Tennis Court Resolution Fails to Get Co-Sponsor on Evansville City Council


“Mole #3 is Supplied with the Proposed Resolution”

It wasn’t just $18M baseball fields that was being sought after for improvements to be funded by the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau during the last days of 2010. There was a member of the Evansville City Council who had the City Counsel’s attorney draw up a resolution to ask for $1.8 Million from the ECVB promote a tennis related project in Wesselman Park. The resolution’s author was not successful in finding a co-sponsor so this is still just an idea. Please read the resolution and feel free to comment on what your thoughts are. If you approve or disapprove of this resolution please call your Evansville City Council members.

Here is the resolution in its unedited form:



WHEREAS, the Evansville Community Tennis Association (ECTA) has leased and managed the Wesselman Tennis complex in Wesselman Park for the past eight (8) years in partnership with the City of Evansville Parks Department; and

WHEREAS, in conjunction with the management partnership, a master plan was created in 2004 to expand the courts from 8 outdoor courts to a complex of 18 outdoor courts and 6 indoor backup courts with office space for officials and medical personnel to meet the standards of the United States Tennis Association for sanctioned Junior and Adult tournaments; all at an estimated cost of $3.0 million dollars; and

WHEREAS, since 2004, the following progress has been made:

1). the outdoor courts have been expanded to 12;
2). a viewing platform has been added using all volunteer labor;
3). a 2500 square foot indoor facility has been completed, along with additional parking;
4). participation for adult leagues has increased 47%;
5). the Women’s 10,000 Pro Tournament was given a national award for excellence;
6). the middle school and high school leagues and regional championships are hosted with 2 sanctioned USTA Level 6 Junior and Adult tournaments; and

WHEREAS, $1.2 million dollars has been raised through donations to date, and no public funds have been used for any capital improvements; and

WHEREAS, annual ECTA league fees provide for all maintenance and upkeep of the facility; and

WHEREAS, the land area for the final 12 courts is in the current lease, the site engineering is complete for the expansion, and the engineering plans are ready to complete the final phase; and

WHEREAS, the ECTA has dramatically grown community tennis, and expects to grow another 13% in 2011; and

WHEREAS, completion of the project is expected to provide the following benefits:

1). support over 2,500 adults participating in adult league and tournament play;
2). support over 5,000 children traveling from all over the Midwest to Evansville to participate in regional tournaments;
3). provide approximately 7,000 nights of hotel room usage;
4). provide more than $5,000,000.00 in related spending from lodging, food, fuel and tournament fees;
5). continue to be self-sustaining as to maintenance and upkeep of the facility with no ongoing cost to local government for operation of the complex;
6). gain attention as the finest community tennis complex in the State of Indiana; and

WHEREAS, a capital request to complete the project has been presented to Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau requesting the $1.8 million dollar cost to complete the Complex; and

WHEREAS, in view of the substantial benefits to the citizens of Evansville, the Evansville City Council supports the funding request made by ECTA to the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Evansville that

1. The Evansville City Council wishes to acknowledge and recognize the efforts and accomplishments of the ECTA in developing the Wesselman Park Tennis Complex and in growing community tennis in Evansville.

2. The Evansville City Council supports the request made by the ECTA to the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau for funds to complete the project and Master Plan, and urges the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Vanderburgh County Council to consider and grant the request.

3. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Vanderburgh County Council.


  1. With the support shown by the community as exampled by the Time. Talent and Treasure behind the current improvements to this facility, One would think that an honest discussion would occur by the Powers that Be, but, apparently this was not “cleared” thru the Mayor’s Office, and will languish until the Weinzapfel era is over. Lorraine Pool waits as well.

  2. I believe it would help immensely if the public could see these plans. I think more tennis courts are fine in Wesselman Park but have some problems supporting a plan I do not know anything about. I have concerns about how much land will be used, the parking arrangements, park congestion, loss of trees, and the budget details for all of this. I do believe that neighbors of the north section of the park where the existing tennis courts are located would be very interested in seeing exactly how all this would be laid out. I know that some already have concerns about the existing lights shining in their windows. Have the powers that be considered using any of the already present concrete around Roberts Stadium for more courts? Also, since we now know that the stadium will be available, could there be indoor courts there? That may not be what the tennis associate plans but it is there already and would probably reduce the cost somewhat. The tennis association has done a great job so far. Let’s look at a way to continue that great job by coordinating with the city, the neighbors, and the community to get the best plan for all.

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