Take That: July 1, 2011


Take That: July 1, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Executive Inn Dilemma

“Kunkel does NOT have the financing. If they did have it, why in the world wouldn’t they hold it up and say ” give us the business”. In fact, I believe that they are positioning themselves to be the ‘builder of last resort’. When Kunkel gets anointed, it will be part of a ‘Private/Public Partnership’; and the taxpayers will put up 70% of the money to Kunkel’s 30%. There should be a demand made tomorrow, on July 1, 2011, that Kunkel show proof of the existence of their approved financing (100% funded) for this deal.” Beerguy

“The only thing that Beerguy is missing is this will only happen with Kunkel at the helm if the City gives them 100% financing. Why would anyone be fighting to take this deal. The deal is dead. Any halfway sensible business would be asking the city for triple what this deal was for. The fact that they want such a deal when they can get millions more shows how inept this group is. Only scavengers take on deals that are dead. Let the bottom feeders start to circle.” TheDonald

IN RESPONSE TO: Overpriced Public Housing

“We all may be shouting, “Enough!”, in a Hurricane, but no matter what, we can not be silent. Keep on keeping on CCO,—the Wind is changing, and your “Voice” is being heard.” Crash Larue

“I have serious doubts that this is even going to accomplish what HOPE is trying to set out to do, which is revitalize these run-down neighborhoods. I know there will always be exceptions to the rule, but if a person doesn’t have a good chunk of capital invested into the house, more than likely they will not maintain it as well. I predict that the majority of these homes will be in disrepair within 10 years, and millions more of taxpayer dollars will have been flushed down the drain.” Todd

“Is it true that the listings expired on the other front door pride homes and they aren’t even on the market?” Proudgrandpa

IN RESPONSE TO: Skyboxes and Loge Seats

“Never in the history of Evansville has there been a project so conceived in secretcy and so poorly planned. Every hint of progress is met with frustrations of failure and expense. From the no planning of the arena to the no opinion 25 member board to the hotel, to the parking garage, to the size of the arena and to the untold secrets that we may soon learn! All of this with the squandering of our 127 million. As a taxpayer in this City, I think it is time to look at the books a do an audit! I beliee the City prosecutor needs to step up a do his job!” OAKTREE

“Expect to find that Mr. Kish and/or VenueWorks are obtaining written arena skybox commitments from favored friends while acting as agents for the City. Expect to find this bundle of skybox agreements to be quicky approved by unanimous vote by the ERC after the ERC sneaks this in as a “new business” agenda item within the next month or so. Does any of this make you wonder what is going on with the arena naming rights?” Joe Biden


  1. I think the naming rights to the arena are a done deal too. Casino Aztar will own the naming rights.

    • Let me guess “The No Armed Bandit” or the “Didn’t Know When to Fold Em” Arena.

  2. More ideas for a name: “The Empty Flask”, “The Snuff Box”, “The Stash”, “Close Encounter of the Worst Kind” and “The Diner”

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