack of education and social skills has made it a challenge for you to think for yourself or Trump is threatening your way of life by either removing your eligibility to continue to suck from the tax payers teet or you or someone close to you probably shouldn’t even be in the country.

      Fear is an ugly thing and it brings out the worse in people, makes them desperate and clouds their judgment. I’m really OK with whomever is elected, if they get in there and do something stupid I’m confident that with the current temperature of the average US citizen it won’t take long for them to know it and people will start taking steps to regain control of their country. Pretty much there is a strong coming regardless of who is elected

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