Take That: February 4, 2011


Take That: February 4, 2011

The Most Poignant Readers Comments of the Week

In Response to the Conditions of the Evansville Parks

“Everything that the City of Evansville has control over seems to turn to garbage. Why is that true?” Itsallrelative

“This story makes me sad. The response from the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department makes me angry. I am ashamed of a community that would allow this to happen. I will no longer be able to take my children to Sunset Park to play. Shame on us, shame on the mayor. I suspected that he was deaf, not listening to what the citizens of Evansville have to say. Now I know that he is also blind. So sad, so sad.” Minutebyminute

In Response to the Recommendation of VenuWorks to manage the Arena

“When one company has a monopoly on services- prices tend to go up” Ralph Plunkett

“Of course competition is good, but I wouldn’t put two McDonald’s franchises next door to each other because I wanted to see them compete. As Davis says, were hiring two firms to do the job of one.” Myturn

“It would have been really nice for the city and the county to have worked together to pick a single provider last December before the county locked in SMG, removing the best option for choice.” vvc1

“Evansville will soon find itself without individuals from the private sector willing to donate time to public boards given the way these individuals are utilized as political chess pieces for politicians trying to look better in the public eye, who are running for office, trying to usurp power outside of their bailiwick, or with dreams of higher political office.” Joeevv

“Since we have the Building Authority running stadium entertainment…And we have the Airport Authority running golf courses…Maybe, the Parks dept could be put in charge of this restaurant? Oh wait a minute, not sure they have the staff anymore. Maybe the police could do it…? Fire dept…?…I think we’re seeing a bit of damage control. It’s yet to be seen, if it involves “cognitive” deliberations. “ Eville Taxpayer

“It is amazing that it takes public outrage to force our elected officials to do the right thing and then it is only if they think their political futures are at stake. It is too late to shut the door after the horse has gotten out. Maybe Weinzapfel will take them to Indy with him when he isn’t elected Governor.” USA 1975

“You are wasting your breath on Weinzapfel. The Bright side? Just 11 months till the “King” is gone..and some of his “concubines” will lose in 2011′s Spring Primary election and some in the Fall’s General election as well.” Crash larue