Home Community News The House of Bread & Peace Officially Operating as a Program of...

The House of Bread & Peace Officially Operating as a Program of ECHO Housing & Community Development


The House of Bread & Peace Officially Operating as a Program of ECHO Housing & Community Development

It is with great excitement that we announce that the House of Bread and Peace (The House) is now officially operating as a program under the umbrella of ECHO Housing and Community Development.

In January of 2024, the leadership of both organizations announced that they entered into an interim

management agreement so the House of Bread and Peace could continue to operate as it had been,

providing emergency shelter to women and children who are experiencing homelessness, while being

supported by ECHO Housing’s leadership and infrastructure.

This pivotal union allows ECHO Housing to provide services through the entire housing continuum –

from emergency shelter to permanent housing placement and ensures that The House continues to

operate as it always has in the Evansville community.

Since it’s opening in 1985, House of Bread and Peace and the legacy of Sister Joanna Trainer have

been providing a warm bed, hot food, and the opportunity for a new life to women and children in the

Evansville area. This deep-rooted legacy will remain unchanged in its current location, 250 E.

Chandler, and will maintain the same staffing 24/7. Any women and children seeking emergency

shelter placement can contact 812-423-8422 or email info@echohousing.org.