Sexual Deviant Investigations By EPD


 Sexual Deviant Investigations By EPD

The Evansville Police Department wants to alert area citizens of a recent series of indecent exposures and sexual batteries that are being investigated. These events have been occurring in the morning hours between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and in the afternoon hours between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

The incidents appear to be by two different suspects and they do not appear to be working together or are connected. One suspect is described as a white male in his late teens to early twenties. The other suspect is described as a black male in his early twenties to thirties. Both individuals have been wearing dark hooded sweatshirts and dark jeans or sweatpants. 

The white male has been reported to be standing between houses and masturbating as females walk by and the black male has been reported to be approaching females and grabbing their genitals. The victims of the sexual batteries have all been walking alone in the area when the suspect approaches them, touches them inappropriately, and then flees.

The incidents have been primarily occurring on the southeast side of Evansville in the areas between Highway 41 to Weinbach Avenue, south of Lincoln Ave.

Although the EPD has been providing aggressive extra patrols in the area, we are asking the public to be extra vigilant of their surroundings and practice good personal safety. Please call 911 to report any suspicious behavior.Â