Home Community News The Southwest Indiana Builders Association “BUILD PAC” Announces Their Endorsement OF...

The Southwest Indiana Builders Association “BUILD PAC” Announces Their Endorsement OF Cheryl  Musgrave For Mayor Of Evansville!


The Southwest Indiana Builders Association “BUILD PAC” Announces Their Endorsement Of Cheryl  Musgrave For Mayor Of Evansville!

Written by SIBA Staff

SIBA “BUILD PAC” represents the interests of the Southwestern Indiana Builders Association, a group that brings together members of the home building industry. SIBA supports leaders who will work effectively for safe and affordable housing. And they think that Cheryl is the right choice because:

  1. She is pro-development, displays great teamwork in her relations with SIBA, and has an impressive list of achievements
  2. She supports fair and appropriate licensing and testing for the building industry
  3. She has worked to remove unnecessary and costly obstacles to development and will continue to benefit future homeowners and builders alike.

Cheryl welcomed the endorsement. “SIBA is a big part of our future path forward to improve housing in Evansville and make us an attractive city for economic development and a safe and secure place to raise families,” she said.

FOOTNOTE:  Posted by the City-County Observer without bias or editing.