Home Breaking News SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 “READERS FORUM”




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  1. It has occurred to me as we are in this election cycle, as in every election cycle, that we question candidates more on current events than on the Constitution. Once elected the candidate will swear an oath to the Constitution not his/her views on current events. Current events are today’s news and tomorrow’s history, but the constitution remains the same. Only through it can people with different values live together in peace. Without it we live in anarchy. I no more trust a politician who does not value our Constitution then I trust a Christian preacher who does not value the Bible.

    • Now you’ve done it, Jerry. The libs will come at you for referencing the two things together that bother them most: the Constitution and the Bible.

      • (This comment is what is know as “a catcall.” Too cowardly to actual answer IE’s question, but safe to yell from “the bench,” i.e., from a player who isn’t good enough to play on the Court.)

        • Where in your replies have you actually dealt with my comments? You simply went back to the same stuck in a rut #Never Trump jargon that you have been posting for months.

          • No. You are wrong.
            I addressed exactly what you discussed: Candidates who value Constitutionality.

            You just don’t like the answer I-E.
            In fact, you’ve turned into a schoolyard child on a well-prepared initial conversation.
            Buck up I-E.

          • Now you’re attempting to us m arguments except you didn’t answer the context of m post. You went into the same old rant about Trump.

            Trump may or may not be curtailed by the Constitution, but he is certainly equally faulted in addressing current events rather than constitutional context.

            You’re no dummy when you have loaned your brain out to Hillary, so do you agree that the constitution should be a more of a concern than issues?

          • I-E:
            Man……you have lost all sense of reason. (And I told you, you would move to the argument that “Well, Hillary is unconstitutional too!”)

            Indiana Enoch, you used to make solid, logical arguments….now…..when confronted with problems in your arguments, you knee-jerk into schoolboy trash talk.

            Bring on the election, so you will stop being so damn stupid, silly, small and insignificant. There is no reason to converse with you until then.

          • Yeah, yeah, I’ve lost all sense of reason.

            You have morphed into a textbook liberal with our attacking the person rather than the comment.

            Game time DB, put some legs on your Johnson come lately choice and make it walk. You can’t do that by kicking the legs out from others.

            Johnson is not the conservative in the room. He is an authoritarian big government social and fiscal liberal pretending to be a libertarian.

          • Still Indiana Enoch. Still!

            Initiates a conversation about Constitutionality, and when confronted for substance and accountability……..VEERS off into the woods hunting for Johnson material.

            You’re losing I-E. I’m sorry you picked wrong. I didn’t pick Trump. You did.

            Your posts and personal credibility are suffering because you are in a sinking boat. But you did the picking, and he’s your guy, not mine.

          • Johnson come lately, do you have anything positive to contribute? Convince my why I should follow your example.

    • Indiana Enoch, can we stipulate:
      1. Donald Trump cares not one whit about the Constitution. His morals and guidance come from an instinct for what it takes to win. “Is it Constitutional? It never occurred to me. What I think we should do is _______.” I know this, you know this, everyone who works in and around Trump knows this Indiana Enoch. Trump’s care about Constitutionality of something extends to “Well, I want to do THIS. Is there anything in the Constitution that I can claim gives me cover to do THIS?”
      2. Hillary Clinton? Who knows. I mean, she is as likely desires to follow the Constitution as any other major political person like Paul Ryan, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Kerry or Susan Collins. I think she might differ from YOU on one of the recent Supreme Court rulings (who is the final arbiter of whether something is Constitutional or not – and the Constitution itself says that…by the way), and that is she likely agrees – and YOU do not – that the Constitution guarantees a same-sex couples rights to equal access to US marriage.

      But you advocate Trump in this election. But if what you say above is legitimate, real and authentic? Trump is in danger of losing your vote because you demand a Candidate respect the Constitution. And Trump could care less what the Constitution says….he is a “the ends justifies the means” kind of guy, not a Constitutionalist.

          • No, you have worn the subject out and there is nothing to be gained in the same argument you continue to lose. Now it is time for you to backup your idea that Johnson is the true conservative and grown up in the room. Watch the video. His temper-tantrum over calling illegal immigrants undocumented is impressive.

            It’s time for you Johnson come lately #Never Trump to argue more for your choice and candidate rather than against others.

          • I-E….your is a stupid and ignorant conversation…..that has NOTHING to do with our subject – Constitutionality. YOU CHOSE THE SUBJECT!!

            You NEED to talk about Johnson, that much is CLEAR.

          • My original comment was about it being more important for Candidates adressing the constitution more than issues.

            You responded with more of your ad nauseam Trump rant that was so loosely based on my comment that it was irrelevant to my point. To which I responded that you should be defending your Johnson come lately choice being as he is not the conservative in the room.

            Of course the option does still remain for you to address my comment of being more focused on the constitution than issues, but as it is you appear to be the first to respond as disaffected predicted, that the liberals in the room would come after me for touching on two things that bother them most, the Constitution and the Bible.

          • Indiana Enoch:

            Who brought up the Bible? Not me.

            Vacant and shallow rants, misdirection, panic/change the subject and run……Your boat is taking on more water. And you’re paddling the wrong direction I-E.

            I-E, your responses are substandard, weak and infantile, not because you are incompetent or incapable.

            But because you are in Trump’s wagon. And your neck is craning looking for a way out. And you don’t want to be in there. And you’re not happy about it. And it is showing.

        • In what context did I bring up the Bible Johnson come lately? Does even mentioning the Bible nullify one’s argument? That’s just more of your liberal logic.

          I am in Trump’s wagon for the reason I have stated numerous times. You are a Johnson come lately in HRC’s wagon because you are sore loser who would rather cut your nose off your face than do the reasonable thing.

      • I think you’re giving Orange Man too much credit. He won’t seek “cover” from the Constitution, because he doesn’t even consider it. Just Wednesday night, he seemed to think the President is omnipotent enough to fire and appoint Generals and he praised the “control” of Vladimir Putin.

        • ….more evidence that I-E wishes to ignore. (And he has abandoned his original claims of Constitutional importance for “Well, she does it too!” based arguments. So much for authenticity, but then I-E is proving AGAIN he lost that when this current Presidential election began.)

        • And Hillary will be guided by the constitution? But now we hear from the new DNC chair that HRC’s wheeling and dealing position in favor for returns is acceptable and to be expected.

          Is that the change you are hoping for? In fact, I am sort of wondering what is in Hillary for you other than she is not Trump?

          • She at least knows what it says and understands the limits to the presidency. Trump aspires to be a tyrant like Putin.

          • LKB…..Indiana Enoch is trying to pretend Trump is a good choice. He knows he is a dangerous fool. But he’s trying, and losing, because his pockets are full of Venezualan currency, not dollars. His is a fools argument anymore, all day, every day.

            Bring on the election…..so the foolish crap he writes, and he doesn’t believe can be discarded.

          • Hillary neither knows nor respects limits, especially Constitutional limits. Her scandal ridden history is indicative of that. You really believe that one who did not respect the DNC rules and rewarded one who broke them on her behalf is going to care about 200 year old paper work? I don’t think you do.

            What has Trump proposed that would not be with in the boundaries of the constitution.

  2. Legal notices today inform us that the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) is seeking an additional $6. Million of your money for a smorgasbord of projects throughout the District. The school corporation intends to raise the money through a single, or multiple, bond issues. This is in addition to their approved budget.

    • It is going to be interesting and instructive to add up the total of additional appropriations at the end of the budget year for both the City of Evansville, and The Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation. I think local taxpayers will be shocked at the degree to which their proposed and approved budgets missed the mark for the year.

    • This $6,000,000 is not “an expense,” but is a “capital expenditure” right?
      And not a budget item, right?
      The bond interest would be on such a loan that is not part of “the budget” albeit the interest on the loan would be a budget item, right?

      Alas……good catch Press.

        • That’s bondholders who put that money in, right? On terms they find acceptable?
          (Yes on the interest.)

          • I did a bad job writing that. The bond is a capital expenditure, the $6M. The interest on the bond IS part of the budget. The $6M is not, it is a bond/loan put in by the bondholders.

          • Well you can always say its local taxpayers who make annual payments to pay back the bond holders. Thereby paying back a portion of the principal and interest.

  3. Press, the election is tightening up, I’m sure you can see too.
    Policy discussions aside, the Winner here is gonna come from “who gets the most votes in the States that will decide the election.”
    I am noticing that the major Parties’ infrastructure (ground game, national ads, get out the vote efforts) for the Dems is rallying around Clinton,
    ….but also noticing that the GOP isn’t really doing the same for Trump.

    Sean Hannity is furiously preparing his list.
    Bunch of people he is gonna blame after this.

    • “I am noticing that the major Parties’ infrastructure (ground game, national ads, get out the vote efforts) for the Dems is rallying around Clinton,….but also noticing that the GOP isn’t really doing the same for Trump.” (Wayne)

      * * * * * * * * * *

      And you have pointed out why Donald trump will win. In Hillary’s case she needs all the help she can get from those with a vested interest in dragging her worn out carcass across the finish line, warts and all.

      Whereas Donald Trump has the VOTERS behind his effort to become President. Do we have enough voters who are worried about the direction this country has taken over the last eight years to retake this country, or will the vested interests (establishment) leeches continue to suck the life out of the country?

      We will know on November 9th 2016. I pray to God it is the former and not the latter who win out.

    • I look for the polls to shift back to Clinton’s favor when the effects of the Commander-in-Chief Forum start to show up, which will be the first of next week. The problems Trump made for himself in a half-hour are amazing. Think what he can do to himself in 90 minutes! I’m still expecting him to refuse to debate.

      • …..when Trump goes “off-prompter”…….the Trump campaign starts to struggle.
        It’s just true. Trump is not material for being President, and he and his own words are the best evidence.
        Let Trump be Trump. This is the Clinton strategy….and Trump is on the team.

        • The problem is that Gary Johnson’s gaffe on Aleppo shows that he isn’t presidential material, either. The third-party protest vote is a luxury we can’t afford in a close election that could send Trump to the White House.

          • That’s how I feel about Clinton. Of course it’s how you felt about her also before she stole the nomination.

        • The difference of course is that when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton go off of their teleprompters and screw up big time, they have people like this:


          covering for them. A courtesy not extended to Mr. Trump.

      • Trump ran to Russian TV last night to make his case to the Russian people that he is a Burgundy Beet FanBoy for his marionetista, Vlad.

        All will be well under the Putin/Trump New World Order. Trump’s supporters will be told they have miraculously risen up to middle-classhood, they will be told to bring their tooth with them to remind them where they came from. Putin will have de facto veto power over US Supreme Court nominees, it will not matter. Enforcement of judicial edicts must be Kremlin approved. It will still be OK to carry little guns with fearsome looks in case the government comes after you. Bibles will be OK too, with certain restrictions. The 2 Corinthians will have a new hit song out, praising the corporate internationalists. House Republicans and Senate patriots will hold perpetual hearings on Hillary, it is all they will do. Pence, Trump’s boy, will continue to follow him around with the scooper. Personally unclean, he will no longer ride the Trump plane. He will be made to take Greyhounds, even on visits to the motherland Russia. Pence will want to return to his beloved Indiana for a visit but the regime will withold the necessary stamp on his intra-country travel papers to allow it. All questions will be squelched by a dismissive, ‘we have a secret plan to fix that’. The vampire Eric Trump will have a hit reality show, topping the charts in both Russia and what is left of the US. He will see his little halfie Baron as a threat and put him in a gulag. The American people will be told they had elected an automaton, that there was never a real Donald Trump. They will not care. It will be too late.

        Putin strums The Beet like the family balalaika.

        • Trump’s troopers are claiming that he didn’t realize it was primarily Russian TV he was going on. I wonder if they straightened him out on the fact that Putin doesn’t find him intellectually “brilliant”. Putin looks at Trump and laughs at him. He, like Kim Jong-un and ISIS are rooting for America to be delivered into the hands of the buffoon.

          • Leaving Reverend Pence one tainted vial of Red Dye #3 away from the presidency.

            I’m a little worried about Hump’s coloration lately. He seems to be experimenting (or dying). Maybe he wanted to be a little redder for his appearance on Russian TV. His supporters, most purported Americans, see nothing wrong with it.

        • “Kremlin-controlled media outlets have stated publicly their preference for Trump,” former U.S. ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul notes. “RT, Russia’s state-controlled television station broadcasting in the United States, has a clear preference for Trump. In one of many pro-Trump reports, the Russian state-controlled news service, Sputnik, said it confirmed Trump’s claim about Obama being the ‘founder’ of the Islamic State and tweeted the hashtag: #CrookedHillary. With vigor and volume, pro-Kremlin bloggers echoed these same messages on Twitter and Facebook. Putin himself has weighed in, praising Trump as a ‘colorful’ (‘yarkii’) and talented politician (though not as a genius, as Trump has claimed).”

          Lithuania seems to have Mop Head figured out….


    • That’s why you don’t see any Hillary supporters attempting to give an intelligent reason supporting her.

      • I’ll give it a try.

        If I was diagnosed with brain cancer, I wouldn’t call the carpenter’s union to send some one out to operate on me, but you would. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing being a Trump chump. He’s never held an elective office so you could see at least a little something about how he “actually” believes, but that doesn’t matter to you. Not knowing what the nuclear triad is and not caring if South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia acquire nuclear weapons evidently doesn’t matter to you. But Clinton like any sane American understands that is asinine. You shake off like a sweat bee on your arm the fact that Trump lies 76% of the time and Hillary 28%. You couldn’t stand the peace, prosperity, respect in the world and “surpluses as far as the eye can see,” when Willie Clinton’s rein was over so you voted to set us back 50 years because of your abortion bullshit. You brought up the Constitution earlier and Trump believes we should torture, kill terrorists families, stop a certain religion from entering our country and rounding up and extracting kids who were even born in this country.

        If I were going to put everything I owned into building a building in New York, I damn sure wouldn’t call Hillary for advice, I’d call Trump. But by your reasoning, you’d call Hacking Hill.

        For such an intelligent person, when it comes to politics, you need to take a pass….

    • You feel compelled to make points that “Hillary Clinton is close to Putin and Russia too!!” evidently Press.

      And I agree, you should be concerned…….
      ….about Trump’s mistakes sidling up to Putin over the last few days. The guy is a train wreck, and clearly there is something bad and collusion-mongering going on w/ Trump and Russia money and Putin’s cabinet.

      (Press, drop the “mainstream media BS. It doesn’t fly. Trump has received $2BILLION worth of free advertising from “the mainstream media.” Your complaints about the MSM are hollow. The problem? Your guy, Trump. Complaining about the MSM only shows you know you have a problem.)

  4. When Trump takes office as President the United States will have its own сброс. A return to American values.

    • Press, I mean, c’mon……you sound like Jim Jones, the cyanide kool-aid dispensing preacher asking his congregation to come up and meet their maker…

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