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Take That: July 21, 2011


Take That: July 21, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: IS IT TRUE July 17, 2011 Subject: Awarding of Government Contracts

“I find it unusual that an RFP for a hotel in the $30M range is only advertised for one week before the proposals are opened. How can a prospective builder put together a package in this short of a time? They cannot. This is a done deal with a builder, and is a complete waste of time for any other prospective builder to submit a proposal. Can we be assured the winner is indeed the best propsal, or is this another “behind closed doors” deal?” wsaa2009

“Between the downtown condos, the Whirlpool industrial park, and now this hotel project, I do not believe it is unreasonable for people to wonder about the connection between Ben Kunkel and the mayor of Evansville.” Pressanykey

“On the connection between Mr. Kunkel and the Mayor, it may be as simple as Kunkel is willing to do projects in Evansville and the Mayor wants them to get done. Kunkel may be the builder of last and only resort for downtown Evansville. The hotel will be another measuring stick for outside interest. Evansville has not exactly had outside or inside investors beating the door down. Kunkel just seems to hang around and take what is offered when no one else is interested.” Mister Bill

“Let’s cut to the chase: Mayor Whiney-Boy’s reputation is ruined. His fall from grace with his own party and voters was based on gross corruption and negligence. Worse yet, he was crooked long before he became incompetent, and all he has to show for it is a campaign fund with more than one million dollars in it, with no chance of putting it to good use other than to give it to other politicians. The chances of that happening are slim and none, and slim just died…” Dr John Not the Night Tripper

“There is always the option of donating the entire campaign to a non-profit. Of course if that non-profit needed to hire an executive director with mayoral experience and use the new donation to pay him wouldn’t that just be peachy?” TheDonald

In Response To: ERC Password Restrictions on Public Information

“It would be interesting to know who authorized the password entry (my bet would be an appointed official), and who ordered its removal (my bet would be an elected official). But then my gambling record sucks!…. I think the password requirement probably reflects an “I’ll show those pests a thing or two” attitude. And while board members and appointed officials may get by with such arrogance, whoever has that attitude should never be elected to public office.” Soon2B

“The Regime wanted password control to identify any dissident taxpayers that dared to access this public information.” Joe Biden

“Just a programming oversight…..that’ll be how it’s spun, a simple mistake not meant to harm or restrict access, blame it on the IT department, maybe someone can file a FOIA request to see who ask the IT department to impose the password protection?” blanger

“I am sure that you are correct on where the finger will be pointed. Do you have any idea at how low the probability of a password being put onto the ERC page on the very day that the proposals for the hotel are received? We are talking about a 1 in a million chance here. There probably are no more than 5 people in the world that have the codes to enable the password protection option. Someone will talk.” Mapmaker


  1. So the mayor and kish want the Kunkel group, that’s transparent. just like the mayor and Kish didn’t want SMG. So they brought in venuworks and still doesn’t have a contract. The mayor gets what he wants with no voice from the community or the city and/or county councils (the voice of the people)
    When are the people of Evansville going to say “enough is enough”???

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