EDITOR FOOTNOTE: “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming FRIDAY

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  1. Todd Young campaign lies:

    * Bayh cast the deciding vote for Obama Care. Really? Was his vote worth 19 votes? (59-40)

    *Bayh did not vote with Indiana’s interest. Really? 1996 he won with 64%, 02 by 62%.

    I guess if lies are told enough times, somehow they become true?

    • Bayh will dust him. Bayh was just right for Indiana and still is. The lies are not all Young’s fault, ’tis the season. It doesn’t excuse him but he gets his cues from the top of the ticket. Very important to return Bayh to the senate this year.

      • The carpetbagger lobbyist will lose big time. For anyone, other than elite democrats, it is necessary to live in your residence at least half of the year in order to truly be considered a resident. Bayh should not even be allowed to run from the State of Indiana. Virginia maybe, but not Indiana.

        • Coats should never have been allowed back in Indiana. You just wooooosh Bayh had to live here half the year. He’s your senator-elect as of 11/9/16.

  2. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING


    Indiana based NCAA Collegiate Athletics revoked all NCAA tournament events from the State of North Carolina due to the State’s laws that discriminate against gay and transgender US citizens. All sports tournaments in North Carolina have been permanently revoked.

    1. Donald Trump and the Trump campaign agreed with the NCAA decision. Trump refused to criticize the NCAA’s decision. Trump has openly said he allows transgender people to use the restroom they prefer in all Trump businesses, that he supports same-sex marriage laws in all States of the United States.

    2. Trump followed that up by saying, “But the Christian right! I am with them! At least until they vote in the Fall Election!” “They fare better under me,” Trump said.

    3. Meanwhile, the extremist Christian right in the State of Indiana realized that any efforts to allow employers to fire gay employees, to create any new RFRA laws more restrictive against gays, and any wish to create bathroom laws in Indiana ARE DEAD. The NCAA is based in Indianapolis, Indiana….and Indiana supports the NCAA.

    4. The Trump Campaign and the State of Indiana chooses the NCAA over social values extremists.

    • The ‘social values extremists’ have rallied around a pig who has no values. Makes you wonder about them, if they ever had any themselves or did and sold out cheap like the bigot Mike Pence.

  3. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

    The Trump Campaign Embraces the Social Values of Working Mothers


    1. “Today, Donald Trump and his daughter are meeting with representatives of Slate and Huffington Post to push for national changes in women’s right to choose policies of the Republican Party.”

    2. “Ivanka Trump, a leading modern American woman in the Trump Campaign and principal advisor to Candidate Trump, is promoting women’s rights to choose extended, government paid maternity leave across the United States.”

    3. “Ivanka Trump, an avowed supporter of Supreme Court Justices who support a Women’s Right to Choose in reproductive rights, has become the media darling of the Huffington Post, Slate Magazine and her hometown New York Times to lead a national discussion with Reince Priebus on adapting the future GOP Platform to include support for National Planned Parenthood Centers county by county in the United States to support women’s reproductive health rights.”

  4. Over $1.7 million worth of real estate located all over Evansville and owned by Walt Lowe has gone to the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Sale. The sale will be held at 4:pm on October 18, 2016 at the Events Plaza next to the Civic Center. (see today’s legal section)

  5. In the past few days, former President Bill Clinton stated, “Let’s Make America Great Again, you know what this meaning” inferring to the mainly African-American audience that Trump want American as if was from 1865 to 1964 ..but the following is what Clinton stated:

    The less racist the South gets, the more Republican it becomes. Here’s what the former president of the United States had to say when he eulogized his mentor, an Arkansas senator:

    We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes.

    So spoke President William J. Clinton in 1995 of a man was among the 99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. (Two Republicans also signed it.) The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That filibuster continued for 83 days.

    Read more at:

    • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

      Will Indiana Enoch please chime in here and tell us that Robert Byrd (who is dead, by the way) was a racist?

      I mean, Susan Anthony here, she needs some support trying to say Bill Clinton hates black people. In fact, Bill Clinton has been seen at over half of the Trump rallies fightin’ the black protestors on the Trump security team. Bet you didn’t know that.

      • DB – take a look at the posts of SBA, BA, Ruffus, and Grateful Dead are all the same poster. Take a look at the malapropisms in their posts. The Newsweek magazine story and all of this morning’s other bad news for Trumpsters is all bad for their guy has them scrambling.

        • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

          ELKAYBEE OUTS Susan B Anthony, Benedict and G’ful Dead!!!

          You are 100% correct LKB. Good catch.

          SBA/BA/GD… look pretty foolish, you know.

    • Susan ..the following is more info on the first Democrat President since Buchanan in 1912 ..:


      Wilson and Segregation

      A southern-born president, Woodrow Wilson’s legacy has been dogged by his outright racism. In his writings, Wilson eulogized the antebellum South and lamented the period of reconstruction that followed the Civil War. To quote Wilson himself on this subject, “self-preservation [forced whites] to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes.”[17] Wilson excused the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in similar terms, calling it understandable in view of the “lawless” situation that victimized whites in the South after 1865.[18] Wilson carried his racism into the public arena, both as president of Princeton University and as Governor of New Jersey. While the former, Wilson discouraged black from applying to his university, and as governor, Wilson refused to confirm the hiring of blacks in his administration.[19]

      Being a consummate politician, Wilson was not above lying about race when he felt it was necessary. For example, during the presidential campaign of 1912, Wilson thought it necessary to make a statement on the so-called “negro question”. In late October 1912, Wilson wrote Bishop Alexander Walters of the African Methodist Church to decline Walters’ invitation to address a mass meeting of the Church at Carnegie Hall on October 26. In the letter, Wilson wrote, “I want to assure them (i.e. Black Americans) through you that should I become President of the United States they may count on me for absolute fair dealing and for everything by which I could assist in advancing the interests of their race.”[20]

      • Dear Ben, historically, under the Repub Pres Grant and control of Congress the following act incurred:

        The Civil Rights Act of 1875 (18 Stat. 335–337),[2] sometimes called Enforcement Act or Force Act, was a United States federal law enacted during the Reconstruction Era to guarantee African Americans equal treatment in public accommodations, public transportation, and to prohibit exclusion from jury service. The bill was passed by the 43rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1875. Several years later, the Supreme Court ruled in Civil Rights Cases (1883) that sections of the act were unconstitutional.

          • Suuuure, When was it Hillary said she admired KKK Byrd? Then you have the pride of the party misogynist Bill Clinton and text me Wiener. Democrats are more racist than republicans and their policies perpetuates poverty among minorities. The spots haven’t changed on the fur of the democrat party. They’re just living out LBJ’s 200 year prophecy.

          • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

            Right on cue.

            Indiana Enoch pointing out Robert Byrd is a dead racist.
            Fools….love a dangerous fool like Trump. This is not complicated.

      • Rewriting History?

        Andrew Johnson (D) 1865-69
        Grover Cleveland (D) 1885-89 & 1993-97

        • Actually, Andrew Johnson was a member of the National Union Party when he was elected in 1864 with Lincoln, who was also a National Union Party member. He tried to garner the Democrat nomination for the 1868 election, but was able to get only the state of Tennessee’s delegates votes on the final ballot.

    • Susan B Anthony

      This is the latest attempt at trying to mask the fact that 30+ years of so call “leadership” by democrat mayors in some of the country’s major cities has led to their decline and bankruptcy. The democrats talked a big game but they didn’t deliver. Corruption ruled the day, and what would you expect for a Clinton, other than corruption? Detroit went bankrupt, but you can bet your ass that the Clinton team cronies there came out alright!

      Now that the black population has caught on, Clinton is back in their neighborhoods trying to salvage votes among the less educated voters. Its a pathetic, desperate display on Clinton’s part.

      This is what is driving the democrat desperation:

      Yeah, lets go ahead and hold the election today! I’m tired of listening to the Hillary Clinton nut cases on here.

  6. Just an interesting little tidbit, there are no wars taking place on the North or South American continents for the first time in a generation.

    The closest thing to one is the Becker – Pressanykey conflict that threatens to boil over to the 2020 election.

    Anyone for hiring enoch to lead us in prayer for that not to happen?

    I can sense hands going up all over the tri-state….

    • Underlining issues in countries south of our border ..

      Over the last few weeks, Venezuela has found itself engulfed in protests against current President Nicolás Maduro’s administration. While the student movement has spearheaded this uprising, many Venezuelans have taken to the streets to voice their grievances against the country’s high levels of violent crime, inflation, and the increasing scarcity of basic goods.

      Wars generally are exacerbated by economic instabilities and those countries south of our borders have those issues has was published per the above ..

    • Clarification; That is Wayne Becker I’m talking about, not Don.

      Also, lighten up Ruff, it’s hump day….

  7. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

    By the way, this supposed Susan Anthony today……She is posting from “Ultra Right Conservative Mona Charen.” Like “Yeah, Mona speaks for me and my support for Donald Trump.”

    Mona Charen is a Town Hall columnist from the most whacked out, far-right trash you have ever read in any American media. She IS the far right conservative media.

    But SHE is smart about Trump. This is what Mona Charen wrote about Donald Trump this week:

    “My old friends Dennis Prager, Bill Bennett and Rush Limbaugh, among many others, seem to have made a transition. It’s not enough to vote for Trump. No, even reluctant supporters must now talk themselves into believing that conservative “principles” require a vote for Trump. Like John C. Calhoun, who discovered that slavery was not only NOT wrong, it was a “positive good,” some Republicans are urging that a vote for Trump is a moral imperative. To oppose him is, in Bennett’s words, to put vanity and a sense of “moral superiority” above the interests of the country. Rush Limbaugh, who travels in a private plane, condemns anti-Trump intellectuals at tiny, poorly funded think tanks for “(wanting) their paychecks.” They argue that the country “cannot survive” four years of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Limbaugh warns that this is a “Flight 93″ election — meaning we either storm the cockpit and risk death, or surely die.”

    “Bad analogy. The passengers on Flight 93 were pretty sure they were going to die. If you’re going to have a cult of personality, at least choose someone worthy. Trump has spent a career in the tabloid zone, and it shows. Trump cannot save America. He will do even more damage than Hillary Clinton.”

    “So spare us the overwrought Flight 93 analogies.”

    Mona Charen
    Town Hall Media

  8. Here are the latest polls. They are based on the time period of her “spell” at the 9/11 ceremony, and before the release of the emails in which Colin Powell called Trump “a national embarrassment and an international pariah.”
    It is also before Trump announced that he won’t be releasing his lab results, despite saying he would release all lab results when he announced that he had taken a secret physical. It is also before it was made public that he used Trump Foundation money to buy himself gifts and is being investigated by the New York AG. Today is the day the wheels start flying off the “Basket of Deplorables” bus.

    • I think Hump considers going in for a recreational prostate exam a ‘secret physical’. He sure changed his mind about that records release. Sounds suspicious. No telling what all’s wrong with that guy.

      He has major problems with his ‘foundation’. Might try Clinique for Freaks next. Maybe that prosecutor will uncover something chargeable. Like the bribe he paid to Pam Bondi through his foundation. He is one deplorable individual.

      He has come up against the math that says he is not going to be president. He has no answer to the math, just bluster or trying to hide behind Ivanka. That poor baby he was hoisting as a prop yesterday should have been loaded up with Metamucil or Mannitol before it was turned over to Hump.

      • I don’t think he ever took a physical, but you’re right about the possibility of having some “fun” testing done. Dr. Mehmet Oz is a well-known charlatan, so he and Trump are a match made in hell.

    • If you are a Trump supporter then you have NOT been listening to what he says and watching what he does. The guy is loony tunes I tell ya. And he is not crazy like a fox unless you want to think of that fox as having rabies.

      The guy is a menace to the USA and our allies. He loves a dictator and see a strong leader in Putin of Russia. Trump brags about Putin’s popularity is Russia. A Country where if you disagree with the Leader or the Communist Party you can be shot or thrown into Prison. . I think our President knows Putin a lot better than Trump does. Trump owes money to Putin’s friends they say. Maybe that is why he is so friendly to the Russian Dictator?

      • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING


        The polls are meaningless. But I noticed, you say they are all wrong, until you find one you like….

        Trump DON’T WANNA WIN. He should be WAY, WAY, WAY ahead of the worst Presidential day-to-day candidate in the history of elections – Hillary Clinton……and he’s not, because TRUMP IS LAYING BACK SO HE CAN LOSE.

        Nothing in the race has changed. The polls are all the same. …..the worst month EVER for Clinton, and NOTHING IN THE RACE HAS CHANGED. Trump don’t wanna win.

    • It makes one wonder if these exchanges were not set up for the express purpose of enriching the people who are ripping off the American taxpayers!

  9. Hey Becker haven’t heard you spouting off about your boy Johnson lately. For days that’s all you were saying, now nothing.

    • Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

      He did his job.

      For all of those real conservatives, you know….those people who don’t want to vote for a NYC liberal Democrat who is the GOP nominee, and who actually DO HAVE principles/character and integrity for their values? Johnson did all that was needed…..give a place for REAL conservatives do cast a vote.

      Trump voters who claim to be conservatives are lying, and are savage, unprincipled, uncivilized and treacherous. They are the very flower of the swamp.

  10. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

    Hey Press:

    Why isn’t Trump giving the NCAA crap for abandoning the Christian right?
    I mean… people……..North Carolina officials are your heroes, right?

    Why isn’t Trump defending those people? Why isn’t he speaking up for their right to ban gay/transgenders?

    Your guy. He is PROVING he doesn’t want to win….and HE AIN’T NO BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN SUPPORTER.

    I mean, that’s right? Right Pressanykey?

    • I quit supporting public tv and radio way back when Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story. I was listening to NPR’s Morning Report with Bob Edwards on the drive to work in the mornings and that particular morning, sometime after the story became common knowledge, Bob Edwards had a “man in the street” poll going on in coordination with a reporter in the field. Try as he might, the interviewer in the field could not find a single person who thought there was anything wrong with President Clinton’s behavior in the matter.

      That was it for me, and I have not sent them a dime since that time. Of course, since that time we have all been made aware of Public Television and Radio’s liberal bent. But you still can’t get away from them because the get 5% of their funding from government sources and 13% of their budget from colleges and universities.

      That needs to stop!

    • – September 14, 2016 –

      New York Post

      “Mr. Pagliano has chosen to evade a subpoena duly issued by the committee of the United States House of Representatives”, (said committee chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz). “I will consult with counsel and my colleagues to consider a full range of options available to address Mr. Pagliano’s failure to appear.”

    • So I assume you consider this to be a reflection on all Demos. You would then agree that former Speaker Denny Hastert to be a reflection on all Republicans, as we, I’m sure.

    • Yeah, lets put the old tired worn out corrupt immoral Clintons back in the White House. What sort of numbskull idiot would vote for that?

    • I don’t think he’ll be voting for or endorsing Trump, who he calls a “national embarrassment and international pariah”. He said he’d “rather not have to vote for” Secretary Clinton. I’m guessing he’ll pick her to get his vote over Trumpy. You shot yourself in the foot on this one.

  11. The average cost of health insurance paid for by employers hit $18,000 last year. The price rise of premiums is slowing down because the policies are high deductible making them useless for wellness purposes. Imagine that. Congratulations __________, you are covered to the tune of $18k but to keep that price down the deductibles are so high you can’t afford to use the policy. Plus that raise pool was all eaten up by the rise in insurance costs. Could we have screwed this up more if we set a goal to do so?

    • I believe there were plenty of informed people who pointed out that this would not work at the time congress was deliberating about it, but the liberals running the government and their media allies poured on the propaganda that if you didn’t vote for it you were a racist bigot xenophobic white supremacist. Which is indistinguishable from what the left and the media are saying now about Donald Trump supporters, and for extra measure you can throw in “deplorables”.

    • It’s been screwed up a long time Joe and you obviously have a bad taste in your mouth about ObamaCare but let me show you some things I see through my eyes;

      Improved Patient Safety. Since 2011, patient harms like hospital-acquired conditions, pressure ulcers, central line associated infections, falls and traumas have fallen by 17 percent, saving an estimated 50,000 lives and $12 billion dollars.

      Anytime you post a link like the fine one from wsj I’ll be sure to read it. Especially when it has anything from Kaiser in it.

      If you’d read my 2 I’d appreciate that also….

    • I just sent you a post that will pull up later tonight if at all Wallace so I’m going to try to break it down to see if a couple little tidbits post.

      Improved Patient Safety. Since 2011, patient harms like hospital-acquired conditions, pressure ulcers, central line associated infections, falls and traumas have fallen by 17 percent, saving an estimated 50,000 lives and $12 billion dollars.


  12. ‘This Is Much Deeper Than Pneumonia’: Ed Klein on Hillary’s Health Issues:

    With 55 days until Election Day, a major issue dogging the Hillary Clinton campaign is the Democratic nominee’s health.

    Clinton will be back on the campaign trail Thursday after collapsing following an early exit from a 9/11 memorial service on Sunday.

    Ed Klein, who has been sounding the alarm on Clinton’s health for years, says that her collapse had nothing to do with her pneumonia diagnosis.

    “This is much deeper than pneumonia,” Klein told Steve Doocy on “Fox and Friends” today.

    Klein said that Bill Clinton is aware of his wife’s serious health problems and has “begged” her for years to go to the hospital and get a full medical check-up.

    “She’s refused to do so, because she’s afraid if it leaks out,” Klein said.

    He added that’s why video of Clinton collapsing is so damning, as it confirms rumors about her alleged poor health.

    Klein described the former president as being “furious” when a video showed that his wife had collapsed, adding that he “begged” her not to go and offered to go in her place.

    “He was afraid she’d collapse in public because she’s been doing it in private. … It’s hard to argue with video,” Klein said. “And up to now, the media has been in the tank for the Clintons, but they can’t argue with this video.”

    “Even her friends don’t know exactly what’s wrong with her … but they do know that there’s something very seriously wrong with this woman.”

    • This latest episode happened at about 9:30 am last Sunday the 11th of September. Hillary’s handlers say she will be back on the campaign trail tomorrow, which is the 15th of September. That means that she needed 4 days to sufficiently recover for her last episode!! What is really going on here? With the Clintons “coverup” is always the standard operational procedure.

    • Who in the hell contributes in “CASH”? Is there a reason for that? You bet your ass there is!

      • Last warning.

        Your link is from Russia Today, Putin’s subsidized mouthpiece.

        In 2 months this election will be over.

        A reputation is for life….

        • Your last line there is prophetic… is the reason why old tired worn out corrupt immoral Hillary Clinton will lose this election, because her “reputation” is known to all. It is: (drum roll here)….You guessed it……..LYING HILLARY!

          • It wouldn’t matter to me if she does lose, just as long as Mop Head doesn’t win.

            I have a lot more rolls of toilet I’d like to abuse and I know which candidate is going to allow me to do that.

            Believe me – 100%….

  13. Representative Adam Kinzinger just coughed 2 times while being interviewed by Jake Tapper.

    That ends his future presidential aspirations.

    Damn shame. Such a fine looking young man….

  14. Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING Don Becker - Please God, Bring on the Election, GRADE SCHOOL BANTER FROM TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS BORING

    For real?
    Press….are not engaged in ANY conversation……yet you have like 100 posts today.
    Blasting CCO tweets…….it is PURE PANIC.

  15. If the lame stream media runs true to form, at some point tomorrow we will learn that Hillary Clinton is the picture of health, but Donald Trump has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

    Bet on it.

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