Take That: October 27, 2011


Take That: October 27, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Democratic Power Brokers Hold Strategy Session

“When an obvious Central Committe operative like Clovis uses terms like “devious individual or brain dead nitwits” to describe sources, you can be assured the CCO got it right. Sounds just like the John Edwards love baby denials, the Mayors press release that a joint bi-partisan decision was made to not renew the homestead tax exemption at the Mayor’s April Fools day conference room meeting and Clinton’s finger wagging I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” JoeBiden

“Furthermore, why weren’t committeemen/women invited? I know I certainly was not! But if I had been, this is the message I would have delivered: ENOUGH!! Grow up! Democrats have chosen their candidate, and you should be respectful of that and ashamed of your recent behavior. Mr. Owen, if you have any decency left, resign immediately and take Alex Jarvis with you. I hear the Terry White campaign is hiring.” All4_1

“Clearly the topic of endorsing Winnecke was discussed. Connie Robinson’s endorsement was the reason for the meeting.” BigPappa

“Electing Davis will have two very positive benefits for Evansville:
1) The Machine will be finally, irrevocably dismantled. A new, principled Democratic party will rise in its place.
2) The Republicans will finally have to start standing on principle, too. They will no longer be able to cut backroom deals for scraps off the Machine’s table.
This may be the most important election Evansville has ever had.”

“This is pathetic! A house of cards tumbling down, blown over by the very children who are its caretakers.” 292

“Johny’s legacy across this state will be how he destroyed the democrat party in southern Indiana.
Mosby clan– Red is rolling in his grave.”

“I’d say this is the death rattle of the machine.” Blanger

“Perhaps this is the death knell of the political careers of some of the attendees. Me thinks some of these politicians should seceed to private life.“ satireevv


  1. Nice try, but you still do not have a single person who will come forward with his or her name as the “source” of the two lies regarding the subjects of discussion you printed in yesterday’s articles.

    • You’re in favor of outing these moles who leak info we enjoy regularly?

      Who are you?

      • As sister Connie said, “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll swallow anything.” So, why don’t you just keep on swallowing.

        • And what exactly is Connie standing for? Insider politics? Backroom deals? Yeah, we have been swallowing that bull for a long time, and from a lot more than just Ms. Robinson. I wish Connie had an opponent for me to endorse.

  2. Clovis, if what you say is true, the Mayor should simply issue a another press release advising what went on in the behind the closed door meeting. Same holds true for Chairman Owen. Better yet, hopefully they video taped the meeting for all to see.

      • Were you there? You wanted some people who released info on the meeting to be outed – out yourself.

        • I would not recommend that for ClovisPoint.

          These morons have no idea how angry people are about their arrogance and corruption.

          Unlisted phone numbers and iron bars in the windows might be a good idea for some members of the Machine.

          • Why not at all my dear Machine ‘Bot. I’m just interested in your safety and wellbeing.

            We don’t want the peasants to show up at your house with pitchforks and torches, do we?

        • The difference here is I’m not lying about what went on and what was discussed. If another attendee comes forward by name and owns up to the two lies printed yesteday, I will come forward by name and refute them. Until then what you have is two gross lies represented as facts from unnamed “sources” to this media outlet, and a bunch of blind followers who will swallow anything.

          • Seems to me that since you’re the one alleging inaccuracies, YOU should come forward by name and provide evidence to the contrary.

          • That may be how it seems to you, but to me it seems that if a media outlet prints “news” of a meeting and attempts to characterize what was discussed, they might want reliable sources to feed them accurate accounting of what happened. Yet all you have here is two gross lies represented as facts from unnamed “sources” whom the City County Observer should consider unreliable from here on.

          • Clovis, your hysterical responses show all the CCO hit the nerve of truth with it’s reporting. Since the Central Committee members and insiders won’t take the legal and personal risk of making the statements you do, they send out a Mr. Jarvis like operative with the typical instruction to deny, deny, blame others and demand source disclosure. It’s an old and tired act. Give it a rest, please.

          • Joe, it’s easy to hit a nerve by reporting lies.

            And you like other posters here seem to have an inflated impression of who and what Alex Jarvis is. He is simply an office manager. He manages the office for a political committee. He notifies people of meetings, forums, fundraisers, etc., and communicates with local and statewide Democrats on behalf of the central committee.

            Alex Jarvis’s role at the central committee is exactly the same as John Paul Josey’s role there when he worked at headquarters. You know John Paul Josey, right? The nice, young redheaded fellow over there in Rick Davis’s Franklin Street clubhouse? Jarvis replaced Josey after he left as central committee office manager.

      • And getting the tapes or transcripts would be no different than getting the White House Tapes from Dick Nixon. LOL…good deflection though.


          • It should be possible to ask anybody who attended to clarify what went on and what was says by whom. But this was room full of politicians after all so word-spin is their life. Furthermore even if minutes were taken of this meeting, whole segments of conversation can take place “off the record”.

            What seems to me is important is who was invited and who attended. To a private citizen like me it means that we are going to be fed lots of crap (even more than usual) going forward. It also means that it is even more critical that we think for ourselves but also listen to our gut. The trust factor is, in the end, all we have.

          • And since he had the good sense to not be a party to the shenanigans and left along with Ms Riecken I doubt he would have much info, interesting that you say there was no petition for Winnecke to sign, or no talk of leaving the state party…so why did Mr Adams and Ms Riecken leave before the meeting was over? and what was discussed after they left?

            Then there is the question of who picked out the invite list, and why were some folks omitted from the meeting?

            If you were there your in a prefect position to inform us…unless?


  3. Lots of chatter coming out about what went on in that meeting. There is no agenda that anyone will share and it won’t have those two items on it anyway. They were not “official” items as I am hearing. I have heard straight from the horses mouth that David Mosby stood up and expressed support for Winnecke and that several others did too. I also heard that Missy, Jeffers, and a couple of others were soundly trashing Davis. Words like “what does the state party do for us” were also bantered about. So my contacts say that the “unofficial” meetings were about support for Winnecke and to bitch about the state party but that the “official” meeting was to support Connie.

    • So your insider contact also says that no discussion took place about local party secession from the state Democrat party, or drafting a letter of Winnecke endorsement for the attendees to sign (the two lies I have been refuting for two days) right? And thanks for your confirmation of those facts.

  4. Democrats have had a majority control of the Evansville City Council for the last 35 straight years. Yes– it is time to do a clean sweep!

    Currently the City Council has 8 Democrats and 1 Republican.

    • When the Democrats are openly supporting a Republican who has acted like a Democrat, how do you know who to vote for?

  5. Keep it up, guys. Let the implosion of your Democratic Party be thorough and permanent!

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