Sports Betting Has the Energy Now!


Sports Betting Has the Energy Now!

by Gail Riecken City-County Statehouse Editor

SB 552 took surprising turns this past week as the Public Policy Committee passed the bill out with some big amendments. Here is the StatehouseFile article to read about the meeting. The article includes interesting comments on the massive 100 million dollars Chairman Rep. Ben Smaltz wants the Gary casino to pay for moving to a new location near a major northern interstate.

There are still opportunities to discuss points that need to be clarified, including two sections that should be of interest to us locally: the addition of veterans organizations and sports betting, and the dollar payment to Evansville if a boat license is moved to Vigo County.

The Committee amendment allows veterans organizations to have sports betting. There is one condition – they have to use their gaming revenue for their organization. I would like the amendment to clarify that a local veterans organization here in Evansville can use their monies to make renovations to the Coliseum. Major renovations are needed to that cherished building and this could be an opportunity.

And what about the payment to Evansville, if the boat license is moved? The Committee amendment reads the licensed owner, if the license is moved to Vigo County, must pay 6 million dollars to Evansville. The amendment goes on to say 80% of the payment must be used to reduce the property lease payments from the Tropicana Casino to the City of Evansville. My first concern is that I don’t find a payment schedule or due date for the subsidy in the amendment (which I think very important).

Second, I haven’t seen the casino contract with the City, so I don’t know how Rep Smaltz rationalized in his amendment the percentage of 80% being used to subsidize lease payments to the City. How is the other 20% to be used? As I said, I don’t know how our casino contract reads. Maybe someone does and can explain this.

But, hey, Rep Smaltz! Looks like you and the Committee have been burning the midnight oil to keep SB 552 alive and continue the discussion.

With about two weeks left before conference committees tear into any disputed bills, SB 552 has been assigned to Ways and Means. There, Committee members will talk in depth about any financial gains and losses and special interests will make their final arguments. The bill, if passed out of Ways and Means, will go to the House floor for a discussion and vote.