Students to Receive Free Bicycles at Ivy Tech’s 12th Annual Public Safety Academy


Middle school and elementary school students in the Ivy Tech Community College Public Safety Academy will receive a new bicycle, helmet, and bicycle lock this week at Ivy Tech Community College Evansville. The bicycles are awarded to students who demonstrate good attendance, good behavior, and a good attitude while participating in the Public Safety Academy, and other summer activities in the community. The Academy is a partnership with the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation’s (EVSC) 21st Century Community Learning Centers, the City of Evansville Department of Parks & Recreation, the YMCA of Southwestern Indiana, and the Boys & Girls Club of Evansville.

Ivy Tech Community College Public Safety Academy – Annual Bicycle Giveaway Event

Ivy Tech Community College

3501 N. First Avenue

Wednesday, June 21 at 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 22 at 2:00 p.m.

200 bicycles will be awarded to students this year, the majority of them at Ivy Tech Community College June 21 and 22 at 2:00 p.m.  In addition, 2 adaptive bicycles, specifically designed for children who are physically unable to ride a standard bicycle, will be given away. “Ivy Tech has individuals who have been committed to this project for many years,” said Johnathan Weinzapfel, chancellor of Ivy Tech Evansville. “We are excited to be able to be a part of this project giving students these positive reinforcements so they can have fun this summer on their new bikes.”

Bicycles will be presented to the students by donors, representatives from public safety agencies, EVSC, local dignitaries, and community leaders. Students will also be treated to an afternoon of fun, including activities, snacks, a tour of Ivy Tech, and a video on bicycle safety. The event is funded by generous donations from individuals and businesses across the tri-state.

The Evansville Bicycle Club and Gerling Law will be assisting with the event and will help adjust the bike seats and helmets to ensure a proper fit.