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  1. New York Muslim Group Calls on City of Owego to Remove Phrase ‘Islamic Terrorists’ From 9/11 Memorial. Now its just a matter of time before Obama sics Loretta Lynch and the Federal Justice Department on the good townspeople of Owego, NY. Maybe Obama will announce this during the Rose Garden press conference after me meets with and praises the recent actions of Collin Kapernick:

  2. Pam Bondi took a bribe from Donald Trump to stop the investigation of his fraudulent Trump University. She is a liar and so is he. They have been caught. Trump brags about giving money to politicians to get favorable results, now he says except in this case. He tried to hide it by laundering it through his ‘foundation’. Got caught a paid a fine to the IRS.

    Bondi’s denials are unbelievable and Trump lost all credibility long ago. She’d make him a fine attorney general or wife.

    • Don’t forget about the fundraiser at Mira Lago he had for her after she decided not to join the investigation. The $25,000 along with the big bucks from the fund raiser makes him great sugar daddy material.

  3. Does Trump have any grounds to be concerned about a “rigged election” here in Indiana, or anywhere else? Can Hillary Clinton’s people really influence an election here? Well, you might want to remember this little of our Hoosier history:

    The reason history is important is because so many people have short memories. I do not happen to be one of those people.


    Pro-life Reverend Mike Pence who co-authored the resolution in the House to invade Iraq killing 600,000 men, women and children plus thousands of American soldiers with the net result of turning Iraq into a province of Iran, will be taking today off the campaign trail in order to relax while strumming through an edition of GQ magazine and jerking on his chicken neck.

    Noting his main goal today is studying up on the future First Lady and sharing his findings with Karen, since Karen will not touch a GQ magazine, would not be his first choice of things to do but his boss Mop Head paid him $25,000 dollars under the table to do it so it must be done.

    The good Reverend noted that he would have preferred gazing upon an edition of GQ with Tammy Faye Bakker or KISS in it because he’s always had a fetish for thick makeup.

    But duty calls and tomorrow I’ll be able to resume my position of the future VP of the most moral, honest, strongest and most healthy man this nation has ever put forward to lead it.

    p.s. Future President Trump has forgiven me for voting for the 11 trade agreements in my 12 years in Congress he is going to shred, but agrees with me that Hacking Hill must never be forgiven for her votes.

    Now, back to GQ if I can keep these damn pages from sticking together….


    [ NSA had no doubt that Blumenthal somehow got his hands on some of their “crown jewels” information. “It’s word-for-word, verbatim copying,” an agency official of them explained. “In one case, an entire paragraph was lifted from an NSA report” that was classified Top Secret/SCI. To add to the mystery, Sid emailed Hillary his “personal” assessment on Sudan only hours after some of those classified NSA reports were issued.

    Somehow Sid Blumenthal—who in 2011 was not working for the U.S. government in any capacity and had not held security clearances in a decade—was reading above-top-secret NSA reports just hours after they appeared in tightly restricted GAMMA channels. ]

    Blumenthal had NO SECURITY CLEARANCE at the time this took place. Evidently not only Hillary Clinton, but anyone who is associated with her, can operate above the law!

    Does the United States of America currently have a functioning Justice Department or Not? If so, what in the name of hell are they doing?

    • Not since the GOP announce they would not approve a new Supreme justice even while the body of the other justice was still warm! 200+ days of no real Supreme Court! Just blame “YOUR” party!

  6. Slick Willie – “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

    Trump – I did not have sex with a thirteen year old girl at Jeffery Epstein’s. There is no possible way she was a day over 12. – Believe me.

    Hacking Hill – I did not have sex with Yoko Ono.

    Melania – By God I did!….

  7. So did the CNN poll showing Trump ahead by 2% rig the voting block assumptions to drive some traffic which drive ad revenue, OR did they legitimately do some research that showed a big shift in the likely voter markup toward a higher percentage of non-college educated whites?

    I can believe that the demographic that favors Trump is energized and will turn out in numbers higher than 2012. I can also believe that some traditional Democrat voters like minorities and PhDs will stay home out of disgust for both candidates.

    So, I think CNN moved the demographic turnout assumptions in the right direction, but the question is just how far in that direction will the turnout shift. Given the closeness of the polls, turnout will most certainly put one or the other of these two skunks in the White House.

    Here is an interesting observation. If the Libertarian voters are moved into Trumps column, Hillary doesn’t lead in any 4 person poll.

    California, where I live is a Democrat stronghold. A statewide poll was released yesterday and it has Hillary at only 49%. President Obama on the other hand polled over 60% in the last two elections. That does not bode well for her having any mandate to govern should she prevail. How does one govern with 40% support and 60% believing you are a lying conniving sack of crap?

      • Guilty as charged. California is a magnet for moochers who are both undocumented and natural born due to the generosity of our elected state officials. That doesn’t mean we all agree with such generosity.

        We are also a magnet for motivated technology entrepreneurs.

        • If you taxed those “motivated technology entrepreneurs” at the rate they would have to be taxed to pay their fair share toward supporting the moochers, they would leave the state. People who work and struggle to raise a family and make ends meet can not afford to be carrying a bunch of moochers.

          • I agree. Those tech entrepreneurs are taxed at a rate of between 55% and 57% on incomes above a million bucks which a good many of them have when stock options are counted. Many have left. I did myself once for that reason.

            If I had a big deal coming through in any single year that was $10M or more I would move to TX or FL to do the transaction and avoid $1.3M in tax. If I wanted to move back afterwards because I like the sunshine year round I would do so, $1.3M richer.

            I agree on your assertion that middle class families or even families earning less that about $300,000 in the high cost Bay Area, cannot afford to fund the number of moochers at the level of maintenance our legislature decides to give them. We lose young professionals over taxes too. Of course they have to go to places that will pay them well and utilize their skills. That is usually Texas these days. There is no state tax in Texas.

    • Neither candidate will enjoy any sort of “mandate”. That is clear, and it is thanks to the third party candidates and the lunacy of the major political parties.

  8. It only gets worse, the Obama administration is now finally acknowledging the full $1.7 billion ransom payment for 4 Americans was made to Iran entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency. $1.7 billion in cash to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism! What complete idiocy to provide aid and comfort to our enemies. Hillary = more Obama administration idiocy including importing massive amounts of Muslims from Countries that harbor terrorists.

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