Statement on City-County Observer Yesterday IS IT TRUE BY Cheryl Musgrave


City County Observer

Dear Editor,

I read with interest your August 10, 2015, Is It True? concerning the issues raised about the offer my husband and I made last year on a vacant lot near our long-time home in downtown Evansville. Thank you for taking a balanced view of this fabricated issue, and for being a fair and objective window on events in our community.

Without going into a great deal of detail, I became aware of the vacant lot about a year ago and—knowing the fair market value for land in the downtown area—my husband and I made a generous offer of $500. Anyone, for your information, is permitted to buy land from Brownfields provided it is sold for fair market value. Brownfields thought the fair market value of the lot was $7300 and wouldn’t budge, so my husband and I dropped the matter. I did send an email to one of the Brownfields board members basically asking that he look into how Brownfields determines fair market values (since it seemed too high to me), and I did offer to show Brownfields how to appeal their property tax assessment to reduce its assessed value to a reasonable level, but that was the extent of my involvement.

I understand that someone else in the neighborhood who lives next to the vacant lot later made an offer of $1000 or so on the property, but I had no direct involvement with that.

The only motivation my husband and I had in offering to buy the vacant lot was so that we could keep it clean and mowed, remove the cost of maintenance of it from the city, and generally be good neighbors in keeping our area of the city in as good as shape as it can be, just as we have done with several other properties near our house over the years. We are both disappointed that we are being attacked for this.

Again, thank you for the article, and keep up the good work.

Very Truly Yours,

Cheryl Musgrave

Footnote: The City County Observer posted this e-mail sent to us by Cheryl Musgrave was posted without editing.  


  1. If you think the assessor’s valuation means market value, you might be a moron.

    • If you believe there is a single lot on Parrett St. that has a true worth of $7300, YOU might be a moron.

    • Maybe you two didn’t read my comment? I’m saying she is correct, it is not worth the 7300.

      • Now I get it. It is one of those statements that loses some of its meaning if you don’t get the inflection of voice.

  2. Why doesn’t the City auction off these vacant lots to put them back on the tax roll? That’s the best way to get the highest price from willing buyers, who will typically be neighbors.

  3. First how can you possibly do a story like this and not even mention the $ 20000 that Boren Developement llc was paid for the property by Evansville Brownfields. The real story is the amount of transactions between (Ron Boren) Boren Developement llc and DMD et al… gifts grants and purchases !!! Again however, and this is the really good part,
    River City Builders transferred the property to Boren Developement llc on 7-30-09 ( deed in lieu ). Boren Developement llc sold the property to Brownfield on 8-29-09 for 20k. Now here is the really good part River City Builders inc could not legally transfer the property because they were no longer a legal corporation in the state of Indiana. They were administratively dissolved on 8-22-08. And could no longer transact business. Now… how do you unwind that and who did the title work. Yes, please, ask ms. Rusk WHO DID THE TITLE WORK. Even better, I would be willing to bet River City Builders had nothing to do with the transfers!!

  4. I for one have been to tax sale auctions and have seen Mrs. Musgrave bid on properties at auction. I have no idea if she won any. This is by far the best way to determine the real fair market value on any given day. Although sometimes neighbors may be shocked by the prices to the good and the bad. The assessors i;m sure hate to see what some properties are truly worth since it helps with the tax base. I would rather see her buy a property at auction than have any number of people make deals ahead of time because they are in the know of what may be developed in the area. It seems to me Mrs. Musgrave is looking out for the neighborhood she resides in. If she pays the taxes and keeps up the property, good for her and her spouse.

  5. Cheryl,
    Thanks for your concern and trying to taking care of your neighborhood.

  6. ” deals ahead of time ” Boren Developement llc owned the property for 29 days. You don”t think that there was already a deal in place !!!!!! An even bigger question was it occupied at time. Federal law prevents Evansville Brownfield from making offers on any property that has not been vacant for at least 90 days. A law they have constantly violated.

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