St. Mary’s Health Foundation Associate Gifts Produce Powerful Philanthropy


St. Mary’s Health Foundation Associate Gifts Produce Powerful Philanthropy

Our associate giving campaign – the Foundation’s Annual Campaign for Excellence – kicked-off in mid-March.

I continue to be inspired by the generosity of our associates, physicians and nurses year after year. The total number of donations each year is approximately $160,000. A significant portion of these dollars raised assists associates with unexpected financial challenges, such as rent payments, utility bills, food, clothing and medications through our Associate Benevolence Fund.

The following is a Thank You Note from one of our recent recipients:

“As a St. Mary’s associate who put her heart and soul into delivering patient care, to be sidelined by Multiple Sclerosis was devastating. In a short period of time, I was the one relying on others to complete life’s basic tasks, which still to this day is very hard for me to accept. The power wheel chair, which was so kindly donated to me from St. Mary’s Health Foundation through the Associate Benevolence Fund, has greatly increased my independence, spirits and the level of hope I proceed forward with in life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the donation of my power wheel chair. Your generous and considerate gift will never be forgotten.”

And, that, my friends, is very powerful philanthropy – philanthropy that changes lives, save lives and transforms lives.

St. Mary’s associates, physicians and nurses are helping us expand our Culture of Philanthropy, because a culture creates change and change ignites impact.

I would like to share more examples of how our associates made an impact through their generosity.

  • An associate was diagnosed with cancer and needed assistance to pay her car insurance and rent. The Associate Benevolence Fund assisted by paying her insurance and rent for two months, which allowed her to pay medical expenses, including chemotherapy.
  • A St. Mary’s Warrick associate received assistance with utilities and other household expenses when he needed to reduce the number of hours he worked in order to attend school and study for his board exams. The Associate Benevolence Fund helped him better himself professionally at a time when he was struggling to work, attend school and provide for his family.Donations to the campaign have also assisted our most vulnerable patients.
    • Since June 2016, St. Mary’s Case Management has seen an increase in the homeless population and the need for medical respite services for patients needing shelter while receiving ongoing medical treatment. The Care of the Poor Fund has helped this population.
    • The Care of the Poor Fund also pays for discharge medications for patients with large co-pays and patients without insurance who cannot afford medications.

These are just some examples of how our associates change, save and transform lives through their generosity.

Every gift to the Foundation’s Annual Campaign for Excellence, regardless of the amount, makes a difference and produces powerful philanthropy. It is philanthropy that creates a culture and ignites impact.

Thank you for Supporting our Healing Ministry!


Rick Peltier
Director, St. Mary’s Health Foundation
(812) 485-4412 |