The City Of Evansville Ignores Requests Information From Former Mayoral Candidate


Michael Daugherty, who ran for mayor of Evansville last year, has been looking for answers to questions about city spending. Last March, he submitted an official request for records under the Public Records Act, and after six months, he is still waiting for a reply.

The requested information involves contracts with the city and Commonwealth Engineers, Inc., between 2020 and 2024.

The request was made with Mayor Stephanie Terry’s communications director, Joe Atkinson. Daugherty has not received any follow-up communications about rejecting or processing the request.

The Public Records Act keeps the government accountable by providing guidelines for providing the public with access to documents and financial records. Government entities are required to answer formal requests for information within a reasonable time, and if they fail to do so, the act provides a process for appeal.

Daugherty is planning to take the next step to appeal the lack of response.


  1. I never believed that the new democrat city administration (Terry) would be transparent. And I was right. Same old, same old……


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