The Hunden Study


We present this information to our readers without edit, opinion, or bias.



  1. Check out bullet point 4 on the first page of the Hunden memorandum where Hunden concludes that the economic value of the completed hotel will be “more like $22 Million” than the $33 Million cost of construction.

    Then please think back to the summer of 2010 when my paper titled “The Executive Inn Dilemma” clearly projected a value of $20 Million +/- 10%. All of you suckers that were scoffing at my calculations last summer need to learn a little lesson from this.

    • Yeah, I learned a lesson from this: Hunden copied off your paper! Next time, put your left forearm out to surround your papers, and move your head down towards the writing surface so that it further disrupts Hunden’s line of sight. If that doesn’t work, ask the Monitor if you can come up and sit by them, Hunden’s copying !

      Seriously, nothing more satisfying than having your work confirmed.

    • Its really a shame that the ERC sold their souls and followed the direction of an outsider ( Kish ). Spending 30,000 tax dollars for such an incomplete, one sided, uninvestigated, unstudied study. Any one locally could have prepared this report by using our local media as vetting references and possibly saving say 99% of the cost of Hunden.

      • $ 30,000 tax dollars for this bullshit ? I would have done this for two or three rum and diet cokes and been 2X good.

        Happy Festivus,

        • This ERC is the most inept and incompetent group of all time. 4 years of the McCurdy fiasco, $1.5 million gone and they have no plan “B”. A junior high junior achievement club could have done a better job. Please Mr. Winnecke, have all new members appointed that can actually make a real business decision.

  2. So I’ll say it yet again…if it cost $33m+ to build and will upon completion be valued at no more than $22m, who in their right mind would purpose such a project and what fool would put their money up?

    This would be a damn funny story if it wasn’t our little slice of heaven.


  3. Anyone else find it interesting that the Hunden contract for services was twice as long as their report?

      • Apparently $20-30k…or $10-15k per page…however you prefer to think about it…lol

        • And there was no stop payment on the check? This could be our new police chief’s first case if the victim (city) wasn’t too dim-witted to report it.

        • Hunden is only getting $ 15,000 a page ? Amateurs ! ONB Insurance received $ 33,333 per page for its awesome insurance placement consulting for the Arena ! Hunden should take some lessons on billings from the experts !

  4. Pg. 3, Developer Experience & Related:
    “Neither developer has built a hotel before and this presented concerns. However, many of these could be mitigated by the partners included in the team, including the brand and management company”.
    First week on the job site:
    “Hey Ralph, I can’t read this print. Where are these footers supposed to be poured ?”. Foreman: “beats me. Call the brand company”.

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