Freedom, Indiana – Author Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.
It is, of course, true that Libertarians oppose unconstitutional, costly and inevitably destructive “government programs” that make up most of what government does to us today. But when people use that against us, as if we’re who’s wrong, they’re ignoring reality.
Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are failing…fast, and badly, as we’ve been warned. …For decades. Democrats and Republicans play games with base-pandering rhetoric, but the fact persists: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, are failing. Nobody denies this anymore, yet nobody’s worried enough to fix what literally millions of Americans depend upon for basic living needs? Even legacy media outlets, the ones who’re gradually conceding that most of Libertarians’ “conspiracy theories” are in fact, truth, are saying that our safety net programs will need to be scaled back in benefits, increased in cost, and will maybe fail anyway, as we add another trillion in USA debt every 100 days, for other priorities that rob us of rights and wealth, as government gains power, corruption, anti-civilian weaponry and secrecy.
The voters our government brings across our borders, may help with the demographic problem of too many retirees per taxpayer. That’s one of the many reasons our government has been encouraging illegal border crossings since Reagan’s administration. But the new aliens may not share our priorities, and may not want to pay into a system doomed by our government’s obvious priority of foreign entanglements, foreign aid, endless wars, and relentless spying, lying and crony capitalism here at home.
So, shall we continue to reelect people who rob millions of taxpayers 15.3% of their salary in combined OASDI and HI payroll taxes, as they prepare to stab millions of retirees in the back?
This is worth repeating: The over-lauded keystones of FDR’s New Deal, and LBJ’s Great Society, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid are failing. And we’re all paying for it, in every way.
While Libertarians rightly disdain impossible political promises, they are still promises. And we believe in keeping promises. There are ways to keep promises to citizens, by nullifying our other problems. Ask me how.
It’s time to stop reelecting this catastrophic Two Puppet Party train wreck. We need to FIX THIS to avoid genuinely impoverishing fiscal, monetary and social calamity. NOW!
I pray it’s not only Libertarians who think so.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning