State Representative Respond to Phyllip Davis’s Petition for Chief Bolin



Phyllip Davis said the mistake in the Milan raid was minor, but Justice Posner in his opinion of the case said “the Evansville police committed too many mistakes to pass the test of reasonableness.”  This shows a lack of leadership at the highest level of our police department, starting with the Mayor but does not reflect on the quality work of the rank and file officers who are sent to execute orders.  I want to make sure it is clear that I have not called for Chief Billy Bolin to resign or to be fired.  Billy Bolin is a nice person, who gives much back to the community and I want to thank him for his years of service to the city of Evansville.

If I am elected mayor I will be making a change in Chief of Police to insure that there is a clear line of communication and a similar vision for this city.


Gail Riecken

State Representative and Candidate for Mayor of Evansville

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  1. I didn’t know the Phoenix had added Petition Starter to his résumé, but by golly he sure has. We need more good citizens like him discharging their civic duty with such thought and variance. Why just a few months ago he must have been working security/judge at a rally at the Civic Center because he physically wrested a protest sign from some lady. The real police made him give it back but I see it as just another manifestation of his community mindedness. We are fortunate to have the Phyllip patrolling around in our midst.

    • They didn’t arrest him, so I guess he thinks he owes Bolin one. If you subtract the EPD employees, their families, and the City employees, his petition amounts to very little.

      • It actually means exactly zero. Gail said she will make a change and Winnecke isn’t about to. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. The Feen put the petty in petition.

  2. Who gives a shit what the Phoenix thinks? Is he a policy hawk or an angry 12 year old boy with an eating disorder?

  3. Who in the hell is Phyllip Davis that a Mayoral candidate should feel compelled to dispute something that he said in an interview? Get your priorities straight, Gail.

    • I doubt that Gail felt compelled to respond to you, but she did see fit to clarify her position on the Milan home invasion ordered by Chief Boling. She is just making it clear that she does not view it as a “minor mistake.” Bolin clearly should have to pay his share of the liability he incurred for the City with his over-reach of authority.

      • She is also making it known that she did NOT call for Chief Bolin resignation, which Mr. Davis previously stated…

    • He’s a liar. He claimed the mistakes made were minor, that crime is down (lol) and that Riecken was associated with the request for Bolin to resign. But he gave Riecken the opportunity to be the reasonable one between the 2 sides. It even gets better when his petition fails to get even 10% of the population to sign. He’s a tool and for his opponents. I love it.

  4. Never seen a new Mayor of a different party keep the other parties pick for Police Chief nothing new there.

    • Correct, Big Guy. Ms. Riecken proclaiming what any new mayor of a different party does is hardly news worthy.

  5. Reicken said absolutely nothing of significance. All mayors appoing their department heads.

  6. Anytime a new mayor is elected the new mayor appointed new chief of police and fire chief so what’s new .Billy Bolin is a good chief and we need a new city council except for a few. Our Mayor is just fine too.

    • Only if Evansville is in Mississippi . . this is not the 60’s . . . nationwide this city is now considered racist which is implied in the Seventh Circuit opinion . . . When Hollywood comes out with the sequel to Smokey and the Bandit, old Belly Bolin will replace Jackie Gleason, of course . . and our police officers now are relegated to the likes of the Keystone Kops according to the second highest court in the land . . . something to be proud!!!

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