Home Community News Shakeup at Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana

Shakeup at Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana


Mole #3 has Delivered the Goods Again

There are reports that the Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana has undergone a small reorganization that has involved a shake-up within some management positions. Mole #3 also reports that some employees have been let go and that more news is forthcoming.

Please check back for developing news and be sure to watch Channel 14 news tonight as they broke the story.



  1. There is evidence to support Mole#3 report. In this past Sundays help wanted ads there were 3 different positions listed as openings.
    I was a member of the chamber for a year. It was not the great experience CCSWIN advertises membership to be. After I decided not to renew, I was sent PAST DUE notices for membership fees. I continue to receive those 4 months after my membership expired. This could be easily viewed as harassment.
    When I was a member, I faithfully attended many of CCSWIN events, especially Chamber Network News events. I made some good friends at these. But I found many of the people who attended were only interested in their own agenda. There is a “clique” that is very present within this group. So much so, that some members would not even engage in a conversation.
    When I joined, I was given a file of all current CCSWIN members for marketing my business. I thought this was great until I discovered this list was badly out of date. E-mails and other contact information was wrong and all but useless.
    Yes, in my opinion, CCSWIN needs to be retooled.

    • Truth may be that someone besides you discovered the membership list is badly out of date, as in cooked numbers, and Mr. Matt may be covering tracks.

  2. Yet another ‘ol boys club that needs to go away, they are self serving and do very little to promote community development outside their group, but that’s just my opinion.

  3. The Chamber of Commerce of SW Indiana: Buying politicians so we can keep our hand in the taxpayers pocket.

    US Chamber of Commerece: Ditto

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