Online Survey by State Representative Wendy McNamara


Dear Friend,

The 2016 legislative session is here and I would like your feedback on several important issues.

I am committed to keeping the momentum going this session as we work toward developing a responsible, comprehensive andsustainable plan to maintain and improve our transportation infrastructure. As the Crossroads of America, our roads and bridges play a key role in our state’s economy.

I will also continue to address new rules set by the Higher Learning Commission, which threaten to undermine how dual-credit courses are handled in Indiana. We want to continue to offer college credit classes to high school students so that they have all the opportunities for growth available to them.

To best represent our community, I encourage you to click here to take my online survey and feel free to provide your comments as well. Your thoughts and opinions matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.


State Rep. Wendy McNamara


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