Take That: June 5, 2011


Take That: June 5, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Evansville as a World Class Destination

“The CVB should look into cleaning,maintaing and upgrading our local parks. This might be a good first step for the goal of Evansville being a world class destination. The people of Evansville need to look at house cleaning of Weinzapfel and his gang of cronies. Vote for change not the same old same old in this falls elections.” RK812

“Standing up to a strongman with an agenda who uses his power to intimidate public boards is actually a feather in Mr. Warren’s cap in my opinion.

Isn’t standing up to bullies on public boards what got Marilee Fowler, the former heads of GAGE, CMOE, Wesselman Wood’s, etc. dismissed right here in Evansville? Evansville is world class in the use bully tactics by a few power brokers. Panama City does not have a chance against Evansville when it comes to running good people off to appease a narcissist or two.

This poor man won’t last a year in this job if he has both a brain and a backbone.” TheDonald

“Warren said his termination without public input or notice was indicative of public business being discussed in private. “Anybody who viewed this meeting could see without a question that this was orchestrated before the meeting and had been planned,” Warren said. “I’ve been fired today because one man wanted me gone.” Pressanykey

“The contrasts in expectations in this article alone are quite interesting. Let’s start in the middle. I also welcome Mr. Warren to Evansville and LOVE the fact he is talking about world class expectations. Sure, it will cause many of the chronic complainers to chuckle, but we all know the difference between success and failure is usually having a vision and a goal.” Buzzard

IN RESPONSE TO: The Superintendent’s Departure

“The Super of Henderson County Ky Schools makes more money than Bertram! I believe the the professional City Manager of Henderson also makes more than the Mayor of Evansville. I will say that I like our City Manager form of government here in Henderson. The manager makes recommendations and the mayor and commissioners vote them up or down. We also have non-partisan elections here. That would never happen in Evansville. Remember, Evansville was not even supposed to be an Indiana county, but a political deal was done! Evansville has stayed true ever since.” Sadie Mae

“The Louisville City Manager makes about triple what the Mayor of Louisville makes and the Mayor of Louisville was making $100,000 exactly the last time I looked a couple of years ago. Mayoral duties in places that have City Managers are mostly symbolic consisting of speeches, trips to sister cities, kissing babies, and backslapping with business leaders. City Managers run the city. Kentucky is better than Indiana on this.
It is entirely feasible that a crook, an idiot or both can be elected to the office of Mayor. Look at Detroit, they just had to go through that and Illinois must have a special wing in a prison for their Governors. Indiana should adopt the City Manager format so that we are no exposed to the risk of electing a popular but incapable person into any position of authority.”
Joe Wallace

“A School superintendent is like a City Manager,–You want the Best?–Pay that Man or Woman. It’s a wise investment.” Crash Larue

“Excellent information. Unfortunately, I don’t think Evansville will wake up. The majority of comments that you read are from people that think that Bertram was overpaid and didn’t do the school system any good. Evansville has a bad case of wanting to complain about everything, but not get off their butts or get into their wallets to do anything about it. It gets frustrating and leaves no doubt as to why the city is shrinking and our young talent leaves for other cities.” JC

“It would be interesting to know just how many people now working in the EVSC have a superintendents license or the accreditation to obtain a license, the revolving door will continue until they hire someone from within EVSC that has roots here in Evansville.” Blanger