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    Ghost, Al Sharpie and I arrived in Cleveland about 4pm yesterday afternoon. Al insisted we head straight to the Indians ballpark cause he bought scalper tickets on Craigslist, but it turns out they are playing the Twins in Minneapolis this weekend. He threw a fit and blamed “that damn Obama,” pissing off Ghost so much he headed to the Agora to see a Rick James cover band. Al insisted on taking me to the Slovenian Vets for Trump for free vodka shots night, and we were surprised to see it jointly sponsored by “Concealed-Carry of Pierre,” so it was a raucous good time. Ghost came in w/ several BLM protestors and Transgenders for Hillary just after midnite. The boys from Pierre didn’t know what Transgender meant, and the merry good time lasted until about 4am. We just finished breakfast at the Big Egg this morning, and are headed to sneak in a hole in the fence Al insisted several BLM members told him was in a parking lot on Prospect. (Al disappeared about 2am after being seen w/ BLM Leader Hondo and his wife, but they all came in to the Big Egg this morning with big smiles.) More updates coming….

    • That’s funny.

      Whisperin’ Ben Carson just quietly confirmed that Trump indeed had serious second thoughts about putting Scowlin’ Mad on his ticket but had already made the offer. He’s stuck with him now.

    • If you get separated from my bro al sharpie while you’re up there Becker just follow the dots.

      It’ll take you right to him.

      If for some reason that doesn’t work, then just listen for the sound of a train.

      He’ll definitely be on it….

      • Also, be sure to tell Ghost not to sleep on his stomach.

        Not with al sharpie around….

    • I’m looking forward to more “on the scene” reports from you. It might be a good idea to run by a vet’s office and have Al Sharpie microchipped, so you can find him when it is time to come home. Now that he’s made the acquaintances that you report on, he isn’t going to want to come home.

    • Don, this is good stuff.

      I agree with Laura, we need further “man (or half-man) on the street” reports

    • I finally agree with you, JB! I absolutely can imagine Senator Warren mopping the floor with the Scowler’s noble gray head! Every time someone calls her Pocahontas, it just reminds everyone that there is very little “dirt” in her background. It has been confirmed many times that her youthful interest in possible native American heritage had NO influence on her hiring.

    • Man. You have some serious problems PAK.
      Do you have ANY face that doesn’t have “teeth gritting sneer” written all over it?

      It’s Sunday for God’s sake. Have a glass of lemonade Sir.

      • Don, we all know that PAK and the ridiculous right do not have a sense of humor


    Make America Great Again

    Hillary Clinton failed us as secretary of state, and she would fail us again as president.

    As a proud father of a U.S. marine, I don’t want a president who will take 13 hours to respond to our men and women in uniform.

    I want a president who will take the call at any hour of the night.

    I have full faith that Donald Trump will answer the call.

    …Which is why I am honored to officially join Donald Trump as his running mate.

    • And after Trump takes the call? Has he said what he would have done differently to save those lives? Has he said ANYTHING specific regarding foreign policy? And I do mean specific. I mean, after the Rs cut security funding, what could have, should have been done on that night in question? Don’t just tell me he’ll wing it and it will be great. You idiots think Trump is some kind of magic unicorn.

      • Democrats have shown that they can not be trusted with the security of the Country. Jimmy Carter with his fumbling of the Iran hostage situation, Bill Clinton with his pat verbal response to attacks on American troops and citizens for the 8 years he was in office: “we will find the people responsible and bring them to justice” (he never did), and the current president who even refuses to use the words “Islamic terrorists”.

        I don’t think you will have to worry about President Trump responding to attacks on Americans, military or civilian.

        • Notice that PressAK didn’t answer?

          Press doesn’t answer. Because he doesn’t know.
          PAK’s interest in Trump is about pure resentment over losing time and time again. This time? He won’t win….this time….either. But his ambition? It is to burn it everything down with a dangerous fool, Trump, so PAK can make sure “no one wins.”
          His comments here…..pure resentment.
          It’s tragic.

        • Wasn’t it Donald Trump who said during the debates that Bush was in charge during 911 AND that 911 happened on Bush’s watch. Id say that it was the GOP that let the country down during the attacks on 911. Hell he let the terrorist bomb the pentagon for Christ sakes.

          It seems to me that the worst attack in the history of the USA and on US soild happened on the GOP watch.

          Your own candidate Donald Trump said that, Press.

          • LET’S BE CLEAR: Pressanykey isn’t trying to make an argument for Trump, he isn’t trying to convert or win any minds to his way of thinking, and there is NO LOGIC he embraces…..other than “I don’t think about what I write, and I will say anything, even things I know are not true, even things I flatly disagree with…I will say anything to promote my white, racist views.”
            He doesn’t read anything anyone else writes here.
            PAK is fully dysfunctional.
            Reading PAK over the last several weeks……it is total fear, hate and resentment.
            It is sad, and it is tragic to watch the unwinding of a person.

        • PAK

          What an utter load of bull$hit

          In 1980 while Jimmy Carter was negotiating for release of American hostages in Iran, members of the Ronald Reagan campaign staff made the Ayatollah Khomeini an offer he couldn’t refuse: badly needed US arms and spare parts for his war with Iraq if he kept the US Embassy hostages in Tehran until after election day

          15 minutes after Ronald Reagan took the oath of office, the Ayatollah released the hostages.

          The crash that same year on the Soviet-Turkish border of an aircraft en route from Israel to Tehran with a cargo of US arms revealed that the Reagan administration was not enforcing US rules against the transfer of its weapons without its permission.

          As the Iran-Contra scandal later demonstrated, Reagan clearly wasn’t averse to secret deals with Iran. In 1985, representatives of Iran sent the Reagan administration secret messages to buy U.S. weapons for their war with Iraq. The Iranians paid both in money and the use of their influence to gain the release of American hostages held in Lebanon by Iran’s allies.

          Trump is a demagogue who cares nothing for America. We are seeing that you have the same philosophy.

          • This is certainly a crock of revisionist crap put out by the demokratz long after the actual incident:

            [In 1980 while Jimmy Carter was negotiating for release of American hostages in Iran, members of the Ronald Reagan campaign staff made the Ayatollah Khomeini an offer he couldn’t refuse: badly needed US arms and spare parts for his war with Iraq if he kept the US Embassy hostages in Tehran until after election day] (CEP)

            While I am sure the CIA would not have objected giving Iran arms to fight Iraq, your fiction about Ronald Reagan asking for the hostages to be held until after the election is typical of the propaganda that the left used against President Reagan after he was elected, in order to distract from the FACT that Jimmy Carter lacked the requisite manhood to defend American citizens.

            Go sell your fiction to some of these youngsters who were not around when it happened. I happen to know better.

  3. barry hussein aka lying piece of shit has struck again………Baton Rouge animals following their tribal leader………God Bless the Police……………

    • al “dull as a butter knife”

      The only “piece of shit” we are dealing with is YOU and the type of gutless assholes like you who use bigotry and racism to spread hate. I’m sick and tired of piles of dogshit like you

      The Wall Street Journal reported the shooter belonged to anti-government groups the New Freedom Group and the Sovereign Citizens. These are RIGHT WING hate groups, and it is morons like you that support the vile rhetoric that has caused these shooters to take the lives of the brave men and women in law enforcement.

      The latter group is dubbed “a growing domestic threat” by the FBI with roots in racism and anti-Semitism. Its followers “believe that they get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don’t think they should have to pay taxes,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

      Sounds like the same group of village idiots you are in

    • Just like al “dumb as a bag of hammers” before all of the facts were even in following the shooting deaths of three Baton Rouge policemen on Sunday, the head of Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association blamed President Barack Obama for the spate of cop killings.

      The Cleveland idiot cop had made national headlines when he called 12-year-old Tamir Rice “menacing” after Rice was executed in 2014 by a fellow Cleveland cop, and of course was quick to get on the phone with Fox News and tell the country that Obama has “blood on his hands” and blamed the shooting on Obama.

      “The president of the United States validated the false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the media are pressing out there to the public. Validated it with his very divisive statements and now we see an escalation. We need some leadership in this country.”

      When it comes to leadership, this moron in Cleveland (hundreds of miles away from Baton Rouge and having ZERO connection) has a history of standing up for cops who shoot unarmed blacks, including Rice who was playing with a toy gun in a Cleveland park only to be shot and killed by officer Timothy Loehmann within two seconds after he opened the door of his police cruiser.

      Defending the executioner of Young Tamir Rice he said “Tamir Rice was in the wrong. He’s menacing. He wasn’t a little kid”

      The Cleveland official cop motor-mouth also defended another Cleveland officer after he stood on the hood of a car containing two unarmed African Americans and fired 47 shots through the windshield that resulted in their deaths.

      al, you disgust us all

  4. The events in Baton Rouge are heartbreaking. It is what happens when open carry is legal and people like al sharpie get guns.

    • THIS cop-killing spree is being fueled by too many cop-killer assault rifles in our neighborhoods.
      Cops are important, critical, devoted public servants. They don’t deserve to have to face that kind of danger in the course of doing their job.
      It’s only a matter of time before policemen nationwide join forces to remove the NRA as an effective lobby.
      Many are currently members. That’s gonna start sliding….fast.
      (Cop killer assault rifles…if you support Cops, you will support ending access to all military style guns currently sold in the US. Otherwise……you’re not truly for the Cops.)

    • I know this is going to disappoint you deeply, but the murderer was not a New Black Panther. Gavin Long was associated with a militia group, Sovereign Citizens. You need to do a search of them and get back to us about what they believe and how many people of both races belong to the group.

      • LKB, try the truth sometimes. He was a black male, ex military associated with black hate groups. Sounds like Dallas all over again. Very sad for the Country and a tragedy for the fallen Officers families.

        • Hate groups. Waiting on more details on what kind. Point remains that LEO deserves all out support. Not the hate speech that has been directed to LEOs for twisted political purposes.

          • JOE…..for “twisted political purposes”….you take this conversation to hate groups?
            There will ALWAYS be lonely, disgruntled people who are ready to give up, and are willing to create an infamous ending of their life by killing others.
            There will always be hate groups. BUT…..Cops shouldn’t have to worry these people have military-style rifles and assault rifles.
            You won’t agree with that because you REALLY aren’t interested in protecting cops Joe….you just want to score political points.
            Protect your cops by eliminating their worry they will be outgunned by private citizens with military weapons the NRA says everyone needs.
            That is……if you are REALLY serious about protecting Cops, Joe.

          • Sovereign Citizens is a right wing hate group that does all it can to harass law enforcement, and you will find it is mostly a white group. I don’t know what “black hate groups” you’re referring to, but I suspect you don’t either. Reliable news media has only mentioned ties to “Sovereign Citizens”.

    • HEY BUDDY:
      Oh…’s America, and even I will defend AL SHARPIE to write ANYTHING he wants here. He’s a citizen, and he has rights to embellish as long as they don’t seize someone else’s rights.
      I think the CCO Editor gets that.
      AL……keep it up. You’re a pain in the ass, but you have a right to say the crap you write here.

  5. I just think he crosses the line into hate speech when he goes the “tribal….” route.

    • I don’t usually read his comments, but I always regret it when I accidentally do.

      • ….alas, when I read Al Sharpie’s comments, I take comfort that the only people who agree with him are other bunker-living ignorant, toothless, chaw-chomping redneck savages who piddle their winkie in their bunker while making VHS tape copies of “Red Dawn” for their three friends.

    • Ha! That’s good.
      I’m back home now. So REG, please feel free to document the shenanigans! You’re good at it.


    Nite Nite time for Becker, Ghost and al sharpie;

    Guys, for God’s sake, fat ass al should always be on the bottom.

    Even Reverend Pence knows you should never put the biggest dummy on top.

    But being the good Christian that he is, he’s willing to sell his soul to the devil.

    Even one with a bad comb over.

    Believe me.


  7. In looking back over this page today one thing stands out: There is a group of posters on here who, when presented with facts that are not to their liking, resort immediately to personal attacks and name calling.

    This does not move the discussion forward at all, and I am not sure why CCO has not put a stop to it before now.

  8. It is quite obvious tell the radical liberal savages the truth about their tribal leader and they become unhinged……… is a joy to see their decent………

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