Tony Goben District 76 Candidate for State Representative -“The Voice for the Voiceless”



Profile of State Representative Candidate for District 76 Tony Goben

By Scottie Thomas

With Election Season in full swing, lets takes a look at Tony Goben candidate for Indiana State Representative of District 76.  Goben shall not only be running a ‘grass roots’ campaign, but he wants to make a meaningful change and have a positive impact on his political district.

Currently working in the Knight Township Trustee’s Office.  He works  hard to ensure that persons needing his help are taken care of.  He consider himself to be the “voice for the voiceless”

In 2012  Goben won the Township Employee of the Year out of the 1,006 Townships in the State of Indiana.

District 76 includes the areas of Franklin Street, west of Pigeon Creek, as well as Mount Vernon and Posey County.

Goben wants to put emphasis and place attention on meaningful bills that focus on economic development, employment opportunities, education and public safety issues.

He serves on the Board of Foundation Assistance & Recovery.  Goben is also a strong advocate for the Albion Fellows Bacon Domestic Violence Center.  Big on philanthropy, Goben donates a great deal of his time to other charities locally.

Goben also wants to initiate public policy that establishes a helping hand versus handouts.  One thing that raises a concern for Goben is that current District 76 State Representative Wendy McNamara voted to eliminate the Energy Efficiency Bill.

He has an upcoming fundraiser planned for March 26, 2014 at Weinzapfel’s Tavern in St. Philips, Indiana.  Goben is excited to campaign, gaining the support and trust of the people in District 76.  The event is from 5:00 – 7: 00 p.m.  For more information, check out Tony Goben’s Campaign Website:



  1. My cousin had some financial problems and went to the Knight Township Trustee office for help. Mr. Goben helped her and her 3 kids to during hard times. I also hear that he also is a very nice person.

  2. The Knight Township Trustee office has come a long way since that past Trustee stoled all that money from this agency. Three cheers to Kathy Martin and Tony Goben for saving a worthwhile agency that helps the poor.

  3. Tony Goben, has been a tireless advocate for others, a great supporter of growth in Southern Indiana and is truly a good man. We need people that care about the greater good in Indy that will focus on issues that matter and impact real people.

  4. Tony is a great person! No doubt in my mind he would make a FANTASTIC state legislator! The amount of care he gives to the people that come through the doors of Knight Township is par to none. If I lived in that district, he would easily have my vote! Tony Goben 2014!

  5. 100% Agree.

    Plus he is doing his best to mend fences within the local Democratic party. He didn’t participate in the local smear campaign against Scott Danks either.

    He’s got my support.

  6. Good scripted posts, folks. Now we know Tony is a “nice” person. He’s a “great person” and has a huge amount of “care”, also.

    And, he has carpentry skills, what with all that fence mending.

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