Tax Practitioner Resources Updated

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February 2020, Issue 12

Commissioner’s Corner

Bob Grennes

Bob Grennes 

Ed. Note: Earlier this year, Adam Krupp announced his resignation as DOR Commissioner. On Jan. 17, Gov. Eric Holcomb appointed current Chief Operating Officer Bob Grennes as commissioner effective Feb. 1. Grennes joined DOR in 2017. As COO, he worked with over 500 Operations Division team members designing, operating and improving all operations and service delivery functions. For more information regarding Commissioner Grennes, visit DOR’s website.

Three years ago, I was extremely fortunate to be invited to join the Department of Revenue team as Chief Operating Officer. It was a very exciting time as we were about to embark on a journey to dramatically improve our organizational performance while preparing for Project NextDOR. I have had the pleasure of working alongside our amazing DOR team to find innovative ways to improve our overall organization – systems, processes, relationships and culture – in order to provide best-in-class customer service to our fellow Hoosiers.

I have enjoyed the last three years on the DOR team as much as any in my life and I am honored that Governor Holcomb has provided me the opportunity to continue to work alongside my DOR team members to keep serving Indiana and all the Hoosiers that count on us.

All of us at DOR care deeply about the important work we do and services we provide. Our amazing team has accomplished a tremendous amount during the last three years, but there is a lot left to do. Our commitment to our culture and direction has never been stronger and I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish together.

Cheers to 2020 and taking DOR to the next level.

infreefile poster

File Your Taxes for Free!

Hoosiers who had an adjusted gross income $69,000 or less in 2019 may be eligible to file their state and federal taxes for free with Indiana free file (INfreefile).

INfreefile provides faster refunds, free easy-to-use software and secure way to file individual income taxes. The certified vendors can also help customers find deductions and credits they may not have known they qualify for, increasing the amount of a refund or decreasing the amount an individual may owe. Learn more at

DOR’s Tax Talk

Tax Talk is a weekly blog published each Wednesday discussing tax tips, DOR programs and helpful information for tax preparers. During tax season, blogs will be posted on both Mondays and Wednesdays. Subscribe today, or read the latest blogs below!

Money Monday: How the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Uses Tax Dollars

Top Tax Tips for Tax Preparers

Filing Taxes for the First-Timer – DOR has Tips for You!

Protecting Yourself from Fraudsters

Tax Check Offs: Three Important Ways You Can Donate

Individual Tax Filing Made Easy

Tax Practitioner Resources Updated

DOR recognizes the crucial role practitioners serve in helping clients with tax filing obligations. We operate a number of special services to support the needs of the tax practitioner community, including dedicated phone numbers and an inquiry center. We’ve recently updated the DOR Tax Practitioner Resource Packet to include the appeals process and past due tax resolution processes. Visit Information for Tax Professionals on DOR’s website today!


MCS Carrier Connect E-Newsletter

Don’t forget, if you work in the motor carrier industry or have clients who do, take a moment and subscribe to DOR’s newest publication, MCS Carrier Connect. You will receive updates on changes to motor carrier laws, upcoming projects and initiatives and announcements.

DOR MCS Carrier Connect

processing time


Did you know that the state’s first federal census was in 1820? Census data directly affects how federal and state funding is allocated to your local community for things like economic development, public health, education and research. Look for your census form to arrive in mid- to late-March. Check out more information on why the census matters to Hoosier businesses.

DOR Customer Feedback Portal Available

Have suggestions to a DOR process or program? DOR’s online customer feedback portal is the perfect place to let us know your thoughts. All questions or comments are read by DOR staff to consider for future improvements. Check out the form today.

Recent DOR Agency Announcements

1.9 Million Hoosiers May Have Missed Out on Free Individual Tax Filing in 2019

Thinking of Committing Tax Fraud? Be Warned, DOR is Ready!

Indiana DOR Open on Presidents’ Day

Call DOR on Thursdays for Quickest Service

DOR On the Move

DOR experts will present at these upcoming events:

March 4: University of Indianapolis International Student Tax Workshop

March 25 & 26: University of Evansville International Student Tax Workshop

March 27 & April 3: IUPUI International Student Tax Workshop

Visit DOR’s Public Events web page to find out when DOR is coming to your area.


Helpful Links on DOR’s Website