The Evansville Police Department, along with all local school entities and law enforcement agencies, is aware of the recent threats of school violence that have been circulating nationally and locally on social media. As screenshots and “snapchats” get forwarded it becomes difficult to locate the origin of the “post” or statement, but numerous states and schools have been named in these threats.
The Evansville Police Department understands the seriousness of any type of threat to our schools, even though it may be vague and trending across the country on social media, we want the community to know that we are aware and taking necessary precautions.
EPD has increased our police presence in and around our schools and are vigilant in protecting our community. To ensure safety in our schools we are asking for parents to talk to their children about the importance of social media responsibility and accountability. Please monitor your child’s social media and discuss the dangers-and potential consequences-of posting, and spreading, serious statements such as threatening gun violence in our schools.
Thank you for partnering with us to help keep our community safe.