Take That: May 20, 2011


Take That: May 20, 2011

In Response to: McCurdy Hotel

“maybe we could get them a goat to go with the pigeons and bats” Henry

“A display of pettyness by the Administration, or running scared of the CCO? One wonders.” Crash Larue

“The Shriners are going to cut the grass at the old McCurdy Hotel because it would be such a embarrassment to have people see that site during the Shrinersfest in June.” Rick Hubbard

In Response to: City Budgets

“I’d guess we might have been closer to the averages before we got hooked on crack. (i.e. pre-Aztar), Down that line, watch out for “leveraged” pre-payments of Aztar monies in these figures. We’re an open gambling community! A better comparison would be Atlantic City or Vegas. After all, we were sold the boat on how much additional city-wide benefits all the “FREE” money would get us! At least part of those extra expenditures are supposed to be fighting the additional crime element, right? And cleaning up any needle problems in our parks – Oooops.” Eville Taxpayer

“Checked out the Henderson budget vs. the population and it looks as though the money saving bridge works for government too. $878 per person over there! Nearly $1,000 each less than Evansville but in line with other places. Evansville is insane on its costs.” The Donald

“Based on the info available, your comparison on per capita costs for fort wayne and evansville seems correct, although something may be missing. Another way to cross reference expenses and revenues would be to compare property tax rates and revenues. What are the city and county property tax rates in Fort Wayne and Allen county compared to Evansville and Vanderburgh County? Two differences, one of which you point out, make a difference. Utility rates are more expensive in Vanderburgh County and some labor rates are more expensive in Evansville. Fort Wayne does not use bargaining unit employees for some and possible all of their maintenance work, specifically parks.” Mole #411

In Response to: Professional Sports in Evansville

“The thing I come away with reading this is that the time for a professional sports team supported by the city has long since come and gone, times have changed, with the advent of 24 hr TV, … In the best economic times sports teams are a luxury, given today’s economic climate it makes little sense to me to waste tax payers dollars on such a luxury with the infrastructure crumbling all around us.” Blanger

“Ice hockey … eh?” Soon2B

“I couldn’t agree more. A copy of this message should be given to every city council and mayoral candidate. Keep the trash picked up, the grass cut in the summer and the snow plowed in the winter, flush the poop, provide us with clean water, fire and police protection and do it all at a reasonable price. I would add providing some minimal level of a social safety net would be essential too. Being a good spokesperon representative for the city and region is a bonus. If we could get this accomplished then the site locators, CEO’s, business leaders and families would WANT to relocate to Evansville, reducing the need for “jobs programs” and quasi-bribes in the form of tax abatements. If we don’t get this done, then the population decline and brain drain will continue to happen.” Steve Smith

“This is completely opposite of the Otters. This is a garbage team in a garbage league. Bill Bussing has shown absolutely no interest in providing any type of improved product here. Annual last place finishes in a garbage league. With Bosse Field and our support of baseball, there is no excuse for anything less than A ball here. I would strongly support the Otters having their lease terminated and attempts to secure a real minor league baseball team here.” Buzzard

“There’s more teams on the way but it won’t be in the new arena.” Railoverauto