Sullivan Helps Raise $14K For College Scholarships


Sullivan Helps Raise $14K For College Scholarships

State Rep. Holli Sullivan (R-Evansville) announced today that POWER, Indiana’s women’s caucus, raised more than $14,000 for a scholarship program.

According to Sullivan, president of the organization, the money raised will be dedicated to the group’s scholarship program helping non-traditional female students attend college. Applications and disbursement will take place in 2018.

“I’m pleased to announce we raised $14,400 to be used for the scholarship fund,” Sullivan said. “A big thank you goes out to all of those who donated and bid on items during the auctions. This is a collaborative effort of all women in the House and Senate, Democrats and Republicans – working together for all women in our state.”

Many of the auction items involved activities with state lawmakers. For instance, participants bid on an opportunity to have dinner with state legislators including Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne), while State Rep. David Ober (R-Albion) was included in a package with an escape room excursion and meal.

POWER is a group of primarily female legislators who are interested in improving the quality of life for women and all citizens of Indiana.