Take That: October 12, 2011


Take That: October 12, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Evansville City Council Punts Vectren Meeting Until After the Election

“I agree. Chuck the machine time for change.” … “Surprise, surprise deflect until after the election so it becomes a non issue and the citizens of Evansville keep getting the screws put to them. Bet it won’t be brought up again until the NEXT election. “ BAM

“What a bunch of paid for cronies!!” rk4uk

“What a disappointment! Bipartisan sponsorship to kick the can down the road for the most important topic to the people of Evansville. Is this the kind of leadership we get from this bought and paid for den of sellouts? A pox on all of those doe eyed cowards who sat there in silence. To hell with all of you.” TheArchitect

“City Council to Vectren: Hey, dummies, there’s an election coming up! Get off your overpaid butts and start shoveling campaign cash in our direction! How is the Vectren Board of Directors like Earl Long (former Governor of Louisiana who wound up in a mental hospital)? They don’t buy politicians, They Rent Them (it’s cheaper)!” DrJohnnottheNightTripper

“Check the donation reports with the County Clerk after Oct 21st and see for yourself.” Gesubba

“If the members of the City Council who actually met with Vectren were aware of this meeting at the IURC on October 25th and willfully delayed the meeting that Friend wanted to call for the 24th they should flatly be impeached from their positions. This looks like the government sell out of the century in Evansville. This will make the Homestead Tax Grab look like stealing a bowl of rice.” TheArchitect in response to the Vectren rate hearing announcement

“So where was Curt John last night? That rascal found a way to sneak out of town again to avoid a controversial vote. I hear he was in Indianapolis for a meeting of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns. Should we really be sending people who do not want to serve as elected officials to meetings on how to govern. Nothing like a last boondoggle for a lame duck to empty the public coffers.” Trainwreck

“I would suggest that a bipartisan group of candidates and council members make the trip to Indy to testify at the IURC hearing on Oct. 25th.” Andrew Smith