The Jacobsville Area Community Corporation (JACC) Appoints Ted O’Connell As Its New Development Director.


    EVANSVILLE — The Jacobsville Area Community Corporation (JACC) is pleased to welcome Ted O’Connell as its new Development Director.

    Earning his marketing degree from Southern Illinois University—Carbondale, O’Connell has carved out a career in sales management and recruiting.

    His ties to Jacobsville are deeply personal. In 2006, O’Connell first connected with Jacobsville when his dad purchased a home in the neighborhood and renovated it. Following in his dad’s footsteps, O’Connell recently purchased a home on Louisiana Street, signaling his own commitment to the community’s revitalization.

    “I view my role as bridging the gap between Jacobsville business owners, residents, and local organizations,” said O’Connell. “With major employers calling our neighborhood home, the focus should not just be on commercial vitality but also on ensuring our streets and walking/bike paths are safe and accessible, promoting the beauty of Garvin Park, and enhancing food availability. I’m passionate about paving a path of continued revitalization, filling our North Main Street commercial spaces with thriving businesses, and instilling a sense of pride and cultural identity in our community.”

    The Evansville Redevelopment Commission (ERC) approved a grant using funds from the recent sale of the old Davita Clinic property to support O’Connell’s hire in a two-year pilot project with JACC. The corporation will be the official employer for O’Connell.

    In addition, the ERC has set aside additional funds from the Davita property sale to update the 2013 Jacobsville Master Plan. Plan consultant, Rudell Ernstberger, has commenced work and is looking forward to engaging the community with input sessions this upcoming Fall.

    “We are excited to begin both the Master Plan update process and to see Ted’s work in helping build the business and commerce of the North Main and Jacobsville areas,” said Kelley Coures, Executive Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development, which administers the ERC.

    O’Connell’s office will be located in the Comaier Services building on Columbia Street.

    His role and contributions in Jacobsville will mirror the successful frameworks seen in the Downtown Economic Improvement District for the Downtown Evansville neighborhood.



    1. He can start by cleaning up the drugs , illegal dumping , trash and other bad stuff around the North Main St. & Missouri St . area !
      I Know ! I’ve lived here over 60 years and have to deal with it on a daily basis .

    2. Hi Mark, my friend Sister Jane Michele forwarded me your email about the recliner dumped in the alley. If you call 800-886-3345, they can do a heavy trash pickup. Also the EPD non-emergency anonymous tip line 812-435-6194.
      We can solve these issues one at a time.

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