Take My Survey


Dear Friend,

There is still time to share your input on important issues facing Indiana by completing my 2017 legislative survey.

Your responses will help guide me as I vote on a variety of proposals for new laws related to the state budget, education, public safety, and much more.

My survey was mailed to households throughout our community, and it is also available online. Click here to complete the survey before the deadline on Jan. 31.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call 317­-232­-9816or email h76@iga.in.gov. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you and your family in the General Assembly, and I look forward to hearing from you.


State Rep. Wendy McNamara


  1. Suggest upkeep of utility structures as they age rather than waiting until everything falls apart. Hopefully this would avoid gouging taxpayers due to mismanagement and careless maintenance practices.

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