The Awards Selection Committee of the City-County Observer announced today that John Friend will be receiving a 2013 “Mole Award.†Friend, finance chair on the city council, has tenaciously advocated for the vetting of the proposed downtown convention hotel. Through his actions and the actions of others on the city council, the council was able to ask the right questions that took the vetting procedure to a point where a decision can be made on the refusal of HCW to allow the City Council and the Mayor’s Office to see the requested documentation.
Up until the point of the documents were refused to be released, the Mayor’s office and the Evansville Redevelopment commission had been rather dodgy when it came to specifics of the business plan over time.
Friend is the seventh and the last “Mole Award†winner for 2013 and this year’s award makes him a three time winner of the coveted award. Friend joins the Honorable Judges Brett Niemeier and Wayne Trockman as well as Indiana Senator Vaneta Becker. Matthew Burkhart of Newburgh and Ben Trockman of Evansville have also been selected as recipients for 2013, as well as Pidgeon Township Trustee Mary Hart.
Mary Hart was selected for her dedication to the Pigeon Township Trustee position for an outstanding 33 years. Indiana Senator Vaneta Becker was selected for her good public policy, seemingly endless committee work, and her many activities within the community. Judge Niemeier was selected for his work with Evansville’s youth and for his affiliation with the Alternative School that now resides in what used to be Evansville’s North High School. Judge Trockman has been selected for his public policy as well as his work with Vanderburgh County’s first Drug Treatment Court and Matthew Burkhart and Ben Trockman have both been selected as a result of their work in reforming laws and standards of operation. Matthew Burkhart successfully lobbied for reform of Indiana’s child labor laws in respect to children under the age of 14 being able to umpire and referee sporting events, while Ben Trockman’s work has encouraged airline companies to re-examine their policies and standards of operation for the physically challenged wishing to travel.
This year’s “Mole Awards†Ceremony will be held on October 14 at 12 p.m. in the Walnut Room at the Tropicana Hotel. This year’s event marks the sixth annual ceremony to honor those promoting good public policy and commitment to the community. Invitation to the ceremony is by reservation only and is year’s event is shaping up to be a sold out affair. Tables are selling quickly, to place a reservation or with any other inquiries please contact Mollie Darke-Schreiver at (812) 760-4233 or reach her by email at mdarke07@yahoo.com.
Great choice. Well deserved honor for Mr. Friend.
Didn’t vote for Friend in last election. I shall next time around. I think he has done a hell of job holding people accountable.
Good “Mole” award selection CCO.
Applaud Friend’s aggressive stance in examining this Hotel project. But I have to couple that with a criticism: Friend, where in the hell were you during the Johnson Controls run up to a vote ? As a reminder, Johnson Controls was $ 45 Million give away; Hotel was $ 37 Million giveaway. You were AWOL for the larger of the two projects. Party on the boat in early Summer that had you tied up ?
I agree with everything you said and also would like to point out the he was a traitor to his own party by supporting Winnecke for Mayor. This Benedict Arnold/Judas act should cause his loss in any/every future election.
Yea but who are you going to vote over him: Williams? Weaver? Melcher? No such candidate that you’re wanting exists. At least not at this time.
I can vividly remember Friend stating that “you have to support the name at the top of the ticket”. That would have been Davis. I know for a fact that quote was in the C&P, not sure about CCO.
Three in a row, not bad. Is there any news on if Councilman Friend is still actively investigating a run for mayor? If he doesn’t, this city could be screwed royally for years to come.
Also, I hope he orders plenty of white out this year for the 2014 budget. He can start by eliminating the $1.5 mil for Roberts Park and work his way down the lines.
He’s cool. I’m glad he won. And it’d be neat if he did run for mayor. We could all use a Friend in the Mayor’s office!
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