State Chamber Slams Goebel for Demagoguery


For Immediate Release
October 30, 2010
Contact: Jeff Brantley – Vice President, Political Affairs
(317) 264-7544 office, (317) 919-6462 mobile


Indianapolis – The Indiana Chamber of Commerce, the state’s leading small business organization,
issued the following statement regarding a recent campaign advertisement in the House District 75 election,
sent out by the Indiana Democratic Party. The following statement was made by Jeff Brantley, vice president
of political affairs, for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce:

“The Indiana Democratic Party’s vicious attack mailing against small business owner Ron Bacon is an outrage. Hoosier voters want and need jobs and prosperity in these difficult economic times and attacking small businesses and their employees for political gain is destructive. Unfortunately, this type of anti-employer demagoguery is going on around the state, particularly where a small business person is running against a government employee. Voters are smart enough to know that government doesn’t create jobs or wealth. Rather, it’s private sector businesses through our free enterprise system that must grow and succeed to create the jobs needed to allow every Hoosier to be gainfully employed. Further, the Indiana Democrat Party negative mailing is serious hypocrisy. The leaders of the House Democratic caucus, to their credit, held the same position on these immigration issues as the business community and groups like the Indiana Catholic Conference did.

The Indiana Chamber of Commerce is proud of small business people like Ron Bacon who
are working every day to grow this economy and put people to work. We need more people
like them in the General Assembly, not more career-politicians and government employees.
The choice in House District 75 is clear. In Ron Bacon, voters have a successful small
business owner who wants to make job creation and economic growth priority one, while
keeping spending and taxes down. The other choice is a public employee who is supported
by some of the most powerful, liberal special interest groups in the state who demand bigger
government, higher taxes, and job-killing regulations.”

House District 75 includes portions of Gibson, Warrick and Vanderburgh counties including the
communities of Chandler, Haubstadt and parts of Evansville. The Indiana Chamber, through its non-partisan
political action program Indiana Business for Responsive Government, has endorsed Ron Bacon (RChandler)
for the House District 75 election.

The Indiana Chamber has been the state’s leading small business advocacy organization for over 85
years, representing over 800,000 Hoosier workers through nearly 5,000 member companies from across the
state in all 92 counties.

End of Press Release

When contacted by the City County Observer for comment Mr. Bacon submitted the following response

I appreciate the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s statement regarding my race. Hoosier’s need jobs and job creation is my number one goal. As a small business owner I understand what families are going through. I want to help Hoosier families in these very trying times.

I have not made negative statements about my opponent and have not authorized others to do so. Much to my disappointment my opponent has not taken the same path. Mr. Goebel blogged a statement on the internet and then failed to delete personal attacks about my integrity or correct uninformed supporters.

Just recently, at a local school function, Mr. Goebel stood in front of students and vowed not to make personal attacks. Unfortunately, Mr. Goebel could not live up to this promise made to our children. As for me, I will continue to discuss the issues voters really care about.

Attached to this email, you will find a letter sent to the local news media from the Indiana Chamber of Commerce about the recent action by my opponent. The Indiana Chamber sent this out today without communication with me or my campaign about its content.

Ron Bacon
Candidate District 75


  1. Gosh, I did not know the parochial schools were part of the government.
    In this case Mater Dei.

  2. In what world is Mater Dei the government? Bacon will lose… let’s face the facts. Goebel is the best man for the job.

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