The Arts Council Announces Brown Bag Summer Schedule





The Brown Bag Performance Series is a free program offered to the community by the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. The summer series are held at noon one Wednesday a month in June, July, and August at the Arts Council’s BSF Gallery, located at 318 Main Street in downtown Evansville. It is encouraged to bring your lunch and a friend and enjoy the free local performances. The Brown Bag Series is made possible in part by the Mesker Music Trust, managed by Fifth Third Investment Advisors. Below is the full summer schedule.
6/4/14 – Karen Ellerbrook, Sue Schriber & Terry Becker: “Glorious Gershwin” is the title of this trio’s Brown Bag performance. Join in the toe-tapping, finger-snapping, sing-along to your favorites. Who knows? . . . there could be a couple of sultry numbers by boa-bedecked babes. See you soon in June for the kick-off of the Brown Bag Summer Series!

7/2/14 – Public Education Foundation’s Summer Musical “Fiddler on the Roof” Sneak Peek: Join us in welcoming the Public Education Foundation for a sneak peek into their annual summer musical program. This year’s musical is “Fiddler on the Roof”.

The musical will be presented at 7:00 p.m. on July 10, 11, and 12, and at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 13. All performances will be in the Aiken Theatre at Old National Events Plaza (formerly The Centre), located at 715 Locust Street, Evansville, IN. For more information about “Fiddler on the Roof” or the Public Education Foundation, go to

8/6/14 – Dixielanders: The Dixielanders play Dixieland music for church events, outdoor events, nursing & assisted living homes and other senior groups. Members of the group include: David Matthews-drums; Prudy Moore-piano; John Wittenbraker-bass; Ken Horn-sax; Ron Higgs-clarinet; Glen Katterheny & Larry May-trumpets; David Guillaum-banjo; John W. Sakel-trombone. Join the Arts Council for our last Brown Bag Series Performance of the year with the Dixielanders.