Temporary Entrance Opens May 13 at the East Wastewater Treatment Plant


A temporary entrance at the East Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 1500 Waterworks Road, is scheduled to open on Tuesday, May 13. The temporary entrance is south of the existing entrance and closer to the raised levee embankment.

It is important for motorists traveling near the plant on Waterworks Road to slow down, observe the 30 mph speed limit and watch for traffic entering and exiting the plant. Message boards will be placed near the temporary entrance on Waterworks Road urging motorists to reduce speed.

The existing entrance will remain closed for approximately one year while improvements are constructed at the East Plant. The expansion project will increase the plant’s wet weather capacity to 40 million gallons a day in compliance with the federal consent decree.

For reference, Veterans Memorial Parkway is located near the top of the photograph.