Student Group Raises Nearly $3,500 For Aurora


The Southwest Association of Nursing Students (SWANS) at Ivy Tech Community College has raised $3,365.33 for the social service agency Aurora, through a barbecued meat sale.

The students decided they wanted to do something to assist the organization that serves homeless individuals in the area, following USI’s multi-institutional Symposium on Homelessness where they first heard of what Aurora does and its mission from Brian Kerney, executive director. Aurora’s mission states, “We believe that our community and its families will be stronger when everyone has a safe, decent and sustainable place to call home.” Kerney said that Aurora’s mission is similar to what nurses do. “We give tender loving care to people who have fallen into a pit and don’t know how to get out – and then we show them the way.”

In May 2016, Aurora and several other community agencies, learned their programs were not going to be funded in the federal Housing and Urban Development’s latest grant cycle, nor in the future.

Ivy Tech nursing students were moved to action. “We were impressed and amazed at all the great things they do. When we heard of them losing funding, we knew we had to do something,” said Ivy Tech student Lana Seibert. “We, as individuals and as nursing students, have a very similar background. We are all very compassionate and caring people. We want to be a light in the dark. We saw a local organization that was in need of help. Aurora does SO much for the community and the individuals in it. They deserved to have the same done for them.”

The Human Services student organization at Ivy Tech also raised over $200 for the agency.