Home Breaking News St. Vincent Opens First Women’s Cardiac Risk Clinic in Tristate Area

St. Vincent Opens First Women’s Cardiac Risk Clinic in Tristate Area


Dr. Suneetha Venkatapuram Will Discuss New Clinic & Women’s Heart Health At Free Presentation Feb. 21st

The area’s first Women’s Cardiac Risk Clinic is now open at St. Vincent Evansville Medical Group Cardiology, 901 St. Mary’s Drive Evansville. Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a “man’s disease,” the Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention (CDC) reports that the same number of women and men die each year of heart disease in the United States. The clinic will identify and help women manage their risk factors. Patients will receive an initial cardiac assessment, diagnostic testing (EKG), physical exam and the creation of an individualized action plan to modify risk factors.

Suneetha Venkatapuram, M.D., Cardiology, is the Director of the Women’s Risk Clinic. She is the only female and board-certified adult congenital heart disease cardiologist in the Tristate area.

“Sometimes it’s easier for women to talk to other women about their weight and other health issues,” said Dr. Venkatapuram. “My team and I hope to help educate and to catch cardiac symptoms before a patient develops heart disease.”

Dr. Venkatapuram will also be the speaker at the Heart Month lecture series at noon on February 21. She will be speaking about Women’s Heart Health and the new Cardiac Risk Clinic. The presentation will take place in the Cardiac Rehab Classroom at the St. Vincent Center for Advanced Medicine, 901 St. Mary’s Dr., Evansville. Registration is not required and attendees will be able to ask questions after the presentation.

The St. Vincent Women’s Cardiac Risk Clinic is accepting new patients by self-referral or through a primary care doctor. For more information call 812.473.2642 or visit www.stvincent.org/evansville.