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Vaneta Becker Selected As An CCO “Outstanding Community Service Award” Winner For 2021


State Senator Vaneta Becker Selected CCO ” Outstanding Community Service Award” Winner For 2021

The City-County Observer is excited to announce that veteran State Senator Vaneta Becker is a City-County Observer  “Outstanding Community Services Award” winner for 2021.

Because of the Covid-19 virus issues, we have rescheduled our awards luncheon for October 20, 2021, Bally’s-Evansville.  The COVID-19 virus crisis has forced us to reduce our attendee’s list down to comply with state guidelines.  If things improve before the date of this event we increase the attendee’s list.

Joining Senator Becker as a 2021 “CCO Outstanding Community Services Award” winners for 2021 are; the popular three-term Mayor of Evansville  Lloyd Winnecke, prominent attorney, and community activist Charles L. Berger, retired Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Richard G. D’Amour, outstanding public servant and former Vanderburgh County Treasurer Susan Kirk and the Co-Chairpersons of the “Feed The Hungry” collation of Vanderburgh County, Lisa Vaughn, and Evansville City Council member Alex Burton.


Senator Vaneta Becker has a repetition of taking on issues that help protect the disenfranchised and downtrodden. Charlie is an extremely private and soft-spoken person. However, when he’s in the courtroom defending the rights of his clients he becomes an extremely aggressive and effective Doctor of Jurisprudence.

We consider State Senator Vaneta Becker an amazing lady who was born to serve those in need.

She is not your typical self-assured and flamboyant know-it-all politician.  Senator Becker is a laid back and likable political leader that is known to take on legislative challenges by researching the subject and turning the information into a common-sense approach to debating information on the Chamber floor that forces needed change.

She also has the reputation as the go-to person to get the answers to complicated and complex governmental questions and issues that concern them.  Her constituents also give her high marks for the way she responds to the issues that concern them.

Originally from Alton, Illinois, on the Eastern part of the state, Senator Becker comes from a family of five brothers and sisters.  Her parents are deceased, her living family members have a lot to be proud of, given Becker’s achievements, accomplishments and contributions to the State of Indiana.

Senator Becker earned her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Indiana and has served as Senator to Indiana since 2005.  She works on issues with the legislation, budget constraints and parameters, economic development, and the demands of education.  Currently, she is also a Broker Associate with FC Tucker.

One of Senator Becker’s passions is insuring the completion of Interstate 69, within the budget restraints and on schedule.  This will make an easier commute to our state’s capital for all citizens and bring economic prosperity to our region.

Big on philanthropy, Senator Becker is one of the founding members of the Albion Fellows Bacon Center.  She helped find the original real estate for the organization on Grand Street.  She was also on the board with ARK Crisis Children’s Center which works in Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) for thirty years.  The organization serves as the State’s last free-standing emergency child daycare center.  Furthermore, she has helped pass Hoosier Healthwise legislation. Hoosier Healthwise helps provide health care to children coming from low-income families, creating a healthy living and learning environment for all youth.

As a key member of the legislature for the University of Southern Indiana, Senator Becker was able to contribute toward higher education and the growth of the school.  College enrollment has risen from 3,000 previously and now has made its way to approximately 15,000 students. Her contributions over to years have helped establish USI as an independent university that has grown and flourished.

She is also a strong advocate and supporter of Community College education.  She stresses the necessity and importance of vocational/technical training as well for field studies and advanced manufacturing

Senator Becker has also served on the Indiana Commission for Women and was co-chair to the Office of Advisory Board to Women’s Health. In the Evansville community, she is active with Leadership Evansville Alumni and the United Methodist Church, as well as supporting many other community organizations.

Senator Vaneta Becker has received honors from various organizations, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from ARC of Indiana. ARC has supported children and persons with disabilities since it was founded in 1956.

Senator Becker has outstanding listening skills, and helps others to further their education, by strengthening their communication skills, both written and verbal.  She reiterates that it is not only important for the workplace, but also for the legislature.

Senator Becker has worked to improve the quality of life in her community.  As a woman with an amazing passion for social services, bettering the quality of life, and contributing to the State Legislature, she is indeed an outstanding public servant.

Her Election History And Political Committees Appointments

Served In The Indiana House of Representatives from 1981-2005.

Was elected to the Indiana State Senate from 2005 to the present.

Health & Provider Services, Ranking Member.

Local Government.

Public Policy.


University of Southern Indiana, B.S.

Real Estate & Insurance Broker License.

Organizational Involvement

Indiana Commission for Women.

Leadership Evansville Alumni.

Advisory Board of the Office of Women’s Health, Indiana State Department of Health, Co. Chair.

Past Member of Board of Directors, ARK Crisis Prevention Nursery.

Past Member, Commission for Excellence in Health Care.

Honors That State Senator Vaneta Becker Have Received Over The Years

Civility in Government Award, Association of Retired Members of the Indiana General Assembly, 2015.

Capitol Caregiver, American Association of Retired Persons, 2014 and 2015.

Legislative Champion Award, Indiana Area Agencies on Aging, 2012.

Oscar McCulloch Social Services Award, Indiana Coalition for Human Services, 2011.

Lamar Public Service Award, Leadership Evansville Celebration of Leadership Winternheimer, 2011.

Outstanding State Senator, Indiana Retired Teachers Association, 2011.

Lifetime Achievement Award, The Arc, 2011.

Friend of Education Award, Evansville Teachers Association, 2011.

Bacon Award, Albion Fellows, 2010.

Ark Crisis Center Dedication to Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2010.

Bobby Sloan Symbol of Hope Award, Komen Evansville Affiliate, 2009.

Legislator of the Year Indiana, Trial Lawyers Association, 2009.

Legislator of the Year, Indiana Primary Health Care Association, 2008.

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Empowerment Award, 2008.

An advocate of the Year, Indiana Association for Home and Hospice Care, 2007.

Legislator of the Year, Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education, 2007.

Service Award, Indiana Home Care Task Force, 2001.

Lampion Center Advocacy Award, 1999.

Outstanding Leadership Award, ALCOA, 1995.

Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Southern Indiana, 1995.

Legislator-of-the-Year, Indiana Association of Ophthalmologists, 1995.
