Take That: June 17, 2011


Take That: June 17, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: The Tennis Complex

“so we can’t cut the grass, pick up the used hypodermics,repair Lloyd pool, and make most of our parks a place where you would want to take your kids but we can build indoor tennis courts?” Henry

“I wonder how much the CVB wants to give to this project which would compete with the Tri-State Athletic Club? I predict the fiscal watchdog County Council will not approve the funding for this request as the outdoor tennis courts are not fully utilized.” Ten Bears

“It’d be a great idea if it weren’t going on the Wesselman Park grounds.” Railoverauto

“Check my math: CVB + Taxzapfel = Entertainment fascism? Eville Taxpayer

“ Evansville flits from idea to idea with no connection that I can see. Is there a master parks plan? If so, where is it? I will work to get the citizens of Evansville in a position to understand the facts and to have a voice. I have done that before. But it is getting old, very old. Let’s please elect people who work for the common good, not their own personal gain at the expense of us all.” 292

““Various” is a broad term. I missed the meeting and was curious if this term was defined before it was approved to seek quotes??” whatdoiknow

IN RESPONSE TO: Fresh Market Opens to a Crowd

“Nice to see that some people are interested in something more than Slim Jims, Slurpees, and all you can eat buffets.” Steve Smith

“Sounds like a great place. I wish it was a shorter drive. Like you, Steve, it is refreshing to know that the old “Stuff your gut for a buck” Thortons mentality is dying, albeit a slow death.” 292

IN RESPONSE TO: Indiana Ranks 3rd on States Freedom Index

“This ranking is SOMETHING of which to be proud and thankful. Freedom is a marketable commodity. Indiana: “THE LAND OF THE FREE” Bubbageek

“Indiana: “Land of the free”, Evansville: Land of government entertainment run amok, GAGE, FDP, Bank on Evansville, etc.?” Eville taxpayer

“I completely disagree with this study, seeing as how recently the governor and his statehouse evangelists are trying to end a woman’s right to choose, have taken away nearly all collective bargaining rights fought for by teachers, and have legislated the personal right of one person to marry whomever they wish. These individual freedoms are a better measuring stick for freedom then taxes on cigarettes, private employment versus public, and debt and spending as a percentage of income. If my government spends a little more then should and issues more bonds than they should, I don’t really care as long as I can live my life by my choices, not choices made by some politician for me. Freedom is the ability the live one’s life (within the laws designed for our safety) without interference from the government. Lately, all we have had is interference.” I_GOT_ID