Old chart of a smart city design. by a “climate strategist” Thinking it evolved since its “conception”. Ok. Just don’t fall for the sweepstakes offer there……..
This chart sums up perfectly what it takes to build the correct city. Look at each slice of the pie, you can name at least one example for each as to why Evansville is failing at it.
Old chart of a smart city design. by a “climate strategist” Thinking it evolved since its “conception”. Ok. Just don’t fall for the sweepstakes offer there……..
Get your own license* first.
(V-is-to-R)…old climate “innovationist” 🙂
“What exactly is a smart city,” (By Boyd Cohen)
September 19 2012 10:00 am
Surprise,surprise,who in Vanderburgh county has the largest carbon footprint…….. 🙁
70.2—–> choke,weez,gasp!
Wow. not smart, by defined examples and such.
Who’uda ever thunk it?
Incremental balance,it all adds up.
This chart sums up perfectly what it takes to build the correct city. Look at each slice of the pie, you can name at least one example for each as to why Evansville is failing at it.
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