Take That: February 18, 2011


Take That: February 18, 2011
The Most Poignant Readers Comments of the Week

In Response to: The Reorganization Plan’s Potential Negative Impact on Future Local Elections

“As long as there are such things as “unfunded federal mandates”, moving away from national politics will not happen.” Pressanykey

“Local politicians should be local-centered and liberated from party affiliation to facilitate becoming reactionary against assinine federal policy without being called to account by party heirarchy.” Soon2B

In Response to: IS IT TRUE PART 3 February 16, 2011: Make you views known on the GUN LAWS

“This is truly scarey and totally uncalled for. Who comes up with these ideas? Is this the type of work that legislators believe will bring new businesses to Indiana, that will present our state in the best light, that will provide a safe environment for our citizens?” 292

“Don’t we have a greater risk of being run over by a car – inside an Evansville Restaurant – than a random bar shooting?” Eville Taxpayer

“Will you be able to carry a gun in the statehouse and into the chambers where the house and senate meet.” Mfcdkw

“Maybe it was the Yosemite Sam cartoon?” Captenant

In Response to: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Notice of Lodging of a Consent Decree Under the Clean Water Act

“Does the city have a plan to clean up Pigeon Creek?” Railoverauto

“You want park sand boxes, free of drug needles? You have to rake them yourselves…
You want pigeon creek cleaned up? Get to it…The government is too preoccupied building progressive monuments, to bother with such trifles.”
Eville Taxpayer