Terry White: Building a better Indiana now


Evansville– Indiana State Senate candidate Terry White outlined his plans for rebuilding Indiana’s crumbling infrastructure and fueling job creation. White’s proposal focuses on providing the resources needed to create an efficient infrastructure network that cut costs for Hoosier businesses and puts money back in working families’ wallets.

“We must seize the opportunity to rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges while we can,” said White. “We reduce costs for businesses already established, attract new businesses and put Hoosiers back to work earning a living wage.”

White’s proposes leveraging capital from the state’s $2 billion in reserves in the form of low interest loans to local governments to fund repairs to roads, bridges, sewers and other vital infrastructure. Interest on the loans will be reinvested back into the fund.

“Job creating through infrastructure development is a proven fact. Every dollar invested returns $1.59 in additional growth and every $10 million invested can create as many as 570 jobs and as much as $32 million in sales for Indiana businesses,” said White. “It is time to give our communities the tools that will help them put Hoosiers back to work.”

Prospective employers list infrastructure and an educated workforce as major factors in locating their business. Hoosier businesses are saddled with extra costs from delays and damage caused by inefficient and inferior infrastructure.

“The Indiana General Assembly costs local businesses money and jobs by not providing for the state’s infrastructure needs.” White said. “I’m fighting for working families to provide the resources to our communities and businesses they need to hire more workers and get our economy back on track.”


  1. Money loaned and spent today has to be paid back tomorrow. It’s not a solution, it’s just more of the tired old idea of making our kids pay for stuff we want now.

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