The President Builds Roadblocks not Roads


In response to the “you didn’t built that business” and the aftermath of revisionist interpretations based on nuance, Mark Steyn crafted a very straight to the point article. One of the best quotes was “the stimulus was large enough to build 1,567 Golden Gate bridges, yet for all of that money we do not have one new bridge”.

Excerpts from Orange County Register:

“If this is the best all the King’s horses and all the King’s men can do to put Humpty Dumpty’s silver-tongued oratory together again, they might as well cut to the chase and argue that accurately quoting President Obama is racist. The obvious interpretation sticks because it fits with the reality of the last three-and-a-half years – that America’s chief executive is a man entirely ignorant of business who presides over an administration profoundly hostile to it.

But, just for the record, I did “invest in roads and bridges,” and so did you. In fact, every dime in those roads and bridges comes from taxpayers, because government doesn’t have any money except for what it takes from the citizenry. And the more successful you are, the more you pay for those roads and bridges.
So here’s a breaking-news alert for President Nuance: We small-government guys are in favor of roads. Hard as it may be to credit, roads predated Big Government. Which came first, the chicken crossing the road or the Egg Regulatory Agency? That’s an easy one: Halfway through the first millennium B.C., the nomadic Yuezhi of Central Asia had well-traveled trading routes for getting nephrite jade from the Tarim Basin to their customers at the Chinese court, more than 2,500 miles away. On the other hand, the Yuezhi did not have a federal contraceptive mandate or a Bloombergian enforcement regime for carbonated beverages at concession stands at the rest area two days out of Khotan, so that probably explains why they’re not in the G7 today.

In Obama’s world, businessmen build nothing, whereas government are the hardest hard-hats on the planet. So, in his “You didn’t build that” speech, he invoked, yet again, the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. “When we invested in the Hoover Dam or the Golden Gate Bridge, or the Internet, sending a man to the moon – all those things benefited everybody. And so that’s the vision that I want to carry forward.”
He certainly carries it forward from one dam speech to another. He was doing his Hoover Dam shtick only last month, and I pointed out that there seemed to be a certain inconsistency between his enthusiasm for federal dam-building and the definitive administration pronouncement on the subject, by Deanna Archuleta, his Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior, in a speech to Democratic environmentalists in Nevada:
“You will never see another federal dam.”

Ever. So the president can carry forward his “vision,” but it apparently has no more real-world application than the visions he enjoyed as a member of his high school “choom gang” back in Hawaii. Incidentally, I was interested to learn from David Maraniss’ enlightening new biography that, during car-chooming sessions, young Barry insisted all the windows be rolled up so that no marijuana smoke would escape. If you can seriously envision President Obama opening a 21st century Hoover Dam, you need to lower the windows on your Chevy Volt.

The Golden Gate Bridge? As Reason’s Matt Welch pointed out, the Golden Gate cost at the time $35 million – or about $530 million today. So, for the cost of Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill alone, we could have had 1,567 Golden Gate Bridges. Where are they? Where are, say, the first dozen? If you laid 1,567 Golden Gate Bridges end to end, you’d have enough for one Golden Choom Bridge stretching from Obama’s Punahou High School in Honolulu over the Pacific all the way to his Occidental College in Los Angeles, so that his car-chooming chums can commute from one to the other without having to worry about TSA patdowns.
A stimulus bill equivalent to 1,567 Golden Gate bridges. A 2011 federal budget equivalent to 6,788 Golden Gate bridges. And yet we don’t have a single one.

Because that’s not what Big Government does: Money-no-object government spends more and more money for less and less objects. For all the American economy has to show for it, President Bob the Builder took just shy of a trillion dollars in stimulus, stuck it in his wheelbarrow, pushed it halfway across the Golden Gate Bridge, and tossed it into the Pacific.

Instead of roads and bridges, Obama-sized government funds stasis and sclerosis: The Hoover Dam of regulatory obstruction, the Golden Gateway to dependency. Last month, 80,000 Americans signed on to new jobs, but 85,000 Americans signed on for Social Security disability checks. Most of these people are not “disabled” as that term is generally understood. Rather, it’s the U.S. economy that’s disabled, and thus Obama incentivizes dependency. What Big Government is doing to those 85,000 “disabled” is profoundly wicked. Let me quote a guy called Mark Steyn, from his last book:

“The evil of such a system is not the waste of money but the waste of people. Tony Blair’s ministry discovered it was politically helpful to reclassify a chunk of the unemployed as ‘disabled.’ A fit, able-bodied 40-year-old who has been on disability allowance for a decade understands somewhere at the back of his mind that he is living a lie, and that not just the government but his family and his friends are colluding in that lie.”

Millions of Americans have looked at the road ahead, and figured it goes nowhere. Best to pull off into the Social Security parking lot. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. As the president would say, you didn’t build the express check-in to the Disability Office. Government built it, and, because they built it, you came. In Obama’s “visions,” he builds roads and bridges. In reality, the President of Dependistan has put nothing but roadblocks in the path to opportunity and growth.

That he can build. That’s all he can build.


  1. Is this the COO or did I click on Glen Beck’s website by mistake? I don’t know who’s taken over here lately but you’re losing readers, I can assure you of that.

    • No Beck is not writing anything for the CCO. The first two weeks of July have seen a surge in traffic of 50% as verified by Google Analytics. We have published national articles on both sides of the healthcare issue and nearly everything but the recent rant by the President about entrepreneurship being a collective effort. Most of our readers find that offensive as we do. Notice that all the President’s handlers have been spinning this one in a revisionist manner as opposed to justifying it. The guy stepped in a pile this time and nearly everyone in the country knows it including his press secretary.

    • I am sorry you do not have the mental capacity to get the point in this piece. Let me interrupt it for you. Obama’s economic plan to get our economy going so good Americans can get good paying jobs “SUCKS”.

      The only readership the CCO might loose is bleeding heart hard headed liberals who have their head in the sand. Stay tuned, you might learn a few things!

  2. A very nasty surprise awits the socialists in southwestern Indiana this Fall.

    Good riddance to all of the drunks who have swallowed the Messiah’s Kool-Aid.

  3. We have to be entirely non-partisan and fair about this and say that Bush’s runaway spending was planetary in scope as well, and Obama’s policies are still only continuation of Republican policies carried over from the last administration.

    There, I’m not a racist or a Glenn Beck peon, just a pissed off citizen wondering when the money printing will end. That is the enabler of all this. Without the Federal Reserve printing the money to cover the yearly budget shortfalls and bailouts, all this would be MOOT.

    If we want to solve the problem, we have to first strike at the root of it – The Federal Reserve System.


    • Obama knows what he is doing…. destroy the mechanisms of private creation of wealth… expand the network of dependency on the central federal authority and paint his opposition as the ones who will take away the protection his government offers for loyalty and service… he is not a democrat or a socialist he is a classic Royalist… “long live the King”

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