The REAL “Wasted Vote”


What is a “wasted vote?”

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

No doubt all independent and so-called “third party” candidates hear the same tired canards about “stealing votes,” “throwing elections,” and, “voting for you, just elects <evil candidate X>.”  These manipulations have been debunked often and conclusively enough, that I seldom respond, as the people who utter such nonsense, tend to be immovably loyal partisan parrots.  Besides, those of us who’ve spent our own time and money opposing the crony crime ring of global authoritarians would delight in “spoiling” corrupt, bought, fraudulent elections…if only we could.

So, especially given how comically awful our political puppet show has become, it’s the “wasted vote” self-deception we need to address.

Both crony parties are absolutely sold-out, and all of us know it.  Too many decent, well-intentioned people have wasted their money, time and even lives, trying to fix the multi-trillion-dollar, divide-and-conquer scam that’s fully owned and operated by Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food, Big Tech, PACS, NGOs, INGOs, the CCP, the military/monetary industrialists, spies, lies and various wealthy crooks.  The very best of our currently elected “major party” politicians like Thomas Massie, can do no more than sustain false hope, as our nation accelerates toward self-destruction.  What we’ve been doing is not working.  This anti-constitutional system cannot be fixed.  It must be replaced.

Blunt truth – ANY vote for ANY Democratic or Republican Party candidate, who has, after all, voluntarily chosen to represent a destructively corrupt system, is a vote for corruption.  It’s a vote for unsustainable debt spending, unending war, and wealth transfer from the bottom and middle to the top, by means of the Cantillon Effect built into an inflationary crony banking system that’s robbed us of both wealth and opportunity since 1912.  It’s blowing re-electoral kisses to the Donor Class, and all the genuinely evil puppet-masters bent on global domination.

That is a wasted vote.  Worse, that is a vote for impoverishing violence, injustice, social fracturing, and societal collapse.  How could anything get better as long as we keep re-electing this monstrous criminal enterprise?  More to the point, what’s the only way to win anything better?

Voting against the whole rotten system is what we’re supposed to do.  Elections are not for hiring politicians.  Politicians hire themselves if you let them.  In a Republic, the democratic process is for firing tyrants – to replace them with public servants.  Elections are supposed to be a flush lever and toilet plunger.  They’re our weapon of peaceful revolution so that we don’t have to have…the other kind.

How can we make it work?  Look me up.  Let’s talk.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning

FOOTNOTE:  This article was posted by the City-County Observer without bias, or editing.