Swearing in of Dave Wedding


Today, May 23, 2014 at 11:30 AM Chief Deputy Dave Wedding will take the Oath of Office for the Office of Vanderburgh County Sheriff. Chief Wedding will become the Sheriff of Vanderburgh County at 4:00 PM, when my retirement becomes effective. The oath will be given by the Honorable David Kiely, Judge of the Vanderburgh County Circuit Court and the Honorable Wayne Trockman, Chief Judge of the Vanderburgh County Superior Court and will take place in the Vanderburgh County Circuit Court.Sheriff David Wedding will complete the remaining seven months of my term ending December 31st.
Chief Deputy Dave Wedding


  1. Does anyone else find it strange that the current Sheriff retired in mid-stream and allowed his second in command to take over the Sheriff’s position before the elections? I mean the Sheriff could have easily filled out his entire term and then gone to work at the Bank or where ever he going to work. They didn’t need him so desperately that he had to leave office months earlier than normal. IMHO.

    Is this the new political strategy when running for Sheriff? Dave may well be the best candidate for the job and I think that our current sheriff has done a good job. I just think it’s a little out of the norm for him to leave office so early.

    Now anyone who’s going to be running for the Sheriff’s office ( most likely a Sheriff deputy with experience) will be working for a Candidate who’s his boss. That makes for a pretty interesting dilemma at work don’t you think?

    Potential Challengers might be told to go clean out the toilets in the jail and get stuck on third shift for the rest of their lives if they don’t win the office.

    • It happens more then one thinks. Present acting mayor quit his county commissioners job to take his current job.

      I support the idea that if elected to a position by the voters, one should serve the entire term!
      exception who be death during the residing term.

      *note* This is a disclaimer that the “death” term is “not” intended towards anyone. Don’t want those “barking dogs”(local politicians) after me!

      • I agree that it probably happens more than is reported but stuck on the fence about once elected to a public servant position you are there till the end of your term. Though I think I lean more towards once you’re there you’re there. The main reason for that inclination is how such a “I can leave whenever I want” would impact our military. Though I suppose that could be an exception but frankly I think we give far to many exceptions to politicians, so yeah hold their feet to the fire.

    • We know who the candidates are, and we pretty much know which officers support which candidate. I think this may well make for an even nastier run-up to the fall election. The rumors had already started about assignment changes and internal investigations flying back and forth. Hopefully this won’t detriorate into the juvenile, name-calling, mud-slinging fest it has the potential to become. Of all elected officials, we need those in the legal system to maintain a modicum of respectability most, IMO
      I agree that the current Sheriff could and should have remained in office for his full term. It’s difficult to believe that the Puppet Master could not have waited that long for his newest marionette.

      • Hopefully they will be above what the recent “city government” doings were. But then again, that requires very little effort on the counties law enforcement side to be above that.

      • Though I agree for the most part with Armstrong and with much of what you say regarding who supports who. I disagree in one respect. If a public official meets the requirements to retire I have no problem with them doing that even though a full term is not met. Sure it might be a little less disruptive and other things but I don’t hold it against anyone when they met retirement requirements. Even if they choose that option under an eyebrow raising situation.

        • True, but I think if one knows their retiring, they should not be running for “any” office that they can not complete. Retiring “is” retiring. Not taking another type of employment. It is a paid position, correct?

          Williams is not 66+ years old anyway.
          Just another thought on this issue

          • Not real certain if there is something similar to the civilian side of public service but in the military there is such a thing as time in service at which point the military member has the option to retire and one does not need to be the private citizen retirement age. Unless I am mistaken most government positions only require 20 years of service and age is not a factor. I don’t have a problem with that.

            I think you are wrong to assert retired is retired and infer one cannot take another paying job in the public sector, at least that is the way your statement reads. Who are we to say he took the job knowing he would retire? We don’t and neither do we have a clue if that is the case. To be fair, for all we know personal circumstances not connected to public service could have changed his mind.

    • I question the wisdom of forcing someone to stay at a job they don’t want to be at. Can you imagine a current office holder who doesn’t want to be there for the last 6 months? He could theoretically never show up to work and keep getting paid by the county government. Hell, he could blow taxpayer money on things that the department doesn’t need just to be spiteful. At least the guy who is taking over will bust his butt to do a good job because he wants to get elected.

      • I think most of what you are describing fits those that want to be there in many of the places of this administration.

  2. This is just a continuation of backdoor politics that Evansville has long been known for. It has long been understood that the chief deputy is picked by the political machine and is the automatic successor when the sheriff can’t run again. That’s why the deputy always get the media face time in the sheriff’s second term, unless, like Ellsworth did, you’re planning on running for a different office during your second term. Then you share the media.

    This time, though, there is a very strong challenger to the machine’s appointee and Sheriff Williams, like a good soldier, is forsaking his sworn duty to give the appointee a stronger advantage point.

    Just normal Evansville stuff.

    • “Disaffected:” Our team seldom agrees with your assessments per some other subjective materials, however with this one we do.
      The analytics program we’ve been running over time “clearly” defines what you’ve just said as an tipping point truism.
      Its like the old Paul Harvey saying, and, what the audience only listened to the whole show for. “The rest of the story”, and that being said. As that “the story” must be presented to you’re local population by the present mainstream media, “chances are” it’ll just go un-presented or very similar in fashion to that deplorable, disgusting mud/scorn fest That the SBR watchdog audit concerns releases just went through.
      “Candidate focus tipping”. Its very predictable, through the analytics. as well as observations of past presentations and the tipping point balances.


      Chartable analytics, its about all we’ve seen per the issues how they are solved, candidates verses votes gathered and the sustainable balances for those who get strapped with the cost to feed your “machine affects.”
      Basically findings and charting indicate the wrong tipping balance per the actual costing to the revenue base citizens.
      An higher percentage because suggestive issue balance points entering a solution pathway. Conditionally due to the decreasing life qualities brought forth by off location polling and rankings such as that most miserable city or metro area nationwide, or usable infrastructures and utilities indexing.


  3. Dave Wedding will do an excellent job as our new Sheriff. Give the guy a break. He has about 6 months to prove he is worthy of be elected to that position.

  4. I also feel that Mr, Wedding needs a chance to prove that he can do a good job as acting Sheriff.

    • I guess we are getting a “free home trial” of Sheriff Wedding. Hopefully, that will work out well. Such offers are not usually made if the product is questionable.

    • Do you and Vicki Sue also feel Deputy Byram needs a chance and a break to serve as acting sheriff for 6 months to prove he is worthy to be elected to that position?

  5. It’s pretty obvious who will win in the first place but now with this added in there is no way the other guy has a chance i think it’s sick.

  6. My question is why would the sheriff race be partisan? Unlike offices like rep or senate, the sheriff’s office is sworn to uphold the constitutions and the law as it is written. They do not make or change laws, so therefore should not be part of any kind of party.

    • V? Laura? Bananas? Westsidewhiner? Surely, one of you will step forward for this moment of education about who takes oathes and what the oathes are?


  7. As Wedding was being sworn in this press release went out:

    Our opponent, the appointed Sheriff, can’t win with ideas. So, he has taken to bullying!
    I want to personally let you know that several of our supporters have recently been accosted by the appointed Sheriff because they chose to express their God given Constitutional Right of Free Political Expression! Our opponent and/or one of his representatives is making unannounced visits to deputies, citizens, and business owners to question, badger, harass, and even threaten them for choosing to have a Byram for Sheriff Sign.
    I want to warn you that this is being done and here is my response. First, we have and will continue to keep a list of the names, dates, and comments made to each of these violations of your rights. Second, I am urging anyone with a Byram for Sheriff Sign who has been or is contacted by our opponent and/or anyone on his behalf to let me or any of my campaign staff know the person, date, and comments made. Also, was that person in a Sheriff’s Office Uniform? Third, if this harassment continues, a formal complaint will be filed with the Vanderburgh County Election Office, the Prosecutor’s Office, and the Indiana Attorney General. You have a choice! Express it! It is your God given Constitutional Right! I have promised you that my first priority as Vanderburgh County Sheriff will be to keep you and your family safe! That includes keeping you safe from being bullied by the appointed Sheriff.

    • This Byram email sums up his whole weak campaign. If you can’t give voters a reason to like you, try and put stuff out to make them hate your opponent.
      A quick check of the campaign Facebook pages will show you who is REALLY struggling to get support. Byram is so far behind in support and fundraising because he does not have much to offer the voters. His failed businesses and bankruptcy have left many with no desire to be a part of his campaign. Even his OWN family members are supporting Wedding. That’s what happens when you default on huge loans to the people who you are supposedly closest to.
      The claims by the Byram camp do not have any specifics to support them. Just accusations and threats of going to the Prosecutor if things don’t change. What things?
      Wedding had so many people there today supporting him, they spilled into the hallway. Do you really think he is worried about a few deputies who are supporting Byram? Get real.
      While Byram was sending out his politically motivated and timed email to everyone who has ever given him their email, Wedding was being congratulated and well wished by the Posey and Warrick County Sheriffs, the Indiana State Police Post Commander, the EPD Administarion, the EMA Administarion, Firefighters from EFD and Volunteer Firefighters, Reps from civic groups and victim assistance centers, business owners, former teachers, life long friends, family members, and former co-workers. There were even two judges that wanted to show their support for Wedding and take part in today’s ceremony.
      To the deputies who claim they are getting bullied I would say this. You were willing to put your support behind Byram in the hopes of getting one of the prized Major or Chief Deputy spots. You know have a candidate who can only make unsupported claims followed by threats because he has nothing to offer the voters. Whatever he offered to YOU for your support is not going to compare to the overwhelming support seen today.
      I would however never tell you to stop supporting your candidate. Just tell him he needs to do something besides complain about Wedding and show the voters that HE is the one they should vote for.

      • I believe that Byram is the only candidate that has expressed any ideas on how the Sheriff’s Office would operate more efficiently under their authority. He’s stated that he would bring back the reserve deputy program, which will save the county taxpayers money. He has stated that he would have all internal investigations handled by an outside entity like EPD or ISP to avoid any conflicts of interest like we’ve seen lately with Mosby & Baumberger. He’s said that he would work with EPD to have combined training to save money for both departments. I have not seen Wedding offer any ideas, but to be honest, he doesn’t have to. The Democrat machine has worked well in that office. The next candidate becomes the face of VCSO for the 1.5-2 years before the election. They do a great job of making sure that their candidate is the overwhelming favorite. I know that Kirk and his team of supporters knew that this would be a David vs. Goliath match. We haven’t had a Republican Sheriff in over 30 years. I’m most disappointed in the number of die-hard Republicans that have not given Kirk a chance and supported Wedding before the race even started. I know that we all want to be on the winning team and some people think that it’s a forgone conclusion with Wedding winning in November, but this county is overwhelmingly Republican and we could win this race if the Republicans support the Republican candidate.

        • Ask his investors how he came in a presented his big plans to them. Then ask him how those big plans worked out. He can promise all sorts of things, he has a record of not being able to make good on those promises. That is why he has failed to get the support you wish he was getting. Just because he has an “R” next to his name does not mean others should blindly throw support his way. It appears to me that many people already realize that.

      • So much for the hope that this race wouldn’t devolve into a kindergarten food fight. Deputy Sheriffs are intimidating people with yard signs supporting Byram. Really? I do hope the alleged victims record these incidents, because that sounds just a little far fetched.
        I frankly haven’t seen many Byram signs in the Stringtown-Highland area, nor on the north east side of the county, but the support for Sheriff Wedding is everywhere.
        When I read that Deputy Byram had showed up to support his friend and business partner, Ira Buemer, after he pursued, killed, and maimed fleeing robbers, I was pretty sure he was lacking in the judgement I would want in a County Sheriff. The liquor store at Morgan and Green River that is decorated to look like Byram campaign headquarters put the frosting on that cake. The open, over-the-top support from local tavern owners is the cherry on the top of the bad judgemement cake.
        I wish the best of luck to Sheriff Wedding in the coming months. I expect that maintaining discipline and order among some of the deputies is going to be a challenge.

      • Inquiring Mind… Like I’m doing now, please use your real name when making these allegations. You’ve stooped so low as to bring Kirk’s family into this??? Every family has problems, as I’m sure yours does, but to bring family into the mud slinging politics is pretty damn low. Yes he had businesses that did not make it. At least he had the guts to put his own money and time on the line. His business partners also lost money when the business couldn’t survive the recession that caused thousands of businesses to fail. His family member that lost money in that venture does support him.

        And as his supporter and a deputy, I have neither asked for special promotions nor have I been promised any. And as you can research on here, I was one of the four deputies that were moved to less desirable positions due to my support of Kirk. That is not a rumor. I’ve also spoken to several people that have been bullied for supporting Kirk, civilians and deputies.

        As far as your allegations that he stuck his family with the bills… Where’s your proof? You can’t have it both ways and say that Kirk’s statements are false until he proves them to be true and then turn around and make your own allegations as if they are facts. Stop being a hypocrite and lead by example.

        • Wow!. Your bosses called you in to the office and told you that you were being moved to a lower paying, overnight shift where you lost having weekends off? All just because you support the opposing candidate for sheriff? That’s pretty rough treatment.

          • Don’t kid yourself. Chad Howard is a Sergeant. He has been one for awhile. He still makes the same pay. He stills works Monday- Friday on day shift with weekends and holidays off. He was a paper pusher that now transports prisoners from jail to the courthouse. It is a job that has to be done. There are Wedding supports who are doing the same assignment.
            Yeah, that’s pretty rough treatment. There are many Wedding supports who are not enjoying this long holiday weekend off with their families because they are at work protecting their community.
            Howard and Byram are both kicking back this weekend sipping on a Country Time Lemond Aid and enjoying the benefits of the schedule they have under the current Sheriff.

        • So he can blast emails claiming people were bullied but never mention any names or specifics just before his opponent is sworn in, but you think me questioning his character is stooping? Really? I know of at least two members of his family that he lost a lot of their money. And NO, they are not supporting Byram.
          Of corse all families have some issues. My family has trouble agreeing on where to eat and who gets to ride the front seat. But nobody has been left out in the cold with a huge financial loss while the person responsible goes out and campaigns for office like it never even happened. If it was no big deal, he would have addressed it himself instead of hoping it never came out. His tactic of accusing unknown people of unspecified bullying is smoke and mirrors to in the hopes of his own background never comes up.
          Bankruptcy is public record. Has he made any attempts to pay those people back? I would think if he was doing ANYTHING to make amends, his brother would not have placed a big WEDDING for Sheriff sign in his yard.
          I will tell you the same thing I told Phillip Davis, Byram is all plan and no production. Why would anyone want to turn over a multi-million dollar budget to someone who has failed to get the job done, repeatedly. Many, many businesses stayed open during the recession. He lost 3 of them. We don’t want empty promises and excuses. We want proven leadership.
          I can’t prove if you were offered anything. But I don’t think anybody believes you are supporting him with no hopes of getting something in return. Even Wedding has people supporting him in hopes of getting something in return. That’s just how it is. I guess lucky for you, there are a lot less people that will be in line for those prized spots if Byram wins.
          As for real versus screen name. I think I will just continue to enjoy the same anonymity that 99% of the other posters on here enjoy.

      • Funnier than all this word sport is actually talking to some of the ranking Officer’s that are the same affiliation as Wedding. I have and the comments were not in favoring form for Wedding. Thoughts of lack of morals to not feeling very comfortable in him as a leader to seeing things in public setting that were not flattering for Wedding as a leader. I heard both side here and just think it’s a Pi**ing contest by those who think they are in the know. Just my little ol’ thoughts. Sorry! You have to talk to those who work with the two Officers and get a real feel on there qualities which is difficult to do because most don’t want to be the source of any comments.

  8. I have been intimidated twice by this mans (Wedding) agent about having a Byram sign on my property. I don’t appreciate these kind of tactics and wont tolerate them. BEWARE

  9. Is it possible that these Wedding intimidation allegations are nothing but an attempt to discredit him by the Byram camp for Byram may have come to the conclusion that he otherwise would have no chance to win? And shame on Williams for accepting a position that affords him & his family security for life.How dare he do such a thing. Is it true that the lions share of the CCO posters seem to believe that Evansville/Vanderburgh County is an example of a small scale Illuminati theory?

    • No kidding. If for a minute, anyone thinks that the underdog Byram wouldn’t file a complaint against Wedding if there was anything to complain about they’re foolish. What is Byram waiting for? Well? It’s a bunch of b.s. Just like the rest of Byram’s campaign.

  10. Since I now reside in the city I really don’t have a dog in this fight.

    If some of you people don’t like the rules I suggest you fight to have them changed.

    I wish Sheriff Wedding well in his new duties.

    • Well, I do live in the city (Evansville) and I do have a dog in this fight; the Sheriff of Vanderburgh County serves ALL Vanderburgh County residents, not just those that live outside the city limits of Evansville or the town limits of Darmstadt (the only other incorporated entity in Vanderburgh County).

      I would be curious to hear Dave Weddings ex-wife’s thoughts on the candidates. She currently works for the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department as a security officer at the entrance to the Evansville – Vanderburgh County Civic Center and is re-married to an Evansville Police Department Officer (Cullam).

      • I don’t think bringing up family support or lack thereof, nor a former spouse’s feelings toward a candidate, has any place in a campaign. Both seem more like engaging in petty gossip and less like a reason to cast a ballot for the best person for the job.
        You are right about everyone having a “dog in the fight”, though.

      • Her Facebook page and the fact that she was there to see him get sworn in shows she is supporting him. From what I heard, her current husband (EPD Sgt Cullum) , her parents, her sister, and her niece were all there, too. That kind of support says a lot about Wedding and his character.

  11. I will not sleep well at night knowing Wedding is the new sheriff. We have taken a tremendous step backward. This man cannot string two complete sentences together. His fake tan says everything you need to know about him. Fake. I guess Williams knew Wedding couldn’t win the election in November and hatched this scheme to get the incompetent one into office.

    Remember this county folks:
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.
    Dave Wedding supported consolidation.

    That, in addition to his lacking intellect, should do him in.

    • Let me recap your reasons not to support Mr Wedding:

      (1) He’s not one of the great orators of the 21st century.
      (2) He has a “fake” tan.
      (3) His opinion on consolidation differs from yours.
      This must be three of the most intelligent reasons not to vote Wedding for sheriff that I have heard. Really? That’s all you’ve got? Sounds like you are an educated, well informed voter. Geez……….

    • I tried all night to find one media or campaign article about consolidation with Weddings name in it. No luck. I tried to find him speaking for consolidation at the public debates. No luck. He did not work for consolidation anymore than Byram worked against it. It is a non-issue in this race.
      As for his skin tone, how about you take his ethnicity into account. He is of Armenian descent. They enjoy the darker complexion that many people try hard to replicate.
      Would you be on here blabbering about a a Latino candidates skin tone?
      Of course you really don’t have anything intelligent things to say in support of Byram, so you resort to an issue that we the voters have already decided two years ago and name calling.
      Who will you be able to learn anything positive about your guy that you can post one here?
      And you question his intellect?

  12. So would Byram be in support of having the ISP investigate his tampering of the Beumer case? While the reserve deputy program sounds fantastic on its face as a money saver we need to consider these volunteers will need to be outfitted with uniforms $$$ training $$$ vehicles $$$ there will have to be a new branch on the chain of command to supervise these volunteers $$$ all this equals net loss of money to create positions for byram supporters because there aren’t any with in the dept. these free jobs for his buddies will be converted to paying jobs if he is elected. Fake tan? have you not seen a picture of Byram?

    • I’m sure that Kirk wouldn’t have a problem with an outside investigation and I can think of two good reasons that he’d support it. First, HE’S THE ONE THAT IS SUGGESTING OUTSIDE INVESTIGATIONS! If he is guilty of wrongdoing, he wouldn’t be wanting to bring in people to do honest investigations. Second, if he is guilty of anything on that unfortunate night, do you not think that it would have been made public by Wedding’s supporters? Considering what Chad Howard posted earlier and these other allegations of unethical actions, I think that they would have broadcast Kirk’s impropriety in the Beumer case if he had done something wrong.

    • I, for one, don’t think a reserve deputy program “sounds great”, especially as Byram would likely run it. It is a great opportunity to hand over special authority to those who contribute to a campaign. Maybe Ira Buemer could even volunteer. He clearly has no problem taking the law into his own hands.
      Ask yourself why anyone would want to spend their spare time running around pretending to be a law enforcement officer for no pay. Most of the answers to that question are pretty disconcerting. There are a few people who truly want to serve honorably, but I think a good many people who would volunteer as reserve officers are more interested in compensating for their self-observed inadequacies. We’ve actually had “volunteers” in the past who paid for cars and had them painted to look like the ones the county has. We need to add rigorous psychological testing to the costs of a reserve program.

  13. I know of two business owners that were called by Dave Wedding himself in regard to them having Byram signs. Both took them down due to his intimidation. They will, however, still vote for Byram. Also, how could the interim sheriff appoint a man as a chief deputy who has never spent one minute working the streets or jail. He has been an office yes man since day one. Face it, money talks. Wedding sure bought his way into being chief. It certainly wasn’t his intelligence.

    • More accusations but no names of businesses and not first hand info. “I know of someone that is not mentioned” does not make Byram’s claims anymore valid than when he made them.
      As for the money claim. I bet you will find the deputies who support Byram and want the prized positions that the Sheriff gets to appoint are donating money to his campaign so that remark does not really make a difference. That is just what happens in all political campaigns.
      Does Wedding’s appointed Chief Deputy know the job? Yes. That is the most important part.
      Your criticism is just another example of a Byram supporter who can’t provide anything positive about him to the discussion. When all else fails, attack the other guy.
      Please, for the live of all things sacred. Would a Byram supporter get on here and say something positive about things Byram has done that make him qualified to be Sheriff and manage a multi-million dollar budget? I am already tired of the “Wedding did this and Wedding said that” campaign being ran by Byram.

      • I think you nailed it! Let some of these poor, intimidated citizens come forward and tell their own stories, or better yet, play a recording of it taking place. All the second-hand information makes this all seem more questionable, at least to me. It’s not hard to record conversations. Nearly everyone walks around with a phone with that capability.

      • Yes, I am a Byram supporter. One of the businesses I am referring to is Bassmeiers on Morgan. The other wants no part of it. Also, if Wedding wins the sixth ward another Mosby has been promised a job in the jail. Just what we need, another Mosby on the payroll. Just eliminated one, which is a whole other story. And why in the world should anyone feel the need to record a conversation? But I am sure if Wedding and his cronies continue to call or drop by their old friends, who just happen to have a Byram for Sheriff sign in their yard, that recordings will be happening. As for the chief, how can you possibly know the job when you have been a pencil pusher your entire career? SWAT, narcotics, confinement, and street officers not only have intense training, but work on the job in all situations. You don’t follow steps one thru ten.

  14. Ok. You listed a business name, that is more than anyone else has done. If someone from the business wants to speak on their own behalf, I am willing to listen.
    What was said? What was threatened if they did not remove the sign or support Wedding? Wedding has zero control over the decision wether to provide services to the business. First of all it in the city and the EPD is the primary agency for them. Wedding can’t revoke their business permit. He can’t shut off their alarm system. He can’t tell them what business hours they can operate under.
    Please tell me how they were they bullied?
    I know there was a Bassmeier that ran on the republican ticket for Sheriff in the past.
    (He lost) How is that candidate connected to this business? His is he connected to the owners of the same name?
    Again, I see a huge amount of support for Wedding displayed at homes and businesses. He does not need to bully anyone for support. Actually, I have not heard anyone say Wedding has done anything “bully” related. People keep talking about his reps. Who are they? Surely someone knows the names. Post them so the claims can respond to the claims against them.
    If these claims were true, getting the details would not be like pulling teeth. Slow and painful. It would be out in all its’ glory for the world to see.

    • OK Inquiring mind, you want business names but you wont list yours, interesting.

      Lets say I lay all the cards on the table about the “friendly” phone call AND the “friendly” visit to my business in the county, and I name Dave Weddings representative all while knowing this is how he operates,,,,,you with me here ?

      Now lets say he wins, knowing again how he operates, that’s a little frightening don’t you think,,,, it’s also a little bit hypocritical you trying to call us out all the while you hiding behind your screen name. You trying to set us up ?

      Just Sayin

      • The difference between me not using my real name and you not using yours is simple. I am not the one accusing someone of wrongdoing in an effort to undermine their political campaign.
        The tactic being used by you and Byram does not allow the accused to face their accuser. Byram talks about god given constitutional rights, but tramples all over that one.
        As for who the candidates associate with, I don’t think that is a discussion Byram wants to get into. I can assure you Wedding has never arrived at a murder scene to help his friend (suspect) out.
        I can also tell you that there will never be a Wedding sign on any businesses owned by Jason English. Nor will there be signs plastered all over a low end business like the Apollo Liquor store.
        You with me? You see what I am sayin’?

        • “The difference between me not using my real name and you not using yours is simple. I am not the one accusing someone of wrongdoing in an effort to undermine their political campaign.”

          YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME,,,,All you have done is demonize and slander Kirk Byram, you go on to do so right after this very paragraph, are not of sound mind ????

          All I’m wanting is Truth Justice and the American Way, my guess is your vying for a promotion if Wedding wins the election.

          Your hypocrisy boggles the mind.

          • So, your parents named you “1countryboy”, I take it? Maybe you’re the one bucking for a promotion at work.

  15. 1Countryboy. Say just for shits and giggles Chief Wedding did stop into a business or an so called acquaintence stopped in. How do you know that they are not selling themselves and giving them Chief Weddings qualifications? I’m sure that’s not against the law of politics. Chief Wedding definitely looks like he has the experience and qualifications for the job.
    I still haven’t seen or heard ant facts about threatening or bullying. After all its pretty darn easy to get on here and spew lots of accusations. Let’s see the facts.

  16. It’s funny how “inquiring minds” hides behind a screen name. If you can’t use your real name, how believable are you? I hope the tax paying voters of the county know they have a choice between a small-minded, dirty and vindictive candidate in Wedding and an accomplished, moral, family man in Byram. I have heard numerous horror stories about Wedding that never seem to end from various people from all walks of life. They can’t all be lying. Occasionally, the choice between candidates in a political race is obvious. This is one of those times.

  17. So Mr.Hammers are you saying that all the posters on this website are liars except a few that use their real names? You just keep posting for your candidate. It only helps the opposition.
    First you say the Wedding supporters are low class and scared.
    Now all people that post on this website are liars if they don’t use their real names. Priceless.

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