Take That: July 15, 2011


Take That: July 15, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Big Rock Emergency Warning

“Myself, I think the CCO is doing a great service to the community, it’s needed and welcomed by most thinking people to have the CCO around keeping the pot stirred up, and apparently the city council has at lest one member who has the same sentiment. I do wish someone from the ERC would speak up, but I doubt that will ever happen, they would seem to be part of the same “Ole Boys Club” that has plagued our city for a great number of years.” Blanger

“It’s time for picketing of the Civic Center demanding transparency, end to cronyism and back-door deals, proper vetting procedures, etc… etc…” Big Pappa

“if a large unmoving but unsightly pile of rocks is an emergency, what about the landslides along the river in Newburgh?” Henry

“So, you seem to know lots of things about how government works. What are your thoughts on patronage and nepotism? Both of those things influence votes.” Mister Bill

“Keep up the good news CCO, your format seems to have a viability that soon2b cannot grasp, but the proof is in the pudding, and the Numbers show CCO is doing something right.” Crash larue

“Whining to the CCO about “negativity” only tells us that the complainer is deeply committed to supporting the corrupt agenda of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, they demand that the CCO follow the lead of the Courier by ignoring Whineyzappel’s one million dollar campaign fund, and all of the under-the-table deals he has made with corrupt businesses.
All of this amounts to an acceleration in the implosion of Evansville as a decent place to live. So if you would prefer to shove your head in the sand and permanently keep it there, be my freaking guest, but don’ be surprised in what you see when you come back up for air!”
Dr. John Not the Night Tripper

IN REPSONSE TO: Evansville’s Catch 22: What a Non-Difference a Year Has Made

“nice to read a common sense article about the new hotel rather than some of the garbage and comments that were written last week.” Paul Elpers

“The more things change the more they remain the same.” Don Counts

“The most underwater thing that has ever been built downtown is the new Arena. If the city put up a for sale sign on that $127M and counting investment of public dollars, it would be sold at a minimum of a $100 Million loss. Compared to the Arena the hotel at 50% underwater is a steal. I seriously do not believe that any project in downtown Evansville is worth the construction cost to make it happen in the free market.” TheDonald