
    IS IT TRUE we are disappointed that Evansville City Council Candidates Ms. Ann Hargis, Jack Schriber and Justin Elpers have all voiced their staunch support for our liberal Mayor political agenda? …we can’t wait to see the details how they plan to bring back solid fiscal responsibility leadership to the office of the Mayor? …we need new faces on City Council that have backbone and not rubber stamps that votes for our liberal Mayor agendas? …we hope that Hargis, Schriber and Elpers will quickly realize that the voters want elected officials that represent their needs and not the Mayors?

    IS IT TRUE we hear that some really serious discussions is going on within in the Vanderburgh County Democratic party on what is the best way to replaced its ineffective Party Chairman? …one would hope that the 8th District Democratic Party Chairmen Tony Long would involve himself in issue soon as possible? …we hope Mr. Long will quickly realize if the Republicans take over both the office of the Mayor and Evansville City Council the Vanderburgh County Democratic will be officially politically dead for many years to come?

    IS IT TRUE we hear that intense discussions have been going on between a group of bi-partisan movers and shakers with a possible candidate to run against liberal Mayor Lloyd Winnecke? …we hear that the discussions have been extremely encouraging? …if this well known individual decides to take on our liberal Mayor it will be the biggest political battle of his career? …if the highly respected and well known individual enter the race all the money that our liberal Mayor has in his political war chest won’t matter? …our “Moles” tell us that we shall hear if Winnecke will have a political opponent in about 10 days?

    IS IT TRUE we hear that Independents, Libertarians, Tea-party members, disgruntled Republicans and Democrats, local small business owners and everyday Taxpayers are talking about having a mass but peaceful protest at the Civic Center in March? …the focus of this event shall be targeted at the out of control and liberal spending habits of local city government? …we hear that the DMD and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission wild and out of control spending habits shall also be the focus of this vocal but peaceful protest? …you should expect more detailed information concerning the gathering of the masses at the steps of the Civic Center in March, 2015?

    IS IT TRUE following the peaceful protect in March, 2015 on City Hall plans are being made to have a first class social event at the Tropicana-Evansville Conference Center?


    Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    1. IF Evansville doesn’t provide funding for the IU Med School campus, would IU pull the project entirely, or is Warrick County still a viable option? As I see it, the only way Evansville can get its finances in order is to cancel the hotel subsidy and the med school subsidy.

    2. If the challenge to the profligate liberal Winnecke comes to pass it would invigorate enough people and open enough wallets to make it very hard for that goofy chickendancer to get reinstalled. It would probably also spell the political end for a couple of the opportunists who constitute the Poop’s hand picked city council ticket.

      • If it is the candidate I am hearing about on the grapevine, I think we will be say “buh-bye” to Carol and her husband without a doubt.

        • Going by your track record of being right, I’d say the one you’ve heard about is the one it is. I really do think the Flintlocks are threatening the future of Evansville.

          • You’ll have to , watch those sparks, and their perceived vines, propagations a mommy sometimes, if, its entropic balance accelerates beyond the normal of the mundane locally. Understood.
            Don’t push’em to much there, that place “normally” has shown itself to be “inherently slow” with the aspect range of social economic change, therefore, way into the scored as mundane per trending. Sparks are good for some, however bad for others . ” Everybody knows that” kind of inherent. when scored.

            in·her·ent adjective \in-ˈhir-ənt, -ˈher-\
            : belonging to the basic nature of someone or something

            Definition of INHERENT

            : involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic
            — in·her·ent·ly adverb
            See inherent defined for ” kids ”
            Examples of INHERENT

            He has an inherent sense of fair play.
            “an inherent concept of justice.” That would be law, wouldn’t it?
            It is one more proof that our world has lost the kind of exquisite sensibility displayed by John Milton when he came up with his definition of poetry.
            He first wrote “simple, sensual, and passionate,” but he was bothered by the grossness (inherent) in “sensual,” and so he invented the word “sensuous.” —Florence King, National Review, 24 Sept. 2007
            Origin of INHERENT

            Latin inhaerent-, inhaerens, present participle of inhaerēre (see inhere)
            First Known Use: 1581
            Related to INHERENT

            built-in, constitutional, constitutive, essential, hardwired, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrain, ingrained (also engrained), innate, integral, intrinsic, native, natural, in one’s blood
            adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic

    3. …………… we need new faces on City Council that have backbone and not rubber stamps that votes for our liberal Mayor agendas……..

      To me, the average taxpaying voter, announced candidates Jack Schriber, Justin Elpers, and Ann Hargis sealed their fate by announcing they will support our current spendthrift Mayor, AND the City Council. Looks as if we will have more of the same for the next 4 years, unless the GOP and the Democrats come up with some strong candidates that are NOT currently on the City Council, and will stand up to the Mayor. We have a couple of council persons that could be retained, but they had best start taking a strong stand on issues that affect the taxpayers. We are tired of listening to the likes of nobody’s Friend shouting hell fire and damnation in the CCO, then tucking his tail and voting for whatever it is.

      I certainly hope the unannounced, potential candidate for Mayor steps forth and runs a strong race, whatever party they represent. Long ago I gave up being a D or an R. Makes no difference, for once elected, they forget the promises made, and forget the people who elected them. We can only hope that fresh new faces will remember what this current Mayor and City Council has done against the people of this City.

    4. Nothing first class about the Trop as long as they continue to all cigarette smoking in that place.

      I’m curious to see who might run for the Dems in the next ten days.

      It’s going to be cold outside as this is Dec. The best times to perform a March would be in April or May when it’s much warmer but not too warm. A fair weather march is much better than a cold weather march. IMHO. Timing is everything and perhaps this should have been done a long time ago. But just marching to the front steps of the civic center is not going to do anything. IMHO. The last time that happened the Mayor’s people shut down the Civic Center’s WIFI so that the press could not report the event. Remember that?

    5. Please engage a copy editor. This edition of the IIT is completely rife with incorrect spellings and bad usages of English grammar, top to bottom, andat the basic secondary educational level.

    6. It was not but 6 months ago there was an “entrenched” politician smacked off their golden perch by a outsider.
      The timing seems right for the city residents to turn that same favor on their executive as well!

      • OI am curious too-but prefer to be pleasantly surprised. The less time Winky and CP have to screw it up?

      • is it true that Ron Cosby, Councilman John Friend and Ron and Gail Riecken met at the Cork&Cleaver recently. Could be a hint

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