Two years ago Mayor Winnecke smiled and announced that the City of Evansville was going into business with Earthcare Energy LLC and would be providing financing in the amount of $5.0 Million to make that happen. Earthcare committed to create 120 jobs in Evansville and pay energy royalties back to the City.
After the City Council approved a $4.8 Million loan to Earthcare by a 5 – 4 controversial vote it was discovered that the City of Evansville had sneaked a $200,000 loan to Earthcare Energy through a little known loan committee. That loan is now due, the deal is off, and not one single job was created. The day of reckoning is upon the Civic Center doorstep. What can we expect next? Here are the options:
1. Get on with the collection of the money by whatever means is necessary.
2. Just forgive the loan and save us the expensive court battle to collect as the claims of the City for breach of contract will be difficult to prove.
3. Do nothing and hope this goes away and people just forget about it.
4. Enter into an extension agreement to delay the DAY OF RECKONING for someone else to deal with.
Of all of the choices #4 is the most cowardly but may well be the most likely given the past performance of the powers that be.
The following link is to the loan agreement that is now due in full. According to our sources the outstanding balance is $186,000.
Winnecke & Co ALWAYS go with #3, and the funny part about it is that they seem to be under the impression that they are entitled to it.
This money needs to be returned immediately, and it needs to be a part of bringing back the low income dental clinic.
The likely solution would be to take bids from the local attorneys and collection companies to collect the money on contract. Whoever has the best proposal should get the contract. No collection, no fee paid. If no one is interested, give it to Vinnie. Vinnie always collects.
Is that egg I see all over the face of winnie??
Just to refresh memories;
Click on their link and it takes you to; http://earthcareenergy.com/?hg=0&nr=0
He’s dead Jim.
The new site is letdownpower.com. The press releases that the Mayor and Debbie fell for have been freshly updated, and believe it or not…. once again…. the DOD is hot on the project! Just like 2 years ago, the DOD is about to hand out billions, YES BILLIIONS, worth of contracts to Mr. Haney. The man who couldn’t keep from lying to the City Council. But after all, his mouth was moving, so I try to understand. Some people just can’t help it. Let’s remember some of the better moments- these are not direct quotes:
1. I get hundreds of emails of day from people in Evansville begging me to bring jobs!
2. The PR department of our New York office is working on it.
3. We have patents.
4. And my all time favorite was the message posted on their website that they were about to start taking applications to hire 120 people for the imaginary factory that they didn’t know how to build and when they had zero right to manufacture anything. They still have zero right to build anything. Don’t get sucked into the BS that going to flow from the Mayor’s office on Monday.
I think ICANN needs to create a new gTLD and name it “con”, http://www.letdownpower.con reads better based on the scant information on the “com” site.
But I think Bones is still right on this: He’s dead Jim.
Yep,the whole concept of tapping a pipeline pressure as supplied by the “boys & girls who own the pipeline to incrementally eat some profit being wasted was kinda a ,que.
And,to to develop something approvable is another. One must show viable certified testing, and, the models that do just that. Meet or exceed all of those standards set by the regulatory organizations,and,the new standards projected forward,due production dates.
What we observed was simple. not so much That “innovation” looked scammy from the conceptual start.
Personally and together my team gaged that one ourselves from the first paragraph into the design concept,the mechanical could be made to work fine,the access pathways roadmap. Meah “shooting ice cubes at solar flare.”
It was the provider pathway,”follow the bucks “up for lunch” availabilities.” Or as applied to anyones startup green energy plan in the state of indiana with a pat on the backside from the “men and women, on the IURC,there.
“pascentur equum condita prata,quam ut unco ad plaustrum.”
“feed the horse seasoned hay,before you hook it to the cart.”
Looks like the Mayors re-election committee better be ready to address a $200,000 defaulted loan because he and Debbie Dewey of GAGE didn’t properly vet this company.
I wonder if the Mayor and Dewey knows where this money came for? Answer–Taxpayers!
The $200K in funds was a grant from a federal program that came with stipulations as to how it could be used.
Since none of those stipulations have been met, I would assume that the feds would like their money back at the time of the deadline.
Who ever is holding the $200,000. needs to cough it up to the City of Evansville so it can repay the feds.
No taxpayer extortion allowed this time!
Was the federal grant to promote job growth?
A federal grant? So taxpayers. Federal dollars count, and they shouldn’t be wasted.
Its your money.
If the people of Evansville let this group delay the collection for a year without taking the Mayor and the City Council to task then Evansville is full of spineless, mindless, idiots.
The City of Evansville and the County of Vanderburgh will soon have the ability to decide whether they want to have a large number of jobs created. They must be able to make decisions to benefit the future of their city and county. The leaders of the community will now shine as visionaries or in the future will be looked at as non-leaders and they will be gone, from the bottom to the top.
Hey Steve Schaefer, shuuushhhhhhh !
Well if they are real jobs they won’t get even a smell from this pack of officials. The Wizard of Oz on the other hand can prance into town and get a check in 24 hours. Only bullshit artists get the red carpet in this burgh or fools.
Earthcare Energy is gone. Enviro Energy is the new name with all the same faces and updated press releases from Asia. Who the Hell did the City actually loan the money to? How does one extend a loan deadline to a company that doesn’t exist? And why would the City extend a loan deadline when the City holding $4.8 million back is the reason the company failed (according to the company). Allegedly just about to get online in Ohio. How come there is zero news out of Ohio with the company’s new name? Oh that’s right. This is a load of crap delivered personally from Ken Haney. This is a beyond dead deal, and the City should move to clean up its books and get on with real economic development.
Hell Yeah! I don’t know what y’all are bitching about. The man has asked for money. Let’s give it to him.
WAIT, how about a STANDING OVATION for the work of Stephanie B. Riley for single-handedly investigating this mess and getting Council to reverse its’ prior approval.
If not for Stephanie’s efforts, we would now be discussing trying to recover $ 5,200,000, and not just $ 200,000.
thank you Stephanie
Another plus for SBR. I remember when Connie Robinson stated she didn’t have time to do the research on earthscam. I would like to know the 5 council members who voted for this? If Winnecke had of been new to local politics at this time I would have given him a pass, but this is one of the guys who backdoored us on the homestead exemption. Seeing as how Connie resigned from the democrat party will she run as a republican or an independent?
I believe it was beerguy who first broached this subject and who made inquiry to Kunkel about who, if anyone, was paying the lease for Earthcare.
It is all another dirty little mess that is so typical of local politics.
Yup,and “broached” canoes=swimmers.
You could have just burned the $200M loaned to Earthscare for heat on March 10 when the sheepole show up for another fantasy opening and got more value..still no commitment letter for public display..and any nonsense about privacy between the bank and HCW is moot given the $20MM in city funding is subject to funding from a bank..let’s hope the city is not stupid enough to front $20MM on a commitment letter that reads like a 50 page breach list..if you can’t trust them with 200M are you gonna trust them with 20 million..
This could all turn out very nicely for Winnecke and the city. Haney is said to have been circling the city the past few days, grousing about the 5 million he left on the table here.
If he’s cooked up a good scheme and allows us to participate all will be well. We’ll eat like kings. Winnecke will be vindicated, jobs will be created, banners will be printed and photographers hired. Large dollar figures will be tossed around until the public is properly inured and…Haney will disappear again.
This scenario is entirely possible, given the main actors. If they try it, all we have to look to is SBR’s vetting expertise.
It would not surprise me either if he were here. As you can see here:
when you click on any of his “corporations”, none of them are active. He is probably desperate for a buck nowadays. And if you are the type to look for an easy mark……well, where else would you go?
He probably burned through the $200,000. a week after he received it.
Power Tube systems? LLC. –> AHAa-Hahahahahaha-HAaiee!
Weather forecast for,tonight: DARK! (“George Carlin”)
Hey Wayne does this put Winnecke at 87.5% approval rating now?
Wayne is a stand up guy ,he uses his real name , we are just lowly minded tax paying individuals
wayne and phyllip use their real name so that means that they cannot lie
ok everyone we need to change our fake screen name and put your real name on here
that way wayne and phyllip will trust us and he will believe us and our Politicans will not tell any untruths cause they know now they are talking to real people.
Since we have 2 individuals posting on here by the name Wayne .
I will call myself Wayne the turd
I just can’t understand why someone would want to use a pseudonym unless it’s from cowardice. It has nothing to do with truthfulness in my book. I just don’t put much consideration in the insults and/or snide remarks from someone that is not mature enough to use their real name so they can be held accountable for their statements. It’s all about accountability to me. Wayne and I are not the only ones open about who we are. Joe, Brad, and Brent use their real names and Jordan and Laura are all known by their screen names. I may not agree with everything that they say, but I respect the fact that they are open with their identity and opinions.
Parke has never used an assumed name on here?
I think #3 would be the choice for the city, but the CCO will make too much noise about that, so my guess the City will be going with #4.
I’m also thinking #4, politicians love kicking the can down the road, its the easy way out.
I am thinking that #2 is the most practical action but couple it with rescinding the $4.8 Million loan that the City Council got snookered into approving.
These hucksters are broke. Mayor and clowns can spend $50,000 in legal fees to get a judgment but still get no money.
They should hire Weinzapfel on a commission only deal to go get the money back if they insist on going to court. Otherwise write this off to stupidity and move on.
I bet you $5 that Ted Ziemer is pushing for either an extension or litigation. He wrote a shit contract and now will be able to bill the city to fix the mess he made. Next up Weinzapfel will be hired to reconcile the books.
Looks like we have our own little Solyndra(sp) at work here.
When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you … you may know that your society is doomed.
(Ayn Rand)
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