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  1. There’s a lot of talk in here about a certain CCO reader/poster, evangelical Christian abandoning his principles and becoming a surrogate promoter and endorser of New York City playboy liberal, Donald Trump for President of the United States.
    Well, we need to cut him some slack I guess. Donald Trump pitched evangelical Christians this week to buy their support. And it turns out that none other than, James Dobson, JAMES DOBSON!!, born-again Christian leader of Focus on the Family is now insisting after talking to Donald Trump, that “Two Corinthians” Trump has suddenly dedicated his life to Christ, given his life over to the Savior and has been born again and embraced Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Donald Trump, born-again Christian, just in time for the general election. Dobson believes this. After the Trump meeting with Dobson, Dobson said “Donald Trump is now saved, a born-again Christian.”
    If James Dobson can be sucked in by NYC’s leading Bacchus too, I guess we need to cut PAK some slack.

  2. Here at home, Christianity and Christian religious practices are under attack, but in subtle ways and under a misinterpretation of the principle of freedom of religion. In the United States, that legal doctrine is cited to marginalize Christian prayer and traditions, while, at the same time, dramatically accommodating and even expanding Muslim religious practices. Myriad examples exist.

  3. The Obama administration is now having Federal Prosecutors threaten Americans with criminal prosecution if they make inflammatory statements about Muslim refugees. This pattern started Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.” Lynch was forced to walk back those comments after outrage from free speech advocates. Your choice is Trump or Hillary, and Hillary will continue this unconstitutional action and likely appoint Obama to the Supreme Court so he can continue his quest to fundamentally transform the United States (means destroy to real Americans)


    • You do realize Trump has talked about how much he yearns go censor the media, right?

      • The links to Breitbart, or WND or some piece of crap propaganda web site that has no direct relationship to the actual news……IS NO FREAKIN’ DIFFERENT than posting propaganda stuff from Mother Jones or Mother Earth or Greenpeace news sites. Pure propaganda. Dismiss anything there as the truth.
        Yet Pressanykey and JoeBiden thinks they are reading news……posting a Breitbart or WND website link here? It is as useless as posting a news article from Mother Jones. Ignorant propaganda fellas.
        No serious person follows Breitbart anymore than they follow Mother Jones.

  4. I see the Coroners race is about to get mean. The arguing about giving a bloody bike helmet to a family member isn’t a big deal, but I think Steve Lockyear the double dipper needs to explain why he thinks he should have two checks from the public.

    • Why is Annie fighting this battle? It sounds to me like the Republican was using good judgement when he didn’t return the contaminated helmet. The family should have been told that it was not in condition to return, but I don’t think a bloody bicycle helmet is a “keepsake” either. Does the Coroner usually give families such items?
      I don’t see why we elect coroners. I think they should be professionally qualified, public employees. If we can afford all the fluff we’re buying, why can’t we afford a real professional coroner?

  5. Finally……..finally!!
    Republican (and Reagan Speechwriter) Peggy Noonan wrote some honest truth about Donald Trump this weekend in the Wall Street Journal. I laughed my ass off when I read this, because it is SO TRUE:
    “Oh, but Donald Trump is Ronald Reagan—an outsider, disliked by the elites, looked down on, a TV star!”

    I hear this a lot, mostly from idiots.
    Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan. Reagan served two full terms as the Governor of a State so vast that if it were a country it would have been one of the important economies in the world. Reagan was a union president who served seven terms during the most fraught time in Hollywood’s history and emerged respected by all sides. He was no novice. Reagan was the leader of an entire political movement for more than a decade before taking the White House. But it is not true that nobody respected him. The people elected him in landslides.

    Donald Trump supporters. Please stop this!
    The man you back has never held office and has not proved himself as a leader of men.
    You can’t say that Mr. Trump is Ronald Reagan, because he is not, and you sound desperate and historically illiterate when you insist he is.”
    Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2016

  6. after 8yrs of barry hussein the manchurian lying about anything and everything to pass the radical left commie agenda and then they roll out crooked doormat harry clinton it forces the gruber goobers to spend all their waking time dumpster diving with the commie main stream media to try and misrepresent Mr.Trumps words………………I love this site for that fact………..so all you barry gruber goobers keep the laughs a coming loloooolollloooool please throw a brian williams or a dan rather quote in every once in a while……………lollllllllllllllll….TUMP………….2016…………….

  7. Oh, yeah, we really have two great examples of humanity running (presumed) for President of the United States

    The real Hillary…. Her actual words:

    1) “Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise”. Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244

    (2) “Fuck off! It’s enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.” From the book “America Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p.90

    (3) “If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!” Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book “The First Partner” p. 25

    (4) “Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?” Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book “Unlimited Access” by Clinton ‘s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139

    (5) “Where’s the miserable cock sucker?” (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”) Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book “The Truth about Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5

    (6) “You fucking idiot” Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book “Crossfire” ~pg. 84

    (7) “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!†Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book ” Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72

    (8) “Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!” Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

    There it is ……..book, chapter and page…….the real Hillary Rotten Clinton!

    Additionally, when she walked around the White House, NO ONE was permitted to look her in the eye, they all had to lower their heads with their eyes towards the ground whenever she walked by. Clearly she is a class act!

    This ill-tempered, violent, loud-mouth, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next President, and have total control as Commander-in-Chief of our Military, the very Military for which she has shown incredible disdain throughout her public life .

    Remember her most vile comment about Benghazi: “What difference at this point does it make?”

    Now it will be clear why the crew of “Marine One” helicopter nick-named the craft, “Broomstick ONE ” – courtesy of Christina Plantzed States.

    • Hillary is no saint, but do you really want to get into a cut and paste quote war when you’re supporting a foul mouthed bigot like trump? Also, a lot of those hillary quotes are completely unsubstantiated. Most of trump’s are on video and he still denies them.

      • Think again boy. Reread the first line of my post. I’m no Trump fan. We need to start the process all over and demand that both major parties present us with viable, realistic candidates. And no, that doesn’t mean a sociopath like Bernie.

  8. There was a time when Americans believed in freedom.

    The US is dying from a million cuts. Part of the reason the USA is a nanny police state now is that whenever there is a problem, the kneejerk reaction in the US is to call for a new law.

    Nanny state laws are not the best solution, however. Nanny state laws lead to more laws, higher fines, and tougher sentences. Thirty years ago, DWI laws were enacted that led to DWI checkpoints and lower DWI levels. Seatbelt laws led to backseat seatbelt laws, childseat laws, and pet seatbelt laws. Car liability insurance laws led to health insurance laws and gun liability laws. Smoking laws that banned smoking in buildings led to laws against smoking in parks and then bans against smoking in entire cities. Sex offender registration laws led to sex offender restriction laws and violent offender registration laws.

    Nanny state laws don’t make us safer, either. Nanny state laws lead people to be careless since they don’t need to have personal responsibility anymore. People don’t need to be careful crossing the street now because drunk-driving has been outlawed and driving while using a cellphone is illegal. People don’t investigate companies or carry out due diligence because businesses must have business licenses now.

    The main point of nanny state laws is not safety. The main purposes of more laws are control and revenue generation for the state.

    Another reason laws are enacted is because corporations give donations to lawmakers to stifle competition or increase sales.

    Many laws are contradictory, too. Some laws say watering lawns is required, while other laws say watering lawns is illegal.

    Many nanny state laws that aim to solve a problem can be fixed by using existing laws. If assault is already illegal, why do we need a new law that outlaws hitting umpires?

    Nanny state laws are not even necessary. If everything was legal would you steal, murder, and use crack cocaine? Aren’t there other ways to solve problems besides calling the police? Couldn’t people educate or talk to people who bother them? Couldn’t people be sued for annoying behavior? Couldn’t people just move away? Even if assault was legal, wouldn’t attackers risk being killed or injured, too? Do people have consciences? Having no laws doesn’t mean actions have no consequences.

    If there is no victim, there is no crime.

    We don’t need thousands of laws when we only need 10.

    Freedom is not just a one way street. You can only have freedom for yourself if you allow others to have it.

    Should swimming pools be banned because they are dangerous? Hammers? Bottles? Rocks? Energy drinks? Pillows?

    Control freaks might get angry when a neighbor owns three indoor cats, but what did the neighbor take from them? Why should this be illegal? Is outlawing cats something a free country should do? Doesn’t banning everything sound like the opposite of freedom?

    Instead of getting mad at people who like freedom, why don’t people realize that freedom is a two way street?

    If you allow others to paint their house purple then you can, too.

    If you allow others to own a gun then you can, too.

    If you allow others to swear then you can, too.

    If you allow others to gamble then you can, too.

    Who wants to live in a prison?

    Think. Question everything.

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